Chapter 6 - The Note

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Sophia's POV I'm seated behind my work desk, finishing the annual report for a pharmaceutical company, when I'm interrupted by a phone call. "Rogers&Co.," I pick up the phone, "Sophia Richards speaking." "What are you wearing, Sophia Richards?" a rough male voice speaks from the other side with a hot latino accent. A naughty smile instantly escapes my lips. It's Antonio. "Barely anything," I say with a low voice. He chuckles. "Maybe I'd believe that if you picked up your cellphone." I look around the company, checking if anyone's listening. "You know I don't use my phone at work." "I do," he says in a weird way. "But I didn't know if you were still working... given what today's newspapers said." He learnt about the engagement. "I still have two weeks left." "Two weeks for what?" he demands, "Me? Or do I not come in your list of bans?" People pass by my desk and I wave to them, further lowering my voice. "I can't really talk right now, let's meet tonight." "No," he says, now almost angry, "I don't want to come if this is goodbye." "Tony," I reassure him, "come meet me at my place after nine," I say. "I promise you... You're off the list." He breaths into the phone. "Fine, mami," he finally says, calmer. "I'll see you tonight." I hang up the phone and continue with work. Antonio has been my discrete 'booty call' for over five years. We enjoy our time together, but none of us ever brought feelings into it. So his almost jealous sounding reaction surprises me. Even though I suspect this is not about jealousy. This is about ego - who dumps whom. And he doesn't like me being the one who breaks it off with him.  I can't blame him. It would burn me a little as well. "Soph," my colleague Jen comes by my desk. "I saw the papers," she brings her hands to her mouth, her chocolate eyes widening in shock. "Are you freakin' kidding me? Is that your twin sister or something?" she laughs, "Your double, perhaps?" I laugh. "It's just good makeup," I joke. "Are you bloody kidding me?" she repeats. "Why didn't we know anything about this?" she exclaims. "I mean, reallyyy, how long has this been going on? Behind our backs!" I chuckle. "For a good while," I say, still uncertain of the story we are going to get. I'm supposed to meet with the Firm to discuss details tomorrow.  "Well, kuddos to you, darling," she claps, "I mean, really, you're a genius of sorts, Jeeesus...Soph, but are you sure you know what you're going into? I mean... the royal family? They're gonna crucify you in the newspapers and all." I nod twice, "I do know, Jen," I say honestly. Then I throw in some lies. "But when you love someone that much, you're willing to do crazy things." She purses her lips, nodding slowly. "Well, congratulations, darling! I'm so sooo happy for you!" she gives me a hug.  Jen is my good friend, but I don't know if her concern is genuine. When it comes to the royal family, we all sort of love to hate them and hate to love them at the same time. We wish them well in general, but we dislike them mixing with one of ours. Call it jealousy or envy, or whatever, but it is quite difficult to explain. I am, however, already of royal blood. So the prince marrying me shouldn't come as such a shock to any outsiders.  Just as I leave my desk, and pass the reception, Helen calls back on me. "Sophie!" she yells. I turn on my heel.  "You've got a delivery," she playfully wiggles her eyebrows, lifting a bouquet of flowers from underneath her desk. "I suspect you know from who it is," she smiles shyly and excitedly at the same time. I smile back. "I do." From the Firm. Addressed from Christopher. I open the note. Inside, it is written: To the most genuine bride to be I promise to deliver 4 million roses... "Huh," maybe I'm wrong. This does sound like something  only Chris would write.  "Thanks, Helen," I wave her off, taking the flowers, then head for the exit.  Dozens of reporters are waiting outside. Oh, crap. "Lady Sophia!" they yell. "When did you and the Prince fall in love?" "How did you trap the bad boy's heart?" "How did he propose?" "Is the prince romantic?" I try to keep an uplifted face as I push my way through the crowd. Then someone grabs my hand. "This way, Lady Sophia." It's one of the royal chauffeurs - I recognize him. God, I'm so glad they sent one now.  He escorts me to a vehicle, then drives away. But not before the photographers have taken at least a hundred photos of me and my ridiculously big bouquet. "I am at your disposal from now on, miss Sophia," he announces, taking the driver's seat. "I'm Liam, the Palace's chauffeur." I nod in gratitude. "Thank you, Liam." "Where to, miss?" "Home," I say, looking out the window. "34 Park Lane." As he starts the engine, I realize hiding will be much more difficult now.  "Will you be in front of my apartment at all times?" I ask. "Yes, madam," he replies. "Up until the wedding." Oh, crap. I might need to find a new rendez-vous place. I can't let Antonio be seen entering my building. Unless... they might think he's just one of the residents.  Sure. I'll just keep all my curtains shut.  I guess I'm lucky I live in a widely populated building.  Liam parks the car in front of my building and I wish him a good night. As I enter the building and climb 4 flights of stairs, I see Antonio already standing in front of my door. "Tony," I yell, looking around if anyone will see us. "You can't keep doing this," I whisper, quickly unlocking the door.  "I couldn't wait till 9, mami." "Get in," I push him inside. 
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