Chapter 4 The Day of The Ceremony

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Sarah Pove I was awake since 6 am talking to my brother how the ceremony will be, announcing my self to whole wolfs, Supernatural especially my mate its now 5pm so my old back came i opened the gate than i turned to go upstairs to get ready but was stopped smelling the delicious familiar smell of chocolate vinegar my mate i made my self visible, staying still seeing my mate smiling he must have smelled my scent , now looking disappointed for not finding me he was going upstairs when Chloe called him honey i guess they where still together, having the little hope in me that he regretted everything made me angry i ran into my room getting ready after three hours it was finally 8 so i headed to the ceremony waiting in the other room for my announcement Dan went in the ceremony to the next to the throne, Dear Wolfs, supernaturals the day has finally come where the royal daughter of the kingdom the moon goddess daughter will finally take her place as queen she was found when she was 17 and kept hiding for two years for safety until she trained to come a stronger fighter also to train her to use her power she is a hybrid, forms into her gold wolf,witch,angel than vampire , now the time has come please welcome your queen Sarah White. Sarah Pov I decided to make a spectacular entrance and teleported to the throne where lots of cheering where heard, finally i stand next to my brother turning around gasp, shocked where filled by my ex mate, my old pack member with their mouths hanging open on the floor i was enjoying it, some of them where looking at me with hate and jealousy while the kingdom where cheering happy. Dan: Sarah White do you accept to be the queen of the all the werewolf and supernatural? Sarah: i do Dan: Sara White do you accept to follow the rules? Sarah: i do Dan: Sarah White do you promise to protect the entire supernatural, wolfs from the enemy with life if it depends on it? Sarah: i do accept Dan:Sarah White do you accept if you break the rules or go against your kingdom you will leave your position as queen? Sarah: i do accept Dan Now Sarah repeat after me Dan and Sarah: I Sarah Wilson Promise to keep my words to protect the werewolf, all the supernatural to rule by your side until death if i where to break my promise or the rules i will leave my position as you Queen Dan: Sarah give me your hand i will make a small cute on my hand and your than i will drop some of my drop into your cut to complete the bond between you and kingdom to be accepted as queen. Sarah: i putted my hands in front of my brother he cut my hand than his dropping a few blood into mine now the bond was completed becoming the queen. Dan: Now i announce to everyone your new hybrid werewolf wolf queen my sister sate down while everyone was cheering i putted the crown then she stand up proud. I was the proudest brother looking around seeing my mate son happy i smile but my smile got even more wider her mate was looking the whole time shocked i was enjoying my sister showed me her past. Suddenly everything thing came dark everyone was scared unprepared the red demon appeared in front of us. Demon: Hello everyone i cam here to congratulate the queen and tell her unfortunately this happiness wont last long i am coming for you. Looking around i spotted Dan’s mate i lifted her up in the air and bought her close now if any one tries to attack me i will kill her Dan: Let go of my mate she hasn’t done anything to you. Sarah: let her go we are the one’s you have to defeat i started to use my power to attack him but notice that if i do he will kill her so i stopped. Leave now give up we wont kill you Demon: hahahah i am more stronger than you don’t worry i will go but first let me give you your gift Sarah: we don’t need your gift. Demon: lifting the swore from on of the warriors hand into the air i quickly stabbed his mate in the stomach before the queen could react than i threw her and teleported from there. Dan: nooo my mate im sending her to the pack doctor you continue please Sarah Pov Dear wolfs, witches vampires finally i became your queen and together we will train hard every day to win this war together, each pack will have its own trainer from the kingdom we will work hard everyday from 6 am if you need anything any time don’t feel afraid to ask i will help you as much as possible we will become stronger together. My mom did a great job running this kingdom i promise to run this kingdom the same way my mom did i will honor her and the kingdom. How can you be the queen you are just a pathetic human i turn my head sideway it was my old pack slut Jessica I’m a hybrid sweetie i have powers that you don’t also royal blood Oh really then why don’t you show us what you got you slut or are you scared. Angry my eyes started turning from blue to black i notice my brother in fear mind linking me calm down you don’t want to kill her, smiling don’t worry focusing back at Jessica i smile shifting into my red wolf everyone was shocked a red wolf is rare also both of my wolfs are bigger than an Alpha’s wolf, my mom was yellow, my mate and old packed watched me shocked i am laughing inside, Jessica turned into her small wolf thinking four a while i shifted into my white wolf realizing it would be dangerous to fight her in my red wolf my mate my old pack and new pack where even more shocked that i had two wolf no one moved. Watching everyone not moving Jessica started running towards me and I avoided it , this lasted for few minutes getting tired i jumped on her and pined her down than we shifted back into our human but i wanted more revenge with my dark eyes i grabbed her with one hand lifted her up with my strength spinning her around i threw her to the tree don’t you challenge your queen again , brother please send her to the pack doctor she is lucky being a wolf if she was human she would be dead now, after that i went to the pack to check on lily the doctor said she will be fine. I went to my room in the bathroom getting ready for bed after that i laid down reading a book. Dan through mind linking Sarah: you have putted your self in dangerous by showing your red wolf people will start wondering why another wolf. Nial Pov We are all waiting for the queen to be announced talking having a good time, we heard someone from the royal giving a speech than they called the queen to come while waiting the most delicious smell filled I looked at the throne when the queen turned around to face us it felt like the time stopped I couldn’t move shocked from what I’m seeing my mate was a royal blood the moon goddess daughter also the only hybrid my mouth was wide also my pack was shock some females were jealous, all the men were looking at her with lust making me angry. My mate was more beautiful than before now she was stronger looking at her happy if only I didn’t rejected her but i did it so she wont get hurt since we were kids i had a crush on her it never stopped, If knowing she was this powerful nothing would have stopped me from accepting her. Starring at my mate not being able to take my eyes off I looked at her happy, relief she was safe, proud soon Jessica was stupid to challenge her watching the fight i got even more shocked two wolf how is that possible? Fenris his wolf: told you my mate was powerful Nial: i know i was stupid she is also more beautiful Fenris: we can both agree listen after the ceremony try talk to her explain the reason Nial: i will try to do everything to make her forgive me and accept me as her mate to love me again being patient, i was stupid to reject my wonderful mate. Fenris: yes yes yes you where now go talk to mate explain it hurry up before she falls asleep goo now show her we love her.
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