
2126 Words
I knew this will go badly. I'm ready to try my luck but I know deep down that this is never going to end well. I was so glad when Barbara sent a text message about a cancel shoot . I don't have to go to work today . I was so happy cos I don't know how to help my brother out of jail while working for her and knowing her , she won't do anything to help but rather push me around . I couldn't sleep last night when Ethan told me Alexander Brown lock him up . I never expect that I'll be going to that man's company right now . Goodness !what am I going to say to him ? Will he even have mercy on Ethan ? I guess I'll find out when I go . I had already called a cab and he was waiting outside . I got inside and told him my destination . My heart was really racing , this is something I never expect that I'll be doing . It's all Ethan's fault . He is always looking for trouble . It didn't take us long to reach the company . It's a very huge company . Anyone that works for him must be lucky cos I heard that it's so hard to get a job at his company . If it wasn't because I want to pursue a modeling / fashion designing career, I would applied for a job at Alexander's company . I got out of the cab and paid the cab man . He thanked me cos I asked him to keep the change . I stared at the building and took a deep breath before going inside . Let get this over and done with . *** I met the receptionist who was rather harsh . She ignore me like I wasn't standing infront of her desk. " Hello " I tried saying hopefully she raise her head up . She spare me a look and turn back to do her work . I scoffed and she heard me ." What do you want ?" She asked rather rudely " I'm here to see the CEO , Alexander Brown " I stated and she stared at me like I was crazy . She first of all gave me a once over and then met my eyes again " Do you know what you are saying ?" I rolled my eyes " Yeah , I know what I am saying . Can you please tell him that the sister of the man he sent to jail last night is here to speak to him ?" " You can't give me orders miss . If he was expecting any visitors then he would have informed me before hand . So please take your leave " she said rudely I was so pissed at her . She should thank her lucky star that I was trying to be calm . I don't want to cause a scene but she is pushing me to the wall . " I won't leave this place not until I meet with your boss " I yelled at her . I was already dragging attention on us . People were staring but didn't move cos they are all busy working . I bet they don't want to lose there job just to witness the whole scene . The receptionist knew I was serious . I saw how uncomfortable she was already " Please you need to leave miss . I don't want to lose my job " I glared at her " You should have thought about that before talking rudely to me " " I've told you already that the boss don't want to see you . If he wants to see you then your names will be among the visitors list " she insisted " That is the thing ! He has no idea that I will be coming " I said to her " I'm sorry there is nothing I can do to help you ma'am " she said and I saw that she meant it . I shook my head " I won't leave this place in vain . I'll rather fight until the end " I bet she didn't know what I meant cos I had already made a race to the elevator . I didn't care to find out where his office could be . I'm certain of one thing , every CEO office is always at the last floor so I'm heading there . I bet the securities are already looking for me . I waited patiently for the door to open . I was now on the fifth floor . There are two remaining floor before the final floor . Before I could say jerk , the elevator opened and I got out . I ran across the hallway . The place is so quiet . I'm sure he is someone that loves some quiet. I check the names on the door to see if I can find the one that has Alexander's name but I haven't found any yet so I kept on walking across the hall way and then found it . A smile broke my face . I can't believe I'm about to do this . This is crazy . Just before I couldn't knock I heard a yelling coming from the office . I was confused thinking I heard wrong . I placed my ear on the door to listen to the conversation. I think he has a visitor or something . " It's time for you to have a bride . I can't wait any longer " a man said . Wait ! I thought Alexander had a girlfriend ? So why can't he marry her . " Dad please stay out of my private life . It's non of your business who I date or sleep with " I heard him said , that's Alexander . " I don't like the news of you sleeping around I see on the news paper . Can't you see that you are tarnishing our image " That could be his father , Mr Brown . I know it's so wrong of me to eavesdrop but I can't handle it . I have a mission here to fulfill and he is