Chapter 2

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Me and my brother where sitting near the river enjoying my new wolf look it was the rarest wolf. My brother told me i have to shift back into my human because soon i will shift into my witch form. After shifting into my human form immediately i felt pain for a couple a minutes i screamed then the pain stopped I shifted into my witch now i can learn spells after that the pain got even more powerful while screaming i realize my brother was helping with the pain by using his powers suddenly i shifted into my angel form, looking at the river I’ve got beautiful white wings with a yellow circle on top of my head then the pain came twice as hard i shifted into my vampire form i had fangs and red eyes than i felt tired, dizzy i lost consciousness i blacked out. Dream Sarah Pov Walking on the land full of flower happy i notice the most gorgeous women appeared in front of me My dear child i am your mom the moon goddess I have been watching you every day my child Sarah: Mom i went to hug her i love you i wish you where alive so i can have live with you mom The moon goddess: i will visit you again but now i came for a reason i saw you just shifted in all your forms but not in you demon i am happy your brother putted the spell anyway i wanted to inform you that someone will betray you but no matter what control your anger because not everything is at it seems. Please know that I’m sorry about your demon i was drunk and had a one night stand we cant change the past also i notice that a huge sacrifice will happens just know everything happens for a reason especially being a hybrid comes with price. Hybrids don’t always exist only when there is a war where earth is at danger then the hybrid will awake. Sarah:wow i was shocked mom its okay your where drunk but can’t you tell me what the sacrifice is and what if i wont be strong The moon goddess: listen sweetie i cant tell you because it will change the future and you will be strong i have to go now i love you you are strong. Sara Pov Beep beep this alarm is so annoying i stop the alarm and got ready for my day looking for my brother I found him in the office, hello brother Dan:how are you feeling Sarah: much better i meet the moon goddess than i told my brother everything about the dream, she kept saying she is mom Dan: you have the ability to look in the pass focus and you can see anyone’s pass just be careful Sarah: i started focusing and thats when I saw my past. 17 years ago the moon goddess: i just had a baby girl by a demon she is beautiful and cute baby that i have seen, six month later we where all eating lunch when we heard screaming i got up and check Damien with his people it was time i called my mom and told her to take the kids and run leave them at a a different pack but to separate them until they are at least 16 so no one can find them, if they are together their power and existence will be strong. Her grandma: i got the babies then chose to raise the boy i wish i could keep them both but I can’t then i left the girl at the bloods pack door and rang the doorbell, watching hopeless how they took her inside. The blood pack 17 years ago The door rang i will open it said the beta Jack Jack: I opened the door there was a baby i screamed everyone ran to the door while looking at the babi my wife Lisa picked her wife seeing a piece of paper in the crib she picked it and read please take care of her, i cant anymore because of my health there is another paper in the crib so you guys can adopt her if you want if not please make sure shes safe, my wife started crying what is wrong i asked? She explained and said can we keep her please than she Started begging to the Alpha Jeremi and The luna please we will adopt her, they where about to agree than they notice she smelled human no said the alpha shes human but the luna and the betas said shes only a baby please we will raise her as our own says Jack the Alpha stared at the babi and thought i can make her an omega and use her as a maid when she grows up, fine said the Alpha but you have to adopt her they where happy Present time Sarah Pov I saw my past now i know what happened how we got separated, thinking still i looked at my brother we were separated because of our dad also to be safe but brother I don’t understand if grandma was with you why didn’t she tell you where i was when you got older, Dane: Mom didn’t want us to reunite until we where 16 also grandma died when i was five so i was raised by some witches and i couldn’t feel your presence because you’re powers where blocked Sam: wow still cant believe this but we are still not safe, why aren’t you a hybrid, who is coming after us and wants to destroy the battle , what do we do now since i saw the pass, mom sacrificed her self and died will that happen to me is that my fate? Dan: Angry how can you say that i wont let anything happen to you, we will find who we are going to have to destroy together. Sister there also is only one hybrid it always has been that way, I’m your protector too i will train you and watch so now we will train hard in your skill in your angel vampire witch form and you demon powers without shifting also you have element, water, nature,earth powers Sarah: Shocked i looked at my brother how will you train me you are not like me anymore Dan: Sister the elements, nature, earth , water are easy you will learn them on your own then for your other forms you will train, in your witch form on of the strongest witch will train you, in you’re vampire same thing but in your angel form i can help you with some of the powers the others you will learn on your own we have books then your demon when you are ready so you have to promise me that you will live in the kingdom until you are trained and ready to become queen of all the supernatural and werewolf’s Sarah: i promises i will train hard Dan: than lets start tomorrow Dan Pov After talking to my sister i was looking for my mate lily, i found her with the kids playing outside.Lily do you want to meet my sister? Lily: yes I promise no one will know who she is lets go to her room now. We got upstairs and knocked hey its me Dan there’s someone here. Sarah: i got up and open the door, my brother was standing there with this girl from their look i knew they where mates hello come in. Sarah:as soon as i looked at her i knew she was pregnant with a boy. My name is Sarah. Lily:I’m Lily your brother mate its nice to meet you your brother talks a lot about you Sarah: something tells me we are going to be great friends then i said congratulations to her mind linking blocking my brother he got pissed. Do you want to know what it is? Yes well its a boy she was smiling we talked for hours when i felt pain i asked my wolf Elin what is going on? Elin: our mate just marked someone else but how can i feel it i rejected him my wolf laughed you still don’t realized it you rejected him with your fake last name your real one is Snow oh i said then if i see him again i will reject him.Elin: i know he hurt us but please think about it you have time. Layla: reject him and destroy him so we can rule the entire world hahahaha Dan:get ready for tomorrow we will train until you are ready to defeat the evil and to claim your self as the queen of all the supernatural and wolfs. The time will come soon to live happy and peaceful as a family with our mates together if nothing goes the wrong way we will be happy stronger and powerful no matter how long it takes we will be patiently.
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