
2200 Words
TWO YEARS AGO I was so excited to tell collins the good news. I just got a job with Barbara and he knew how hard it was to get a job with that woman. Barbara is a very popular fashion designer / model. She is well known but there is something about her that seems to be going viral. Her proudness is what everyone complains about. Anyways, enough about that . I have a spare key to his apartment so I decided to open the door without knocking. I found no one in the living room. I was so sure he was at home cos his car was parked outside and beside , he told me he'll be home through out today . This is strange. I dropped my bag on the couch and decided to climb the stairs , he could be upstairs. " Where is he ?" i asked myself I was by the door leading to his room. I was careful while opening the door cos he could be asleep . I twist the door knob and the door opened . I was met with the shock of my life . " THE HELL!" The two sleeping naked on the bed , almost fell to the ground by my voice . I can't believe this . Collins and my best friend , Allyson in bed together naked . " Lisa I can explain " Collins tried saying but I didn't give the two the time to explain . I couldn't handle it so I left them . I left all my past behind me ********* PRESENT " Lisa ! Bring me my wipes " Barbara commanded and I ran to give her the wipes . I don't want to be on her wrong side today . We've been at the studio for a photo shoot. The photographer stopped the photo shoot while I handed her the wipes . She took it from me harshly " I'm sick and tired of your laziness ! " she snapped " Do you want me to take your job away ?" She questioned and I found myself widening my eyes . " No! I need this job " I said She glared at me " Then you should increase your pace whenever I ask for you attention . You are my personal assistant and you need to act like one " I mentally rolled my eyes . As if I don't do my job properly. If there is anyone who needs to complain,then that will be me . Since we got here , I haven't sat down Barbara kept sending me on errands . " I'm Sorry" I apologize even though I don't need to apologize . When she was done wiping her hand , she threw the wipes at me to catch . I was glad I caught it on time cos that would have cost me another insult . I think I'm done with her insult for one day . I can't wait to leave this place . The photographer and his crew continue with the shoot while I look at the whole scene . Barbara is a always on high demands . I've always wanted to be a fashion designer /model too which is why I took this opportunity of becoming Barbara's personal assistance . That way , I can learn some things that will guide me through . Ofcourse she has no idea what my true intention of working with her are . If she finds out ,she won't want to work with me . After few hours of waiting , they finally call it quit . I've never been so happy in my life like I was today . " Finally , I can go for my date with Alexander Brown" Barbara announced with a huge smile on her face . I was surprise she said she has a date with Alexander . He is the richest and the most handsome young billionaire right now as we speak . I haven't met nor seen that guy before but a lot have been said about him . No one has assess to him not even Barbara . She can lie her ass about the date but it's a lie . It's one of her scheme . I'm sure he wouldn't want to be tag with a spoilt brat like her . I've heard rumors that he already have a girlfriend but keeps his relationship private . The thought of Barbara going on an imaginary date makes me want to laugh cos I know it's a lie . This is her way of always trying to make people see her as someone important . It's another way to stay relevant . She actually got the reaction she wants cos the senior photographer approached her and said : " Ma'am , I'll really love if you could introduce me to Mr Alexander . I'm sure he wouldn't mind me working for him . Please ma'am, this is a huge step for me to success " he said to her desperately . Barbara scoffed " What do you mean by your step to success ? The fact that you take photoshoot of me is enough for people to know you " I knew she wouldn't do anything to help him . It's her way of trying to buy people on her side . To be a celebrity means you need to act dirty . Yeah , most of these celebrities act dirty . They do stuff one will never believe . At the end of the day , I always clean up her messes . I have no right to complain but to comply . Barbara turn to speak to me " Where is my bag?" " It's here " I said showing her the bag across my shoulder . She gasped dramatically " Do you want to squeeze the hell out of the bag ?!. It's Hermes !You are not to carry it like that ! How many times do I need to tell you this? Lisa !" I quickly held it instead " I'm sorry " " To hell with your apologies. I'm sick with you . You need to stop acting like a old school for crying out loud! " she screamed " Oh wait ! I bet it's because you can't afford a bag like this one " She said with malicious intent . I've trained myself to