Chapter 3

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Athena POV - I fought the cry that worked its way out of my mouth at the pain. I’ve been bitten before, so I knew how to pace myself with this type of pain. Pain was to be dealt with later, once Ella was safely away, and this wolf was down. I rolled to my feet, Ella in my arms. My side was throbbing, but I had no time to think of that. “Southern border, behind the cottages, attack, assistance requested.” I called through the pack mindlink, and I could feel Griffin’s frantic mind as he shifted so he could reach me faster. Once Ella was safely away I could attack, but with Ella, who was now crying, this was far too dangerous of a situation. The wolf started to circle us, teeth bared, when I heard running feet behind me. I didn't even spare a glance, when a grey wolf ran and placed himself between me and this large intruder. Griffin. And he was livid. “Griffin, take Ella, and get her safe.” I ordered him. He whined, obviously not wanting to leave me alone with this new wolf until help arrived. “Griffin, now.” He agreed and gripped the back of Ella’s shirt in his teeth, and ran. I finally was able to pull out my throwing daggers, and launch one, straight into his side. I wanted to keep him alive if I could, but he had to be brought down. He was strong, and the bite to my side was proof of that. He whined as the blade sunk into his fur. I immediately launched another one, into one of his back legs, effectively crippling him. “It was a mistake, coming after my pack.” I said to him, as I held another blade to his neck, waiting for more of my warriors to take him away. “Alpha!” I heard a worried voice, Griffin once again, call as he came up to me, in his human form. Many of our wolves were with him, and they surrounded this intruder. I stood and removed my blade as a few warriors shifted to escort this injured wolf to our dungeons. “Are you alright?” Griffin asked, coming to my side as I stood. “I may need to see Sophia down in the healers bay, he got in a good bite to my side when I jumped in front of Ella.” I admitted, and he pulled my hand away from where it was pressed into my side. He swore. He had assumed the blood wasn’t mine. “Tell Sophia the Alpha is injured.” Griffin called over his shoulder to one of the wolves, who immediately took off at a sprint. “Let's get you there to be seen.” He said, wrapping an arm around me. He was always protective, though it wasn’t normally necessary, considering I can beat him in a fight. “I don’t think it is really all that bad. Don’t worry.” I told him, but even as I said that, my vision started to go white. I stumbled, and Griffin caught me before lowering me to the ground, calling my name as everything faded. *** Griffin POV When Athena went down, everything seemed to go into overdrive. I scooped her into my arms, and made a beeline for the healers bay. I could hear the pack panicking around us, as this had never happened to our alpha before. I arrived into chaos at the healers bay. Sophia had known Althena was hurt, but obviously this wasn’t what she was expecting. She took one look at the pale alpha in my arms and directed us quickly into a room. I laid her down on the hospital bed, and pulled the curtain around the room, effectively giving Athena some privacy. “Where is her injury?” Sophia asked, pulling her stethoscope from around her neck and listening to Athena’s heart. She grimaced, not liking what she was hearing. “Here,” I said, pointing to her side. “She was bitten by the intruder werewolf. She was protecting Ella, one of our cook’s daughters.” Sophia pulled up the edge of Athena’s black shirt and swore. I looked and I could feel the blood drain from my face. This wound was severe. The bite already looked infected, and I wasn’t even sure how that could be. It was large, and deep. A human would already be dead. I sent a silent prayer to the goddess that even though Athena’s wolf was dormant, she was still in fact, a wolf. “Is that wolf who bit her still alive?’ Sophia asked me and I told her that he was. “You need to get some wolfsbane antidote in him now, or he will die. I think he never meant to live. Biting our Alpha while he was infected with Wolfsbane was his one goal, I’m sure of it.” She said, and I swore colorfully and ran out of the room. I ran into Ethan and Oliver, who were waiting outside the room. “Get that wolf in our dungeons wolfsbane antidote now. He infected our alpha, and if he dies we won’t get anything from him.” I said and they both ran off to do just that. I turned to see a nurse approaching me. Rose, a sweet small brunette. “Sophia said that the Alpha is stable, but still unconscious. We will look after her, if you need to attend to pack matters in her place. She will be safe here, Beta.” Rose said and I smiled at her. Everyone here would protect her with their lives. “Thank you, Rose. Tell Sophia to mindlink me if anything else about her condition changes.” I told her, and Rose nodded, worry creasing her brow. I turned on my heel and headed towards the pack house. I didn’t want to, but I knew I had to let the Kingdom Pack know about this latest development.
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