having a serious conversation . What am I going to do now ? " THERE SHE IS !" I heard someone yelled and I turn only to see the receptionist of earlier with some security men . No!no! I won't let them send me out like this . I won't go down without a fight . I did the most unthinkable thing . I twist the door knob and ran into the office of Alexander Brown. I don't know what I was thinking but I did it . Two pairs of eyes stared at me in confusing . I don't know what to say or do . " Who are you ?" Mr Brown asked . He wasn't rude with the question. Infact he only sounded confused . If I was in their shoes , I will be confused too . " uhmmm, I..I " Love ! You didn't tell me you'll be coming " I heard someone said and I raised my head up . It's Alexander himself . He was staring at me . " Excuse me ?" I find myself saying " I'm glad you finally came . Dad here has been so worried about my private life . I think now is the best time to introduce you to him " he said and strode to me . In a swift moment , he held my hand and the door to his office opened . I turn to the door only to see the security men and the receptionist. They followed me . " We are so sorry Sir ! We tried to stop her but she was fast " the receptionist said " I'm sorry " " You tried to stop my girlfriend from seeing me ?" Alexander asked acting unbelievable. I was lost in the whole process. I don't know what games he is playing . Heck ! This man doesn't know me and we have never met one on one to talk ! So why is he calling me his girlfriend ? " oh ! We didn't know she is your girlfriend " the poor lady said in disappointment " Just get out ! Don't try this nonsense next time " he warned and they all went away . I stood like a statue trying to process all that is going on . Mr brown has a smile on his face " finally I get to meet someone who is so presentable " I smiled awkwardly at the old man and tried hard to removed my hand from Alexander hold but he won't let go . He was holding me firmly . Okay , this is really weird . " What's the name ?" Mr brown asked and I said " Lisa " He smiled " Such a lovely name for a young lady . I think I'll leave you two to have time for yourself . My job here is done anyways " he said and I nodded awkwardly . " It's nice meeting you sir " I said with a wave of hand and he nodded " Same here . Will definitely love to invite you both for dinner some time " " Sure , will love to come " I said stupidly. I know this would cost me badly " We waited until Mr brown left the room before I yanked my hand off his hold . " What was that about ?" I have the gut to say . I don't know what came over me but I did asked that . Alexander stared at me like I was crazy " Shouldn't I be the one asking that question?" I huffed " You called me your girlfriend!" " So! It doesn't mean anything . I just have to do that to make him shut up and he did " he said like it was something normal . I scoffed . Why would he do such a thing to his own father . I know that isn't any of my business but I got involved in this mess . " What brought you here anyways ? Who are you ?" Now that is the question I've been waiting for . " You locked up my brother " He seemed confused " your brother ?" " Yes , Ethan . The guy who hit your car is my brother . " I said and quickly went on my knees " He is just a college student. Please forgive him" He raised a brows " are you ready to pay for all the damage caused ?" I never knew he would be this greedy . After all the money he has he still want to leech off from poor people too? He knows that Ethan is poor and he is still trying to leech off . I thought he has some dignity but I was wrong . " Like how much are we talking about ?" I felt the need to ask . Let see if my savings will cover up all the damage . " $50000" " 50...what ?" I asked in disbelieve He shrugged " if you know you can't afford that then let him rot in jail then . I won't let that stupidity of his go for nothing . He might be a student but an irresponsible one . Learn to give him some home training . That boy lacks it " I scoffed . Is he one to talk ? Didn't he just lied to his father right before my eyes ? " Please I'll do anything else. I don't have that amount of money , have mercy upon us " I pleaded still on my knees Alexander pretend to think about it up. The way his eyes brows crease reminds me that this man before me is a Greek god in human form . The heat of the moment didn't give me the chance to stare at him well. Now I know why all these popular female celebrities want to die at his feet . He is good looking . " You can take a picture Love " his word snapped me out of my reverie. " huh!" " I'll let your brother go but on one condition " he said and I was glad . " What is that condition?" " Marry me "
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