3 (I)

2999 Words
A Months Ago: Nessie's Pov: I was standing near the toughened glass and looking at the magnificent view of the sea from the mountain. Damn! This restaurant is a paradise, I closed my eyes, the splashing sound of seawater was bliss and gave me a divine feeling. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the irritating sound of my cell phone, I moved to my private sitting area from where I could see the perfect view of the sea. Seeing Alexandro's face, a small smile appeared on my face. "Hy Kiddo..." I teased him "Don't call me that Ness! I am warning you..." He yelled from the other side I smiled and shook my head, " If I can't call a kid, a kid then you tell me what should I call you...?" Instead of words, I heard a loud groaning sound from the other side of the cell phone. I wish I was with him to see his reactions. Gosh! This guy is so cute. I put my palm over my mouth to control my giggle, this guy is an i***t! A gigantic i***t. When I call him Kiddo, he behaves as if I have made him sit on the hot pan. If I had been in front of it this time, he might have pulled out all my hair. "FOR GOD'S SAKE! ( I closed my eyes because his loud voice had been tearing my eardrums) I am Big Guy, And in three years I'll be legally able to marry you..." He yelled I pulled both my earbuds out of my ears and chuckled in accomplishment, I love making him irritated. Damn! It's so easy to make him irritated. After a few seconds, I put my earbuds back into my ear. "Are you there...?" I asked "What do you get, by irritating me like this...?" Alexandro asked in a ferocious tone, glaring at me with his cute deer-like eyes, his button nose also flaring in rage. "Look Kiddo....!" Before I finished my words, he yelled once again "F#ck!" Hearing his loud tone, I cut his call, and put my palm on my trembling heart, Damn! I am feeling as if my heart would come out of my mouth at any second. There is no quality of his father in him except his anger and his yelling sound. Whenever he roars I feel like a tsunami would come. This little guy is crazy! He knew how easily I got scared but still, he made me feel horrible by screaming like this. Now I'll not pick up his call, I said holding my head. Idiot! Moron! Stupid! I kept blabbering in rage and beating him in my mind. Once again my cell phone started buzzing. After a few seconds of hesitation, I picked up his call, "I am sorry...!" He said, this time in a very soft and gentle tone. I didn't say anything and started looking at the sea with an upset expression. "Babe! " He knew how to coat words with sugar and steal someone's heart. Instead of saying anything, I sighed heavily. I know my silence irritates him, but that's the only way I know to punish him. "Look I wasn't planning to yell at you, but you called me Kiddo. ( He paused and released a heavy breath) You know I don't like it when you don't take me seriously, and see me as a kid! ( he paused) I know there is an age difference between us but you don't have to remind me every time, " he said in a kiddish but irritating tone. "Why are you calling me right now?" I asked in a little cold tone, ignoring all the words that he just said to me. "What the Hell? You made a mistake by calling me a kid, and instead of apologizing, you are getting nasty to me, " He complained. I made a fist of my palm, " You screamed at me...!" I retort. "Because you called me kid..." He replied. "Because you are a kid! A kid, A tiny kid! " I called him kid two or three more times to make him annoyed This time instead of yelling at me, he started inhaling deep breaths to calm his anger. I can hear him breathing in and out on the call. Before I say sorry to him, he cut my call. I made frowned expressions and then narrowed my expression looking at my cell phone while opening my mouth in an O-shape. How? How dare he? How could he cut my call? With irritating expressions, I called that i***t, to give him a piece of my mind but that moron hadn't picked up my call. I banged my fist on the table and closed my eyes to calm my anger. If I was in California right now, I would have surely smashed his mouth for cutting my call like this. "Ma'am your order...?" I heard the familiar sound, and that's when I opened my eyes and tilted my head up. It's Mike, The waiter and the manager of this restaurant. I passed him a soft smile and he returned my smile with equal softness. The entire staff of this restaurant knows me very well because, for the last month, I have been eating my breakfast, lunch, and dinner here only. "Hey, Mike! I'll eat my usual meal!" I said with a smile and he shook his head. "How can you eat the same food daily?" He asked. His words made my mood upset! I didn't want to cry, but my eyes got moistened, Seeing the wetness in my eyes, Mike made a worried face and started staring at me with panic and concerned-filled expressions. "Hey, are you alright? Did I say something wrong?" Mike asked. Looking at his panicked expression, I turned my face in the other direction and blinked my tears. "No, you didn't say anything, I got emotional..." Hearing my words, Mike grabbed my palms. I turned my attention to him, " I'm sorry if I said something that made you sad..." Seeing anxiety and guilt over his gross, I got up from my seat and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Mike was surprised, I felt as if his body also got rigid after my kiss. "What's wrong...!" I asked Mike, shaking his body, that's when he came out of his thoughts and started staring at me. Mike shook his head, " Don't worry, I am fine. Just recalled someone's thoughts, for whom I came here to look for, " I told him. "Your sudden mood change scared me so bad...