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Nessie's pov: I stepped out of the car and started fixing my clothes, "Do you need some help?" Richard asked from the back while coming close to me. "She wants a guy who can fix her clothes, not remove them! " I heard Tyler's sound, I looked aside and found him standing close to me. Tyler sat on his knees and started fixing my clothes. Damn! That's awkward, "Tyler!" I called Tyler's name in a scolding manner "What?" Tyler asked me in a hard tone, I didn't say anything, and let Tyler fix my dress from the edges. Tyler got up and start staring at Richard, "Richard Adam!" Tyler said, looking at Richard in a warning manner, he was behaving as if he already knew Richard. "How do you know him?" Tyler asked me but didn't remove his gaze from Richard "He...He is... (Damn why I have been stammering, I sucked a deep breath and looked at Tyler confidently) He is James's best friend Richard, we met in a mall..." Tyler didn't say after that and turned his attention to me. He cupped my face and look into my eyes, "Sorry for yelling at you, " Tyler said, with a sorry expression. I didn't say a word but gulped the unwanted emotions with my saliva, as I don't want to cry in front of Richard. Tyler brushed his fingers on my cheek, "As soon as James proposes to Kelly, just leave the party, okay?" Tyler said, and I nodded my head. Tyler put a kiss over my head and looked at Richard as if he was warning him to stay away from me. What's wrong with Tyler? Why has he been behaving like a strict school principal? "Tyler, you are embarrassing me in front of my friend! " I said, puffing out a heavy breath and grabbing his palm. Tyler smiled, tucking my hair behind my ear, " I am sure your new friend won't mind, " Tyler said "Go and come back soon..." Tyler said I nodded my head and started walking toward the mansion with Richard, as my steps were going towards the mansion, a strange dread was gripping my soul. Can't believe that a human can live in such a scary place. It wasn't like the mansion wasn't beautiful, the entire mansion was built with ancient architecture. Every light, the outer finishing stones, the textures, the garden, the sitting area, the pool area, the garage area, and the personal helipad area everything was so lavishing as if someone spent years creating this beauty and the decor could spellbind anyone. I stopped near the fountain area and started staring at the broken angel which was placed at the top of the jet. I moved a little closer to the fountain to get a proper view. " What are you looking at so intently?" Richard asked, I could feel him standing close to me but I didn't object, as his closeness was giving me some kind of warmness to my body. Maybe because he was the only person I know here except Kelly. I sighed and twirled back to see Richard but straddled to see him standing so close to me. I stepped back but my heel twisted, I was about to fall into the water but Richard wrapped his arms around my waist at the right time, and smirk "I love your heels..." He said, for a second I didn't understand his words but when I acknowledged what he meant, I tried to push him back but unfortunately because of my heel we both ended up falling into the water. The water was so damn cold and chilling my bones, I started shivering as if someone left me naked in the Atlantic Ocean. The sound of my teeth clattering was embarrassing me badly in front of Richard. He got up from the water and then gave me his hand, but I was feeling so damn cold to give my hand to him. "Ness..." He called my name, I ignored him and started cursing Alexandro in my mind, as he was the one who was saying that I will twist my heel. If I survive this cold, I'll give peace of mind to Alesso for saying such words to me. Unexpectedly Richard bent down and picked me in his arms like a groom picks his bride, "Wrap your arms around me, or else I might drop you down, " There was a authority in his tone. Without thinking twice, I instantly wrapped my arms around his shoulder. He has been holding me as if I am a small child and he is my father. I was stunned and cold too, but my gaze got fixed on him and my heart once again felt some foreign feelings. "I think I should go back home..." I said, shivering badly, I don't know whether he understood my words or not. "You don't have to, you can wear my friend's clothes, her clothes will perfectly fit your slim body," Richard said Hearing his words, I tightened my grip around his shoulder, "Thanks but I need to go back to my home..." I insisted because I wasn't getting a good feeling from this mansion and on top of that I was feeling weird kind of sensations in my body like something bad is about to happen "James has been planning to propose to Kelly for marriage! " Hearing his words for a second my entire body got rigid, but Richard keep walking toward the garage area **If James has been planning to marry Kelly, that means after some time Kelly will start living with him.No, I am not sad but happy for Kelly, but How I'll live all alone, ** I said in my mind **you still have Tyler with you! And if you call Alesso he would also come here to give you company...