Chapter 5 - The Announcement

1279 Words
Christopher's POV The curtains of my bedroom are drawn aside by my servant and the intense morning light awakes me as usual. "Good morning, your Highness," Peter speaks as I stuff my head into a thick pillow. "Is that already?" I groan, then sit up as he pours fresh tea into one of the ceramic cups on the silver tray he laid on my cupboard. "It's 6 o'clock," he announces, handing me an Earl Grey. I frown, taking the cup. "Why on Earth would you wake me up this early?" "You have to prepare for the photographs. The press is scheduled to arrive at 8 o'clock, Sir." "Oh, God," I rub my temples, "I hoped that was all a bad dream," I take a sip of boiling hot tea burning my tongue. But I'm not irritated by it. I don't think anything can annoy me today. Besides the obvious major annoyment. Her. "When is she coming?" I ask, licking my teeth, then taking another sip. "Lady Sophia is already here," he says and I almost choke on my tea. "She is waiting at the dining room for your joint breakfast." "Already?" Peter nods once stiffly. "Correct, Sir." "Goddamn it," I get up and head to the bathroom. My morning's already ruined and I haven't even taken a piss yet.  After I get dressed for the breakfast of torture, I descend Palace's grandiose staircase and pass the vast foyer leading into the dining room. "Your Highness," our other servant bows his head, escorting me to my assigned place at the table, right next to my dreadful one. "Good morning, your Highness," Sophia bows her head softly as I take my seat. "Lovely to see you, Sophie," I turn on my internal flirting skills for public display only.  "Oh, you're too kind," she smiles, "Chris..." It is beyond me why she irritates me that much. She isn't doing anything wrong per se. It's her presence in general.  I give her a forced smile back, then gaze at the other people around the table - my mother Anne, my sisters Christine and Catherine, and their husbands - Henry and James.  The servants announce the arrival of my father George, and as he enters we all rise from the table. "Your Majesty," he is greeted by all as he takes his seat. Only when he starts eating are we allowed to do as well. Another hassle is that we all have to stop eating as he does, but we don't really respect those rules when we're by ourselves only. "Sophia," my father addresses my future bridezilla, "I'm so glad you've joined us." She smiles politely, bowing her head in gratitude. "The pleasure is mine, Sir." One has to address the King by his Majesty the first time one sees him in a day, then Sir is fine for the rest of it. "As I understand, your current employers are an accounting company in East London, is that correct?" he speaks sternly. "Yes, Sir." He nods, starting to eat. "Have you given them a leave notice yet?" Sophia will have to quit her job before entering our family to be able to assume royal duties. "I have, Sir. This morning. I will have to finish my last two weeks starting from today." He nods, murmuring in approval. "That's good." We start eating as well. There's various jam, toast bread, milk, avocados, and salads on the table. I involuntarily find myself observing Sophia's perfect demeanor on a few occasions. I can definitely see why my family have chosen her. A girl with a tragic past, already in favorable eyes by the British people, well-educated, employed, a living example of a modern lady with class and intellect. To be honest, she doesn't look bad either. Most of my friends see her as hot as hell! With her soft dark curls, plush lips, and big green eyes...  The rest of the meal passes terribly quickly and before I can relax, the reporters are already arriving.  My father stands up from the table and we are instructed to prepare for the press. He hands me a small black box that I know is containing her wedding ring.  "Good luck," he says without a smile.  He's still angry. I only nod before he leaves. "Sophia," I address her, "this way, please," I show her the way to the terrace exit and as she walks in front of me, my eyes wander to her swaying hips.  The dress is pretty loose, not vulgar at all, but I can't be fooled with the strict cut. I see what's hiding beneath as she walks. What in hell is happening to me? I've disliked this woman my whole life. Is it because I now know she is uninterested in me? Yes, that must be it. I'm just being lured by the classic trap. "Hold on here a second," I stop her as we're left alone and she turns slowly. Then I take the ring box out of my pocket and open it first for myself.  "Oh," I conclude it is made out of my grandmother's favorite red diamond necklace.  I meet Sophia's eyes. "I know this is probably not like you imagine it, but..." I'm reminded again that she chose this by herself. I turn the ring towards her. "Will you be my faux wife?" I smirk charmingly. She gives me a funny grin. "Can't wait," she reaches out her hand and I put the ring on her finger. "We'll leave together," I offer her my arm, and she put hers over it as we enter the terrace together.  "Nervous?" she teases as we walk across the garden towards the reporters. I press my lips. "I'm only thankful we're not expected to kiss," I tease back. "Oh, certainly," she concurs, "now that would be absolutely terrible." "Hmm," I mumble in agreement. "Luckily we have time to practice before our wedding day," the words just escape me and I'm involuntarily flirting with her. Oh, s**t. I should've had s*x last night with someone. Get rid of all the s****l tension. "As I understood, we won't be giving out any interviews, right?" she double-checks. "Only photos?" I nod. "Only photos," I meet her eyes then. "Until we invent a crazy romantic story of our love blossoming." She chuckles and we meet the flashing cameras of the reporters. I don't feel nervous - I'm very used to this. I pose for the cameras, trying to show affection for Sophia as much as I can.  I'm not surprised to notice she's relaxed as well. A natural poser. An actress. She must be playing the role of her life right now. Ah, well. I'm glad I don't have to babysit her. I never liked the role.  Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought, I conclude seeing her grin from ear to ear, laying her hand on my chest, posing for the cameras. She even gives me a longing gaze that could easily fool me into thinking she is in love. But I know better.  I decide to play the game with her. We both smile at each other. I take her hand and hold it under my lips as if kissing it. Then I lay my hand over the small of her back and she tilts her head as if having the best time of her life. Hmm, who knew... I don't hate this at all. I think maybe... Maybe I might even be enjoying it a little.  She's an independent woman. And with her, I can remain independent forever. This isn't the end of my freedom.  This is just the beginning of it lasting forever.
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