( I smiled) you made yourself comfortable, I'll be back in 5 minutes, with your food..." He said and I nodded my head with a smile. I sat back on my chair and started staring at the promise ring on which our names were engraved, which I had been wearing on my middle finger. I painfully closed my eyes and hugged the arm on which I had been wearing the ring. "I'll find you, Theodore, " I told myself in a determined tone. "No power of this world can stop me from finding you, " I promised myself, fisting my palms. Next day: At Home Nessie's POV: Life has become a complete mess for me, it's been too long but still, I have no clue where Theo is. The more I am trying to solve the puzzle to reach him, the more I am getting stuck in a mess. Because of Theo, I not only left my work and dreams but I left my home too, this new country, the new people around me, and this atmosphere are all scaring me but I can't share my fear with anyone. Dad once told me that I am the exact copy of my mother because I also don't share my fear and pains with anyone. I hugged my knees and sighed heavily, thinking about the happy time of my life when I, Mom, and Dad used to live together happily. I wish I had the power to go back to the past and change everything that happened, but I am a human and I couldn't change those things that were destined to happen. I once again looked at the promising ring on my finger, I may not change the past but I am determined to change the future. I puffed out a heavy breath, pulled my laptop a little close to me, and started checking my emails when suddenly my gaze fell on my cell phone. Alexandro's image appeared in my mind, I put the laptop aside and then dialed Alexandro's number. Ring** Ring** Ring** "What the heck? What's wrong with this guy?" I am truly tired of Alexandro's behavior. Aaahhh Ufff! I pulled my, own hair while blowing Alexandro in my mind. God knows what he thinks of himself, he knows that I am all alone here and still he finds reasons to fight with me. **It was you who started** my heart said and reminded me of the moment when I was teasing him by calling him Kiddo again and again when I knew how much he hated that name I made a frustrated sound, getting up from the bed. I moved toward the window from where I could see the entire deep blue sea and the greenery. "Still thinking about your brother...?" Kelly asked, I twirled to see her, she passed me the cup of coffee. "Thank you..." I said, She just smiled. "Are you going somewhere...?" I asked her, sitting on the couch and staring at the most beautiful smile of Kelly, she is truly a sweetheart. If I hadn't found her, life would have been very difficult for me here. I met Kelly at the airport when I came to Australia. She was helpless as her husband cheated on her and threw her out of his house. She was from Italy and didn't know how to speak english. She had no home and money, and was planning to kill herself but thank god, I was there when she cut her wrists. In Kelly, I not only found a friend but also found a big sister in her. I was also alone and scared of this new place and she was also devastated. We found our strength pillar in each other and started living together. It was hard for me to pull Kelly out of depression but now everything is worth it because she smiles a lot. Sometimes it's Kelly's smile that encourages me to not give up on Theo, "We are going, babe..." Kelly replied emphatically, and the reason for her enthusiasm was her new boyfriend. I raised my brow at her in a questioning manner, "We are going to the mall, I have a date tonight and you have to help me buy good clothes..." Kelly said, in a requesting manner. Awww! She looks cute when she makes puppy faces, "I'll get ready in 10 minutes..." I said, sipping my coffee. Kelly screamed like a kid and pulled me for a bone-crushing, for a second I felt as if I would spill the coffee. God, this lady is so childish, but I love her... ** I said in my mind and hugged her back. After 15 minutes: I feel like a princess, whenever I drive, it was Theo who taught me to driving. I brushed off Theo's thoughts from my mind and started enjoying the weather and the speed. I love it when a gust of wind hits my face while driving. Whenever I hold the steering I feel as if I have been handling the handle of my life, "So, how has the investigation been going on?" Kelly asked. My smile vanished into thin Air, and my expression turned serious. I sucked a deep breath and hold the steering tightly, "Ness..." Kelly squeezes my shoulder. "Don't get upset, Ness! I am sorry..." I stopped the car and looked at Kelly, "I have got some clues, let's see where those clues will lead me..." I said with a tight lip smile while getting out of the car. "Okay let's go up," Kelly said enthusiastically pulling