Chapter 7 - Antonio

1027 Words
Antonio's POV Sophia pushes me inside her apartment, quickly locking the door behind us.  "Are you out of your mind?" she raises her eyebrows, her bright green eyes piercing me in anger. "We could've been seen!" "I don't care," I tell her, putting my arms around her and she almost instantly relaxes a little. "I just wanted to touch your sweet soft skin," I start kissing her neck, and she drops the flowers she probably got from that uptight royal prick to the floor. "That's right," I lure her in as she starts breathing ruggedly, enjoying my kisses.  "Ugh," she moans, "I needed this," she unbuckles my belt and pulls it out in one swift movement.  Our tongues meet then, caressing each other hungrily, thirsty for each other. She tucks her hands below my shirt and pulls it over my head, revealing my toned olive-tanned body.  Her fingers go over my abdomens in pure desire, as I grab her hair and tilt her hair backwards to bite her neck. I love the smell of her sweat. Then my hands go down her hourglass body, and I cup her buttocks with my full palms, squeezing them as if it meant life. "Khm-khm," someone suddenly clears their throat.  Startled, we both jump away from each other, suddenly seeing prick Christopher comfortably seated on her sofa. "Do mind me," he says in a chill manner. "This went far beyond PG-13..." There's no jealousy in his voice - only amusement. "Well, you could've seen PG-18 if your throat didn't hurt from all the tea," I spit out, only now realizing how angry I am at him. He chuckles pompously, straightening his suit with his hand. "I'm not much of a watcher." "Christopher, how did you get in here?" Sophia finally speaks. Instead, Christopher eyes the flowers on the floor. "I'm glad to see my gifts are well-appreciated," he meets her eyes with some sort of excited teasing. As if he got hooked on chasing her interest now. As if he now realized she could be good fun.  Well, the hell he ain't.  "You're right," Sophia suddenly looks guilty-embarrassed as she crouches down to pick up the flowers. Ugh, I should've stepped on them and squish them. She brings them to the kitchen counter and pours water into a vase. "I forgot my good manners for a second. I do feel terrible about it now," she's acting awfully stiff all of a sudden. As if she fears the same thing I do - that Christopher is getting sexually interested in her.  He only carefully observes her each step, every movement, as she places the bouquet into a vase now filled with water.  "But you still haven't answered my question," she leans onto the counter. "How did you get inside?" "You gave me one of your keys last night, don't you remember?" he speaks without even acknowledging me. As if I wasn't there.  "Why would you give him your keys?" I ask, agitated. "I didn't," she says with stiff lips, as if I was a child. Then she brings her attention back to the Prick.  He stares at her in amused silence for a while, then shrugs simply. "I must have taken it myself, then," he tilts his head. "You shouldn't leave your keys laying around like that." She presses her lips in irritation. "I don't," she raises an eyebrow. "You were in my home. I didn't expect a prince to be a thief." He narrows his eyes mischievously. "I didn't expect a lady to be a cheater." "Yo, bro," I step up to him. "Don't talk to her in that way," I'm already getting pissed. "No, no," he raises his arm casually, looking at me. "Stay out of this," he then returns his attention to her.  She doesn't look insulted, though. "I am abiding by our verbal contract. I am a lady of my word." He shakes his head slowly, with a smirk. "Our verbal contract stated that I should be aware who you are seeing and what you are doing at all times." She frowns now a little. "After the marriage." He stands up now, buttoning his pompous blue silk suit. "I do apologize if I wasn't clear enough," he steps slowly toward her, "I was referring to you as my future wife," he stands right opposite of her now. "And I will be needing those information on a day to day basis," he then eyes me up and down, "starting from today." She presses her lips in irritation again. "I also have to add," he tilts his head dominantly, "I am very surprised no one has seen you yet, given the little to no effort you have invested in trying to hide this." He looks angry now. "I told you I won't be mocked in public," he states dead serious. "If you plan to do these kind of... things... I suggest you tell me and I will secure a proper location for it." She inhales and exhales deeply. "You know what," she raises her toned slender arms, "fine. Starting from tomorrow, you'll secure my safe-spot. It is only fair, given that I am certain you have more than one yourself." He purses his lips. "Damn right I do," he says almost spitefully. They do not seem that uninterested in each other to me. What the hell? I thought this was supposed to be an arranged marriage. Then again, we were also supposed to be non-exclusive and casual. Where are all these emotions coming from now? "Tomorrow you say," he looks at her with rugged breathing, probably brooding if he's comfortable enough leaving us tonight alone.  Clearly, he isn't. That much I can tell. But he decides to play it cool. "Very well, my lady," he reaches out his arm for her hand.  She hesitates for a moment, but decides to play the game. He lays a kiss on top of it, then stares her down in the eyes. "Consider this a favor from me. Now you owe me one." And with those words, he passes by me as if I was non-existent, and goes out through the door. 
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