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Please pinch me! This feels like a dream. How the hell does a person call you after two years to say such a thing? I didn't give him the chance to say more words cos I ended the call. I was so pissed.He is such a cheat and will never stop cheating. I blame myself for falling for a guy like him. He has always been a player and I was stupid to fall for his charm but not anymore. "We are here already, " The cab man said and I looked through the window only to see that we were at Alexander Black’s Company. I took in a deep breath. I got out of the cab and paid off the cab man. It's high time I get a car. I took another deep breath before going in. It's just a contract Lisa, calm down - my subconscious scolded. I went into the company and already they all knew me. I guess my face will be so hard to be forgotten after what happened yesterday. I would have burst out laughing right now but didn't want to be rude. There was no need to go to the receptionist desk so I went to the elevator instead. I pressed the number to the fifth floor and waited patiently to reach my destination. I was having a lot of thoughts in my head. What am I getting myself into? I just hope I won't regret this. On the bright side of things, I'm going to be paid which is good. I won't have to wake up early in the morning to work for Barbara. This is why I need to say it to her face, all the things I've always wanted to say. That woman is a witch and the worse kind of b***h. I shouldn't get too confident with myself but then it's something I've always wanted to do. Barbara won't see this coming. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she finds out that I'll be getting married to her crush, Alexander Black The elevator door got opened so I got out and made my way to the office. A smirk crossed my face thinking about Barbara. It's going to be so much fun, to be honest, and I can't wait. I stopped walking when I got to Alexander's office. I knocked on the door and waited for his permission to come in which finally came. I pushed the door in and went inside. There he was sitting on his chair and what shocked me most was the lady on his lap. I widened my eyes at the view before me. I blinked multiple times before I pull myself together. I'm sure my jaw would have fallen off the floor at the sight. Sitting on his lap was none other than Jennifer Williams!The most popular model in history! I don't know if I was dreaming...there she was! I almost lost balance.. I don't know if I should be excited since I'll get to meet her in person or if I should be angry she is sitting on Alexander's lap. "Please tell me I'm dreaming !" I said in total shock. Jennifer got up from his lap looking so confused. I walked further into the room and approached her " I know this sounds weird but I can't believe you are here before me! " Alexander was also confused with the way I was behaving. If only they knew how I admire Jennifer, she is my role model. I can't believe this! I can't! Jennifer must have caught in cos she smiled. She stretched out her hand for a handshake "Nice to meet you " I didn't waste any time, I shook her hands instantly "It's such an honor to finally meet you. My gosh! You won't believe how I've waited for this day for a very long time " Jennifer chuckled " I'm used to this reaction all the time. " Alexander rolled his eyes from where he was sitting. Yes, I saw him do that. Who cares what he thinks? She is my role model and I have all the right to react the way I want to. He won't understand what that means to me. " Please give me a moment," I said and retrieved a pen from my bag. I bent down and pulled my shoe "Please can you sign your autograph " I said eagerly. Jennifer took the pen and signed on the shoe. I was super excited " Here you go " I took the pen from her "Thanks a lot " Jennifer nodded and turned to look at Alexander. I guess she wanted to know who I was. Alexander exhaled " She is the girl I told you about . The one who wants to start modeling," he said to her My eyes doubled twice their size. Wait a minute! Is this the friend he was talking about? Is she the friend he wanted to introduce me to? This is like a dream come through. Everything seems to be happening so fast! I can't believe this. Jennifer looked me up and down before she said "She has a decent height, a decent face too. She would do " Alexander nodded "That is why I need you to meet her " I was too stunned to even say a word. I let them do their talking unless I'm being asked a question. " I'll let you know when we'll start," she said to him and he nodded. Jennifer went on and kissed him on the lips before saying " Right now I have work to do. I need to leave now " I was stunned, to be honest. Are they a couple? Why is Alexander trying to get married to me when he has someone like her? I mean who wouldn't want Jennifer as a bride? Goodness! " I'll see you some other time, ok ?" She said and I nodded my head " Goodbye " I waved my hand at her as she made her way to the door. I waited until she went out. I squealed happily. I can't believe this. I was so happy. " You did this for me ?" I asked Alexander He rolled his eyes "Will you please behave yourself? You are being childish " I rolled my eyes at him and dropped my bag on the couch " You don't know how this made me feel. I've always wanted to meet her and you made it possible. This is too much to ask for. You even made her my teacher " "How can I thank you enough ?" I said gratefully " By marrying me " he replied The smile on my face disappeared instantly "Marry you ?" He nodded "That is the reason for all these in the first place " This confused me the more " But I thought she is your girlfriend? Why can't you marry her? " His expression changed at my questions " That isn't any of your concern just do as I say and then we'll be good " I kept my mouth shut cos I didn't want to anger him. I'm sure I'll get to find out more of this later " Ok fine. So where is the contract let get it signed ?" Alexander got up and took a file that was lying on his desk. He approached me standing right in front of me. Alexander looked into my eyes and I was standing awkwardly. What is he doing? I stared at him confused "What is it? Is there something in my eyes ?" He shook his head and said " I never knew you had hazel eyes " That statement cut me off guard " Are you kidding me! You don't have to know, like we just met yesterday " He shrugged "Still, they are beautiful " Okay... I need to calm down. Did the billionaire just complimented my eyes? Am I dreaming? Why is all of this happening today of all day? " uhm..:.. thanks I guess," I said and took a step back. He was standing too close for my liking and that seemed to be misbehaving with my racing heart. My face feels so hot. Alexander smirked "Does my closeness affect you that much ?" I scoffed " What? Of course not " I said. I should change the topic cos I don't know where this is going " Where am I going to sign?" " Open it and see for your self " I opened the papers. Since I've read it before, there was no need to read it again. I went ahead to sign. I just hope I won't regret this. For a start, I think I like how this is going. Now that I've met my role model, it's time I focus on my modeling career instead. " Done," I said and gave him the papers. Alexander took it from me and dropped it on the seat. I waited for him to say something cos I had nothing to say to him. The atmosphere just seems kind of weird. " I have just one question to ask," he said out of the blue
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