be less annoyed when I'm with her cos if I gets angrier than I am right now , I'll beat the hell out of her . Don't think I'm joking , I really meant it . " Everyone pack up ! I'm leaving " she announced and went to change in the changing room . I released a breath I didn't know I was holding . " Are you sure you want to continue working with her ?" Someone asked from behind . I turned only to see Aaron . I offered him a smile . " I'm use to it to be honest " I said like it meant nothing to me " Are you sure about that ? Cos I don't know why a pretty lady like yourself would want to continue working for that b***h !" He cussed I had to shut him up with a finger on the lips " Don't say that out loud . She might hear you ! Do you want me to lose my job ?" He rolled his eyes " Ok fine , I'm sorry " I retrieve my finger and that was when Barbara got out of the dressing room. She must have seen when my finger was on his lips cos the way she was staring at us strangely meant that she saw it . I'm hundred percent sure she didn't hear what we said . " What is going on here ?" She asked looking at us. " uh...huh. Aaron is about to leave " I said to her and gave him a little push to leave . Aaron rolled his eyes but left nevertheless . Barbara was still staring at me " are you sleeping with that boy ?" I scoffed " What! Ofcourse no " She raised a brows " I see he is your type of guy . Always the geek ones " she teased and gave a malicious smile . I scoffed . Aaron might seem like a geek but he is a nice guy . I've known him to be a gentleman . Yes he had made a pass at me once but I decline cos I don't have any feelings for him . " Anyways let go" **** We finally arrived at our destination . I had to follow her home to drop her stuff before retiring to my place . I was able to afford a small apartment in the heart of London . It's a very small apartment but I like it cos I'm the only one living here anyways . I insert my key to the lock and it made a click sound . I went inside and switch on the light . The switch is very close to the door which is more easier for me . The bright light surround the room . I exhaled and dropped my bag. I'm so hungry . I haven't had anything to each since I went out in the morning . I should learn to have something to eat but my lazy ass won't still comply . Just when I thought I had retired for today my phone decided to ring . When I said retired , I meant from all disturbance . Even phone calls is a disturbance if you ask me. I retrieved it out only to see my brother's name pop up on the screen . I rolled my eyes . He is suppose to be in college so why the hell is he calling me ?Shouldn't he be in bed by now ?It's ten o clock already for crying out loud . I know he won't stop calling not until I pick . He does this when he needs my help with something most especially anything that has to do with money . I rolled my eyes before picking the calls. " What do you want ?! " I snapped " Hey! " he said like I said something wrong " Ethan , what do you want ?" I repeated myself trying hard to be calm this time . " Sis please I really need your help . This time is a matter of life and death " he cried out My mood change at the sound of his voice . He sounded rather scared . " What did you do this time ? Please don't tell me you stole someone's property " I asked scared cos that would be worse . Ofcourse he isn't a thief but anything can be possible. " What ! No ! It's something even worse than that " he said and I can hear a voice from the background . Someone was yelling at him to end the call already . " What is it Ethan ? Tell me already . You're scaring me " I said scared . " I borrowed a friends car " he started " so what happened ?" " I ran the car over another car and this person I ran over isn't any kind of person . He is a billionaire and he wants to send me to Jail " he cried out . What ! " Who is he ? How can I be of help ?" " He has called the police on me and left already . They were ordered to lock me up and throw away the keys . A police officer was kind enough to give me my phone so I could call a relative " " Who is this man and how can I help you ? I don't know what you want me to do now ? Just tell me already ?" I said rather confused with the whole thing . " Please can you go to his company tomorrow and beg him on my behalf . Remember how you saved me the last time when you pleaded with that old lady and she took a liking on you instantly " he said and I find myself getting angry with him . " Don't tell me you want to use my kindness for you dumbass mistakes" " No wait ! This would work . You always have this innocent face and anyone will listen to your plea" he said persuasively " I really don't know what to do with you Ethan , I'm sick and tired of this stupidness of yours " I said honestly " Who is this man and where is his office ? I'll pay him a visit tomorrow " " Thank you so much ! You don't know what this mean to me " he cried out " Just say his name already " " it's Alexander Brown " " WHAT ?!"
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