me for a side hug, I giggled at her behavior and wrapped my arm around her. " You know my boyfriend loves your taste..." Kelly said I didn't say anything but just smiled looking at her happy face. We were about to step into the elevator but suddenly our gaze noticed a sexy man who had been wearing black jeans and a t-shirt with a brown leather jacket, his eyes were covered with the sexy aviator and his hair was set with the help of gel. It looks like god has created this guy with perfection. Seeing our open mouths and almost popped-out eyes, he snapped his fingers in front of our faces. That's when we came back to our senses and made embarrassed faces. **Were you seriously ogling that man Ness? ** I asked myself. ** Of course, you were because you know he is hot and sexy and dashing too...** Damn! What the heck happened to you, Ness? What the hell are you thinking? "Ms. If you both are done staring at me can you both step in, I need to meet someone upstairs..." The handsome man said, and the men behind him started laughing at us. We both stepped into the elevator and the hot guy pressed the button, I didn't notice which floor button he clasped, because my gaze was busy staring at my heels. "You can look up..." The hot guy said, leaning his lips close to me, but I stepped away from him. I didn't say anything to him but fisted Kelly's palm tightly. I heard him sighing heavily, "Stop staring at me..." The hot guy said, but I am not staring at him It must be Kelly! I instantly turned my face toward Kelly who was staring at the hot guy as if she'd swallow him with her eyes. I pulled her hand, "You have a date tonight Kelly, Stop!" I said, pinching her arm but she didn't react at all. I put my fingers under Kelly's chin and closed her mouth, "I am sorry..." I said to the hot guy and instantly started dragging Kelly out of the elevator. "He is loaded with handsomeness, " Kelly said, dreamily. I hit her head and she frowned, "What? He was hot and you were also ogling him..." Hearing her words, I made embarrassed expressions. "Do you want to go on a date or not...?" I asked her in a bossy tone, putting my one palm over my waist. "Of course, I want to...!" Kelly almost screamed but before she made a fool of ours in front of everyone I put my palm over her mouth. "Kelly, stop embarrassing us...!" I said, glaring at her, and once again she made a puppy face, which melted my heart instantly. I smiled and pulled her cheeks, "Oh come on! ( she pushed my hands away ) I am not a baby.. " she said irritatingly and started dragging me toward the Fendi showroom. But the moment we stepped into the showroom, Kelly's gaze encountered her boyfriend "Jammy...!" She screamed like a small kid and ran toward Jammy at full speed, she jumped and wrapped her legs around her boyfriend and started eating his lips as if she was hungry for years. I instantly turned my face in the other direction and moved toward the handbag section, "Do you need help...?" A gorgeous lady asked me. I politely shook my head with a smile and picked one of the very expensive clutches. "I need that handbag...!" Hearing a familiar voice, I twirled and witnessed the same hot guy whom I and Kelly encountered in the elevator. "Ladies handbag? Since when did you start buying bags for ladies Richard..." James asked. "You know him...!" Kelly asked James with a shocked expression. "I came here to see him then thought I should purchase some gift for you, but how do you know him..." James asked, narrowing his gaze at Kelly, he was looking possessive and jealous too but Kelly instantly kissed James and all his anger vanished into thin air. "I love you jammy!" Kelly said, cupping James's face, she had been staring into his eyes with intensity. Once again, a weird sensation start making me feel uncomfortable, I sucked a deep breath and turned my gaze back to the handbags. "Your girl and her friend were ogling me in the elevator, they both were spellbound after looking at my looks..." Hearing Richard's words, I instantly twirled and started glaring at Richard but he gave me a flying kiss. His action made me very uncomfortable, I instantly put the bag on the stand which Richard asked me for and moved toward the other section. I can hear James scolding Kelly, I didn't look back but kept walking toward the heels area. "I need these white heels and these black boots..." I said to the lady, who had been assisting me. The assisting lady made a sorry face, " Sorry ma'am it's not for sale?" I gave her questioning looks, " Actually someone especially ordered these heels and boots, " "I am ready to pay any amount..." I told the lady. "Still, you can't get those heels and boots..." I heard Richard's voice. I twirled back to look at him but he was standing so close to me that I could feel his breath over my skin. I gasped and moved back but unfortunately, my heel got twisted. I was about to fall but he grabbed me by my waist and we both got lost looking into each other's eyes. Suddenly my phone rang, interrupting our moment. I came back to my senses and witnessed the proximity between us. I instantly pushed Richard away from me and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket.
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