Chapter 2

1125 Words
Athena POV- “Alpha, we need you, attack on the northern border!” A mindlink from one of my warriors broke me out of a dead slumber. I was up in an instant, putting on my shoes and grabbing my weapons in a matter of seconds. I had been sleeping in my clothes just in case of this. I ran down the stairs and was instantly out the door. It was just past dusk, almost time for our pack’s shift change. This couldn’t have been a coincidence. “Anyone who can, give me an update, I am a minute out from all of you.” I mindlinked my pack. I had a feeling that with the Kingdom Pack’s arrival, an attack was imminent. They wanted to take me out before the Kingdom Pack staked their claim. “About 30 wolves, all well trained. Has to be Dagger Walker, rogues wouldn’t be this organized!” Griffin responded via mindlink. I swore under my breath, although I really wasn’t all that surprised. “Hold the line.” I commanded, and many ‘Yes, Alpha’s’ came back to me. I arrived on scene just a moment later, and I could see what Griffin meant. They were organized, trying to find any weaknesses in our lines. Thankfully, it looked like my wolves were holding. I pulled out my bow, and immediately went to work. I took down the 5 wolves that were closest to breaking through our lines before advancing. I could hear the sound of relief in the pack mindlink as they saw me enter. I took down a few more, swiftly, and with well-placed hits. Without my wolf, I had learned to defend myself and my pack however possible, and I was good at it. “Wait!” A loud call came from their side, after about half of their wolves were down. I looked to the voice, and saw a young man with dark hair running forward. “We just want to talk!” He was obviously panicked. I stepped forward from the line, and a large grey wolf came and stood menacingly at my side. Griffin. “If you just wanted to talk, you could have sent a messenger. Not an army.” I responded dryly, and lifted my bow to level it with his throat. “You have 10 seconds to convince me not to kill you, and have my men s*******r the rest of yours.” I said, and I could see that he knew he had underestimated me and my pack. They always did. “We just want to create a new peace treaty.” He said, shaking where he stood. I knew he was just trying to save his own hide at this point. “Not interested, not right now. If you want to preserve the lives of your men, I suggest retreating now. If you don’t, your lives will be forfeit. Your choice.” I responded, and Griffin growled his agreement from my side. “Retreat!” The dark-haired man called, and all the wolves started running, and I could tell they were relieved that this was their order. I looked down to Griffin, “Make sure they actually leave. Take a few men, and hunt them to the border’s edge. I’m going to make a plan for the rest of the night.” Griffin grunted, and turned his head to Oliver and Ash who were then hot on his heels towards the retreating wolves. I turned towards the rest of my warriors who were awaiting instructions. I could tell they were tired, but eager to protect our pack. “Things are going to be intense the next few days. The Kingdom Pack is coming in just over a day to assist with the Dagger Walker pack. If the Dagger Walker pack wishes to succeed these next two days are critical for them” I said and surprised looks went around my pack. “Those of you that were supposed to get off watch now, I will keep you for another hour. Scour these woods, make sure there aren’t any tricks they left behind. My overnight warriors, form watch patterns for our borders for tonight. I don’t think this is the last attack we may have. You all are amazing, and we will prevail, as always.” I said, and a howl went around my pack before they got to work. Over the next few hours things were quiet, and the rest of that whole night went surprisingly well. No stragglers from Dagger Walker were found, and no new threats. I was finishing up with a few senior warriors giving them final instructions from me, when I felt someone approach behind me. I turned to see my Beta approaching for our official watch change. “All quiet overnight?” Griffin asked, and I nodded. I fought the yawn that wanted to work out my throat. “Almost shockingly so. I wonder if they have another trick up their sleeves. This seems too easy, even with how skilled we are. I just can’t believe a few arrows scared them off that easily.” I said to Griffin and he nodded. “I agree, so we shouldn’t let our guard down. Go get some rest, Alpha, we’ll need you full strength tonight.” Griffin said, resting a hand lightly on my shoulder. I smiled at him, and nodded. “Alright. I’ll be back with you after I’ve rested.” I said, and started walking towards the pack house. I decided to take the long way around to the pack house, to do one more patrol round myself before I went back to my quarters. I went around, back behind some of the individual pack member cottages. I saw a little girl, no older than two, making her way into the woods. I swore silently, but was thankful I was here. I caught up to her, and I recognized her. Ella, one of our cook’s daughters. The cook had 5 girls, all under the age of 10, so it wasn’t unusual for one to wander. “Ella, darling, time to come back with me now.” I called when I caught up to her, and she looked up at me and smiled, her dark brown ringlets swinging. “Alpa” She tried to say with a huge toothy grin, brown ringlets bouncing. I smiled back at the young girl. A growl grabbed my attention, and I looked up to see a lone wolf, who had eyes on the child. I knew I didn’t even have time to pull a weapon, so I just moved. I grabbed her and threw her behind me just as the fangs of this massive wolf pierced my side.
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