** I instantly shook my head at the thought of calling Alesso here, I can't call him here, or else he'll make my life a mess. I love everything about Alesso but I hate his controlling nature and his dominance over me. I sighed, in pure disappointment and why won't I get disappointed. Everyone was getting everything they had desired then why I am unable to find Theo. Am I not putting in all my efforts or God was in the mood to take my test? Every morning I get up with one hope that today I'll find my brother, my Theo but at the end of the day, I only receive disappointment in my hand. "Here we are, now you can choose any dress you want...?" Richard said that's when I came out of my thoughts and look around I was sitting on the couch of the tremendously cozy looking closet, this closet wasn't like my California closet but the way everything was placed here was breathtaking and gorgeous. Everything here was organized in such a nice manner, that the closet was looking like a showroom. I wasn't feeling cold anymore as the temperature of this room was warm but I was super uncomfortable and scared too, as I was standing in the closet of a strange girl. "What a pleasant surprise babe!" We heard the sound of a girl, she was sounding enthusiastic. I and Richard instantly turned our gazes toward the door and noticed a gorgeous girl who was wearing a light baby pink color bodycon dress and her hair were curled up gorgeously. But the moment that gorgeous girl's gaze fell upon me, her expression turned ferocious. "What the f**k!" She screamed in rage, due to fear I instantly clutched Richard. Richard also securely wrapped his arms around my waist and passed a hard glare to the girl who had screamed at us, "How could you bring your f*uck buddies to my room? Who the f**k allowed this h*rlot inside our mansion?" The gorgeous girl screamed once again. This time I fisted Richard's clothes tightly and buried my face in his chest, Richard also tightened his grip around my waist. "You are scaring her Kat...!" Richard said, in a hard tone. "Oh so now you'll argue with me about this wh*re..." She said with so much hate and disgust that my eyes got teary. Richard raised my head with the help of his fingers then grit his teeth in rage. For a second I got scared to see the anger on his face and was about to step away from him, but he turned his attention back on the girl which was calling me w***e, "Call her with those disgusting names again and I swear I'll forget that you are Leo's sister..." Hearing his cold tone, I looked toward Kat but she was shooting daggers in my direction with her gorgeous-looking eyes. Instead of explaining the matter to her, Richard had been tangling the matter. Richard removed his gaze from Kat and looked into my eyes while cupping my face. " go chose something and wear it, " he said with authority as if this place belongs to him. I tried to look at Kat but Richard didn't let me, "Do what I am telling you to do..." He said, freeing me from his arms. I didn't move from my place but turned my gaze toward the door where Kat had been standing with deadly looks, Seeing her ferociously, dark, deadly eyes, more tears started rolling out of my eyes. "Kat stop!" Richard said to kat while putting a dress in my hand "You gave that dress to me," Kat yelled, coming near me and snatching the dress from my hand. My entire body shuddered once again due to fear, I took a step back, but my back collided with Richard. I looked into his eyes with my red fear-filled eyes. For a few seconds he kept staring at my face, then he raised his hand and gently wiped my tears as my Papa, Mommy, Bro, and Alesso used to wipe my tears. I was truly touched by his gesture "Relax! " Richard said to me Instead of saying yes, I only nodded my head "Why are you both drenched from top to bottom?" Kat asked, staring at us with suspicious expressions. Is she Richard's girlfriend or wife? I asked myself Before I explain to her anything, Richard cuts me off, "We both fell into the fountain pool, she was shivering so I thought to bring her to your room but you have been behaving like a b***h to her..." Richard said in a harsh tone. I thought that girl would tear Richard into pieces but she didn't. "You know very well that who*res aren't allowed in this mansion and if Leonard bro finds out that you have brought your fling with you in our mansion, he would show you hell with open eyes! " this time hearing her words a loud sob escaped out of my mouth. I put my palm over my mouth but it was too late, "I am not a who*re..." I almost yelled at her and ran out of the room to leave this mansion as soon as I can while crying bitterly as Kat's words were ringing in my ears like music. How? How could she call me such disgusting names? I had never gone through with such a disgusting argument before, no one before called me such cheap names. While running in the corridor, I heard the sound of screaming, my breath almost got stuck to hearing such a ferocious roar, my knees gave up and I fell so hard on the cold floor. "Who is there...?" I heard the loud sound of a man, A strange terror gripped my entire body, my throat got dry and my sobs also died after hearing the loud sound. I had no energy to get up and escape from there, so I crawled toward the wall. With every passing second, the cold, heart-wrenching voice was getting louder, **Oh lord have mercy on me, please save me Shivji** "Who the f**k are you...?" A man roared at me like a ferocious hungry animal. I didn't see his face, but I can see his legs along with other men's legs. There were 5 men and they all were staring at me, but my gaze was fixed on their shoes, "Who is she...?" The ferocious man once again roared but this time. I closed my eyes and covered my ears with my palms as tightly as I could. Yes, I was behaving like those ostriches who bury their faces in the sand to save themselves from the hunter without realizing their stupidity. "Ness...! (I heard Richard's voice, I opened my eyes and witnessed Richard coming in my direction) what's wrong with you both brother and sister?" Richard asked while looking in the other direction. I instantly got up and ran toward Richard then threw myself at him, he grabbed me tightly in his arms and rubbed my back. "It's okay, relax, just relax! I am there with you..." Richard started whispering soothing words into my ears to calm me. Hearing his words, I started sobbing bitterly over his shoulder while clutching him tightly as if my life depends on him. "Hey, come on! Stop crying baby girl!" Richard said, stroking my hair. "Please *sob* please *sob* please drop me *hiccup* *sob* Please drop me...**hiccup* out" I almost begged Richard
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