3 (II)

2438 Words
I can feel Richard's gaze at me but I ignored his gaze and looked at my cell phone screen. It's Alexandro** Finally, he called, my face lit up as the city lit up at the time of christmas. I picked up his call, “You know how alone I am here, still you were ignoring my calls, how could babe...?” I almost screamed at Alexandro in rage, ignoring the place where I had been standing. Instead of words, I heard only a huffing sound from the other side, "Babe, Are you alright?" I asked in a worried tone "You know I feel so hot and sexy when you call me babe..." Alexandro said This time I huffed in anger, "I wish you were here with me, I would let you hear my heartbeat, I am feeling as if my heart would come out of my mouth any second due to excitement and I am feeling turned on too" Alexandro said, making lovey-dovey sounds "If you keep making such stupid sounds, I'll cut the call!" I warned Alesso, and that's when he muted himself "Where are you and when are you planning to come back...?" Alexandro asked, this time in a bit more serious tone. "I won't come back without my brother (I paused and sucked a deep breath because I know after hearing my plan how Alesso would react) I am planning to stay here a little longer, and to stay here I have to apply for a Master's program, and till the end of my master your school graduation would also finish, " I said as gently as I could. "No way! (I closed my eyes hearing his scream) You aren't staying there for this long, I won't allow you, " Alexandro started screaming in a rage I moved my cell phone away from my ears because I knew he must be yelling and whining like a small child. If I was with him at this moment he would almost strangle me for saying this. After a minute, I put my cell phone back on my ear, but I didn't hear any sound from the other side. "Alesso..." I called his name with so much love. "You have to come back Ness, " He said in his father's tone, cold, deep, and deadly manner. Damn! I rubbed my fingers over my head and licked my lip, "We will stay connected on a call, and from time to time I'll come to meet you, but staying here right now is very important for me!" I reasoned with him, but heard the frustrated sound from the other side. "Babe, please don't get angry, trust me, it's important for me, " I again plead to him. "Okay!" His sudden answer surprised me. "What!" That's the only word that came out of my mouth. Of course, I am stunned. I knew I would make him agree to let me stay here for some time, but I wasn't expecting that he'd agree so easily to let me stay here. "You heard right, you can stay and I won't come behind you but after your Master, you'll marry me! If you agree with my condition, then you can stay, " Hearing his words, a small smile appeared on my lips and I shook my head with pure joy. "Don't you think you are too young to ask for my hand?" I asked in a teasing tone I heard Alexandro groaning sound, "Okay! Don't get angry, I am sorry!" I said, picking up the other pair of heels, and giving it to the lady. "Pack this one..." I said to the lady and she nodded her head. "Where are you??" Alexandro asked "Mall... Babe, I have to hang up, I'll call you in the night, " I said, picking up the black gown. "Take care of yourself, love you..." Alexandro said "Love you too, bye..." I said and cut the call. "Boyfriend?" I heard Richard's voice I didn't reply to him, but asked the lady to prepare my bill, "Ness..." Kelly came to me and grabbed my palm, "There is a party tonight and I want you to join us!" Kelly said almost in a begging tone because she knew I don't enjoy parties. I was about to say no, but James stood behind Kelly and singled me to say yes with his eyes, and then pulled the ring out of his pocket to show me. **Is he planning to propose to her?** Oh my God! A smile made its way to my lips and I pulled Kelly for a tight hug, "Of course, I'll come, " I said enthusiastically, as I was very happy for her. After all, I know how much she suffered and everyone deserves a happy life. Nessie's POV: I am standing in front of the mirror and getting ready, I mean applying makeup on my face and Alesso has been ogling me for the last half an hour. "Will you stop staring at me, or else your eyes will pop out of your sockets!" I said staring at Alexandro with narrow eyes. "I don't know why you love painting yourself when you already have such gorgeous skin, " Alexandro said, taking a bite of his mac cheese. "There must be guests Alesso, and I don't want to look i***t among all the people and I told you that James has planned to propose to Kelly tonight, " I said while sitting on the puff and wearing my black pencil high heels. "If your foot gets twisted even a little, all your teeth will come out of your mouth, and it's Kelly's big day so why have you got ready like a christmas tree, " I sighed and raised my lashes to look into Alesso's eyes, " Stop behaving like a jerk..." I knew Alexandro since he was a little kid, he never liked another male's gaze at me and his name was enough to scare anyone. "When you know I am jealous then why are you going...?" Alexander said in a childish but irritated manner, "Alesso, it's Kelly's big day, and I can't leave her alone, I have to go whether you like it or not, " Hearing my words, Alesso started groaning like an angry lion, "It means I don't matter in your life, then why the hell we are talking to each other? " "Alesso..." "Shut up! Just shut up..." He screamed, Looking at his red face and anger-filled eyes, my heart almost stopped beating, I jumped at my place due to fear and my eyes got teary. I cut his call and moved to my bed, I threw myself over the bed like an object and hugged my pillow as tightly as I could. My tears started falling from my eyes like nigra fall and soon the whole room started echoing with my sobs. Third person's POV: Alesso threw his cell phone over the bed in anger and pulled his own hair in frustration, after all, Nessie's words were ringing in his ears like a music drum. He turned his face and started looking at his portrait with Nessie. Suddenly Nessie's tear-filled eyes appeared in front of his eyes, he instantly moved toward the washroom while removing his black Gucci t-shirt and stood under the shower. He fixed the water temperature to a very low temperature and then on the tap. The cold water started pouring over his body. He closed his eyes and rested his both palms on the wall. **you shouldn't have screamed at her** his heart