Chapter 3

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2 Years Later Run run Dan keeps yelling at me, we have been training for 30 minutes in my wolf form, good job sister you have become stronger you are ready to become the queen in three days. Sarah: thank you brother but we still have a few training left since this is the last day of my training so lets continue working . Dan: mind linking Courtney we are ready for her to train in her witch form can you please come now, sure i am on my way there. I hope she doesn’t run late so we can finish quickly and take a break. Sarah Pov This pas 2 years has been great i have been training every day and have learned how to use all of my powers. Today is the last day of training with my friends but that doesn’t mean i can’t continue training if i want to also in three days is my ceremony where i will be announced queen there will be all the wolfs, supernatural invited and they will be staying here in the kingdom until the war is over we have found houses for them some will stay in the pack house, what worries is my mate I haven’t seen him or heard anything about him except that he i still with my sister they haven’t mated i would have felt the pain. I have been missing him a lot still i will take my revenge. Me and my brother have been working focusing more on my demon we are planing to change in my demon form also in my wolf one day before the ceremony, he thinks I’m ready also i made two new friends vicky and zayn we are best friends. While thinking courtney finally came we started practicing on spells we did some spells then after that she left and victor came the vampire we started working on compelling, speed, transformation, strength after that my brother showed up and we worked on my angel i shifted into my beautiful angel my beautiful wings i practice on healing, thunder also on my element, nature water and other powers. Finally after i was done i ate my food a went to bed. The Blood Pack Nial Pov Staying in my bed i couldn’t stop thinking how bad my life turned to be for two years i have been stressed with work, i can’t sleep thinking about my mate i regret everything but it was for the best she would have gotten hurt abused again. My luna Chloe comes in to bed trying to flirt with me , i keep pushing her away the only one i want to do anything is my mate, after trying she gave up angry turned around and slept. These pass years i have been working hard training my pack but they are still weak, in three days we are gonna go to the royal kingdom the queen will be announced apparently the older queen had a daughter before she died, I’m not excited to meet the queen so i am going there to ask if she might know where my mate is and all the packs have to stay there since we have been threatened. One of my pack member was found dead some other pack to so we decided to train and fight together after thinking i went to bed. Chloe Luna Of The Blood Pack And Sarah stepsister Pov I went in the room and on the bed i looked at my chosen mate trying to flirt with him but after a few minutes he wasn’t interested i turned around pretending to sleep ahh he is still thinking about my adopted sister saying angry, what does she have that i don’t she is i weak human I can’t believe i felt bad for her anyway in three days i will meet the queen and ask her where my sister is so i can get rid of her hahahaha laughing i closed my eyes and went to sleep. The kingdom Dan: waking up next to my mate and my cute little son who is two years old is the happiest feeling i looked at them smiled, for me life have been great me and my mate got married for our honey we went to Hawaii it was great and we had a wonderful time then after a year everything has been great our son was born Dani White we saw his first laugh, heard his first words, saw his first step we had a great time making sure we didn’t miss anything.Recently a week ago me and my sister got news that packs have been getting threats, a few pack members where attacked we decided to have every pack stay in the kingdom until the war is over. While looking at the window a demon appeared in front of me i was frozen shocked staying still how can this be, i though my sister was the only demon, he keeps smiling at me. Who are you how are you a demon? Demon: Hello stepbrother i though you and my sister will be happy to met me before we fight dont worry i will be easy knowing you’re a protector. Dan: I was scared and shocked my mate and son where sleeping in the room i teleported them in another room and mind linked my sister come quick in my room theres something here. Looking at the demon how are you my stepbrother? Demon: My dad was your dad he met my mom his mate before you and you sister where born i am one year older than you the reason i am here is to warn you that i will destroy you first then your sister after that the world becoming the strongest powerful ruler. Revenge is sweet for what my mom did to my dad she killed him heartless cold blooded. Dan: shocked my dad may be your dad but i dont have a brother like you we will destroy you then my sister comes in shocked facing the demon. Sarah: After the talk with my brother i went to his room coming face to face with a demon. You i remember your voice in my dreams i though you where not real how are you a demon Demon: your dad is my dad i want revenge and to destroy the world we can work together my offer is still available also i can sense that you haven’t shift into your demon what a shame knowing i would attack soon. Sarah: i would never agree to work with you we will destroy you suddenly feeling hot my eyes became dark black my voice was stronger realizing my demon side was trying to control me when she saw that I’m not giving she decided to help me for now my body was on fire i started shouting fire balls but the demon laughed and teleported he left. Still on fire calming down the fire disappeared my eyes, voice turned normal. Dan: you saw him in your dream? Yes i will tell you everything in your office. Sarah Pov The next day i woke up at 6am than decided to do some training after that i eat breakfast when my friend Vicky mind linked me I’m waiting outside for 10 minutes, coming wait for me we are gonna run in our wolf. Shifting in my white wolf while vicky in her brown wolf we started running into the woods for a while. After an hour of running we decided to teleport so vicky grabbed my hand. At the city we headed to the mall to buy dresses for the ceremony better hurry than being late, i have to be at the kingdom by 8pm I’m gonna shift in my demon form than my red wolf. Vicky and me finally found our dresses so we teleported to the kingdom. In the kitchen eating my diner we were talking and laughing when the time became 8. Dan: it is time to go so we went to a big cage incase she would attack. Sarah: at the cage i started shifting into my wolf side fighting for control i heard my brother saying fight it i know you can after a few minutes of my eyes changing from blue to black finally i shifted into my demon, my hair color was dark read, the eyes where red like my vampire, with dark red lips i was beautiful dark after that i started shifting into my red wolf with black strap that light i looked around focusing at my brother growling Dan: it is me Layla your brother Dan please focus try to realize me. Sarah : i growled but then i recognize him so i ran hugged them after that my brother shifted in his wolf he is also wold and we ran i the woods. The Blood Pack Nial talking to his dad finally the day has come we are our way to the kingdom in 8 hours so we can train to come stronger , to meet the queen asking her where she went so i can see she is doing well, hopefully she will come with the other pack i smiled happy. Former Alpha Jeremy: Son you need to focus on training your pack, talking to the queen maybe she will help you come stronger, forget your mate shes a worthless human shes weak. Nial: Yes my dad learned the truth but still told me to keep Chloe as my luna to have strong wolfs so the wolf will continue to be stronger. Luna Lisa his mom: your dad is right son focus on your pack not on a human your wasting time. Finally arrived we contact the queen, she put on the bridge, going inside being memorized by the beauty suddenly i was smelling the most familiar smell like my mate but looking around I couldn’t see anyone, going upstairs Chloe called me honey do you want to go for a run? Sure i said but we have to come back by 6pm the ceremony is at 8pm my dad will freak out.
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