1449 Words
Nessie's pov: I don't remember whether I ever cried as much as I am crying today, never before in my life have I faced so much terror and humiliation as I was facing today. It seems now that Alesso was right, I shouldn't have come here. I don't know why I never listen to his advice! It was bad idea to come here and now I realized it. "Stop crying, Babe..." Richard once again said, he was trying his best to calm me but I can't calm down. I was hurt, deeply hurt by the humiliation I had been going through here. "Please...please drop...drop me..*sniffing* me *sniffing * out..." I repeated my words, sobbing hard over his chest "What have you done with her, Leo?" Richard asked someone, I don't know who because my face was facing Richard's chest. "I didn't do anything, " The Leo guy roared again. I flinched and snuggled deeper in Richard's arms, once again my body started trembling but this time not because of cold but due to fear. "Who the hell is this girl? " the guy from the back, yelled at Richard. "For God's sake..." Before Richard complete his words, he was cut off by a familiar voice. My entire body got rigid! The voice, I had been yearning to hear for years, the voice, that not only vanished fear from my mind but also soothe my soul as someone poured holy water on my body. "What's going on here...?" The male voice "Oh my God, why are you drenched from top to bottom?" The female voice I instantly leave Richard's arms and twirled back. It's him! It's him! (I put my palm over my mouth, I can't believe, I can't believe that I have found him, and he has been standing in front of my eyes) His eyes, his eyes had a mixed combination of love, fear, and care. He was also as stunned as I am, his eyes, which were the Xerox copy of our dad, filled with tears while looking at me from top to bottom. "The...(aaahhh)" instead of his name only painful breaths came out of my mouth. I slowly moved toward him, precisely, I wanted to run to him and threw myself in his arms as I used to throw myself at him when I was a kid. Those memories were still so refreshing in my mind, he used to pick me up in his arms and tickle me just to hear my giggling. Oh, God! I don't know what happened today, I had been feeling as if someone put loads of weight over my feet. There was only a seven-eight step distance between us, but it seemed like it would take years to reach him. "Ness..." Hearing my name from Theodore I paused at my place (She stopped right in front of Leonard, who had been staring at her with hard expressions. Looking at Leonard's expressions it was hard to say what he had been thinking. He had seen Nessie in the garden area when she was standing with Richard and staring at the broken male angel, but he didn't get the chance to see her face as her back was facing him) This time Theodore started moving toward me, he took long strides, and in just a blink of an eye, he was standing so close to me. Without thinking twice, he pulled me for a bone-crushing hug, I also jumped in his arms and wrapped my legs around his torso. I buried my face in the crock of his neck and tightened my grip around his shoulder. Now I won't let him go anywhere, I won't...I'll take him back home, Theodore rocked me in his arms like a baby, then stroked my hair. "Stop crying, my love..." Hearing his words, I closed my eyes in pure pleasure. "I missed you...I missed you so much (Aaahhh) *painful puffs* *sniffing* Now I won't let you step away from my eyesight..." I fisted him as tightly as I could. Hearing my words Theodore smiled, I can't see his face but I can feel him smiling at my words. Smile all you want bro, but I am determined about my words. I'll take you back with me at any cost** I promised myself Don't know why? but today Theodore was feeling like that dry sand that we fist in our palm but the dry sand finds its way to slip from our palm Theodore patted my back, then put many kisses over my head to calm me, but with every kiss my sobs were getting wild and loud, I was feeling extremely emotional after getting him. It had been four years, it had been four damn, Years since he left us. "Damn! You are still the same, same habits, same crybaby, same emotional fool... ( I groaned in anger when Theo called me a fool but he smiled patting my back with so much love) calm down darling or else I'll lock you inside the dark room and trust me this mansion is very dangerous..." I loosened my grip around him and looked into his eyes. "Damn! From how long you have been crying like this and what the heck are you doing here?" Theo asked, holding me with his arm and wiping my face with his free palm. "Who is she, Theo?" Richard asked my brother. I could feel many curious gazes at me, and the lady who had been standing beside my brother had been staring at me as if she would eat me alive. Theo made me stand on my feet gently, but he didn't free me from his arms, " How did you reach here baby?" Theo asked, looking at me with worried expressions and completely ignoring Richard's question. Instead of answering him, I once again rest my head on his chest, as I used to. He was my home, my best place! "I came here to search for you..." I said, "Alone... " I shook my head. "Tyler is here with me, " I noticed how my brother nodded his head. He was acting like our dad that made me smile. "And how did you get entry into this mansion? It's a restricted place for outer people!" My brother asked, cupping my face with a worried expression. "I brought her here, " This time Theodore looked at Richard but before that, he gripped me protectively in his arms. "How do you know her?" Theodore's brother mode got activated. Gosh! He can never change "We met in the mall!' Richard replied, What the heck? Instead of telling him the truth, why the hell has he been again twisting the words? " Kelly! Kelly is my friend, I came to attend her engagement ceremony here, and it's Kelly and James who told Mr. Richard to pick me up from home! " I explained to Theodore because the way, he had been staring at Richard, it looked like he would break his head. "And how did you get permission to come here? " This time Theodore asked me, but in a loud tone "Who is she? " Hearing the cold voice, I shuddered due to fear once again and gripped my brother tightly. I also felt how Theodore's body also got rigid after hearing the cold tone, "Relax..." Theodore whispered kissing my head in assuring manner. "Leo, it's Nessie my sister and Ness meet Leonard Black, my business partner!" Without looking at Leonard, I said Hello to Leonard. Damn! Did he hear my voice or not? If Theo wasn't holding me in his arms, I would have fainted till now. **If his voice is so ferocious, then his face must be so horrifying, Damn! I don't even want to imagine his face** "Sister! But you never told me anything about your sister before?" The lady who had been standing beside my brother asked with authority as if my brother was her private property. "I never told you because you never asked me before about my family, " My brother replied to that lady then looked at Kathy. "Kathy takes her with you and gives her your clothes, I don't want her to get sick, " My brother said to Kathy with authority. "I don't want to go anywhere, please let's go home! " I requested my brother. This place was horrible and now when I found Theo, I have no desire to stay here, not even for a second. "You'll catch a cold my love, go and first change your clothes then we'll talk about going home, now go with her, go (He patted my cheek ) my good girl..." Theo said, pushing me toward Kathy.
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