said, Alexandro brushed off his internal emotions. He opened his eyes and hit the wall so hard to calm his anger because the cold water was only calming his heated mind and body, but he needed the hard kick to calm his emotions. Soon the blood started oozing out of his knuckles and started mixing with the water. He started staring at his own blood but with a blank expression. There were no painful expressions on his gross, neither he was looking worried about the bleeding wound. Looking at his face anyone could say that he was used to seeing blood. He sighed heavily and moved toward the vanity counter. He pulled out the first aid kit and started wrapping the bandage around his wound thinking about Nessie. Alexandro was younger than Nessie, very younger than her, there was a huge age difference between them but Alexandro's body has been looking as grown as a man, he had six-pack abs and also had a macular body because of his daily life routines and hard training. His father was an underworld king and that's why Alexandro and his brother Alexander junior has been taking training to defend themselves and their clan since they were a kid. Nessie's parents and Alexandro's parents were very close friends, and that's why Nessie knew Alexandro since he was a child. Alexandro's love started blooming for Nessie when he got injured while playing football at school and Nessie personally took care of him. Since that time he made up his mind that when he grows up as a man he'll marry Nessie, and he confessed his feelings in front of Nessie many times but Nessie never took his words seriously. And that's what Alexandro never liked, he wanted her to take him seriously, he wanted her to see him as a man. **Three years, just three and after that, she'll not be able to say no to me...** Without discarding his wet pant, Alexandro walked back into his room and called Nessie, but she didn't pick up his call. He cursed under his breath and then called Nessie's maid Maria who picked up Alexandro's call in one ring. "Go and give your cell phone to Ness... " Alexandro said in a very deep and dark tone. His expressions were looking deadly and his tone was so damn cold, it was clear that Alexandro used to pretend to be normal only around Nessie because of his love, but among other people, he behaves like a gangster's son. The maid instantly ran toward Nessie's room, and opened the door, but found Nessie lying on her stomach and she was crying bitterly. "On the video call and show me her face! " Alexandro ordered Maria. The maid did exactly what Alexandro said her to do, "Put your cell phone near her and leave the room..." Alexandro said, fisting his cell phone tightly because every sob of Nessie was piercing his heart and wrenching his soul. "Ness! " Alesso called her name with so much love, but Nessie turned her face in the other direction. "Nessie come on, babe, don't behave like this, you know I don't like it when you don't listen to me, " Alesso said, but Nessie didn't utter a word. Her eyes were looking bloodshot red and puffiness occurred under her eyes, even her nose and cheeks also turned pink due to crying for more than an hour. "Ness, talk to me!" Alesso once again pleaded to her, but she only sniffed in return. "Ness if you didn't turn your face toward me, I'll come to Australia, " Alexandro threatened her, he thought this threat would work and she would look at him but she didn't turn. "Ness, I am not threatening, if you don't turn back and talk to me, I'll come there..." This time Nessie turned her face toward the cell phone but she wasn't looking at the phone screen. Alesso cursed under his breath seeing the redness on her gross "So you'll not talk to me...?" He asked. "Ness I got upset after hearing your words, that's why I screamed at you! (He paused, seeing her wiping her tears) Come on Ness! Stop crying. You also tease me many times but I never behave like you..." Hearing his words, Nessie looked at the cell phone screen. "I only tease you but I never screamed at you the way you had screamed at me, *sob* you don't respect me Alesso, you don't care about my feelings..." Hearing her words, Alesso smiled. "If I don't care about your feelings I will never let you go to Australia, If I don't care about your feelings I will never let you stay in Australia for your Master's, If I don't respect you I will not call you back to say sorry to you..." Alesso said, staring into his eyes. He wished he was there with her to wipe her tears and hug her. "I don't like it when someone tries to control my life, and for the last two-three years you have been interfering in my life too much.." Nessie told him and sat on the bed in Indian style. "I interfere in your life because I care for you, and after three we would have to interfere in each other's every matter, so why don't we should start practicing from now on?" Alexandro asked, shaking his brow with a naughty smile but Nessie was quiet "Stop sitting like a doll, go and fix your makeup, " Alexandro said Nessie didn't move but kept staring at her lap, with cute angry expressions, "Ness, don't you want to go to James's party? " Alesso asked "I don't want to go anywhere now, I'll stay here and watch Netflix! " Nessie announced, with a broken expression, looking at her face, Alesso could guess that she would start crying any second. "Won't you feel frightened all alone? " hearing his words, petrified expressions appeared on her gross and she started glaring at Alesso, "Stop scaring me Alesso, or else I'll kill you!" her cute nose was now flaring Alesso laughed at her, seeing her terrified expressions. "Go fix your makeup, i***t!" Nessie's mouth opened wide, hearing an i***t word from him. She was about to argue with him but he cut the call at the right time. Nessie sighed heavily and got down from the bed. She moved to the mirror and started staring at her face to fix her makeup. Six years back, Alexandro's parents had asked Nessie's hand for his son and left no choice but for Nessie's parents to say no to them. Of course, Nessie doesn't want to be part of Alexandro's family as she was already aware of Alexandro's father's past life but she was powerless as she knew that if she said no to Alexandro's father, her family have to pay the cost of her no, that was why she chose Alexandro instead of Alexandro's elder brother Alexander junior because Alexander junior was the exact copy of his father Alexander.
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