Chapter 1

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I was sitting in the woods when suddenly i hear a few sounds and turn back only to come face to face with Jessica the sluts pack, my mean stepsister Chloe and the Alpha to be son Nial Ronald when the slut says where is our food we are hungry it is six pm hurry up. I completely have forgot to set the table for diner so i didn’t talk to her and i said quietly thinking she didn’t hear me I’m sorry i forgot now the slut is to angry to open her legs but she heard me and was angry. How dare you call me a slut you disgusting human slap. She slapped me when Nial with my sister joined her beating me and i just stayed not fighting back i felt weak. Let me tell you about my self before i continue. My name is Sarah Wilson i am from the blood pack and i am the adopted daughter of the Beta Jack Wilson and his wife Lisa they adopted me when i was only six month and told me that they found me at the door at night but the Alpha and luna where not happy.My birthday is tomorrow when i will turn 17 and hope to find my mate to save me from the abuse also it is Nials birthday, he will turn seventeen hoping to find his mate and he will be announced king at his ceremony tomorrow night where it is also a full moon, i was also born on a full moon. The pack made me the omega of the lowest rank also i am abused and i have to do everything because they think i am human since i had no scent when they saw and smelled me at the door than they thought what was better than to abuse a worthless human that can’t defend herself but i got my wolf when i was only 5 which is not a normal age then my wolf told me not to tell anyone because it isn’t safe also i got two wolfs to much for a five year old but I somehow survived the shifting and got a white wolf with golden ears called Elin means moon and golden eyes also i have a moon shape on my forehead, white wolfs a rare and a red wolf with dark dangerous eyes with black strips also i had a Demon red shape on my forehead which had never happened before, her name is Layla meaning dark beauty. After they stopped beating me i set the table and went upstairs not feeling hungry at all then suddenly for the first time i let it all out, i screamed when suddenly my eyes became dark, my voice changed and i threw a table then i was shocked what was happening to me while thinking i hear footsteps and hurry up to hide the chair then my eyes and voice where back to Normal. Nial came in with my sister Chloe what is going on in here he said to much screaming was it you? I was scared to answer and said it was tv why can’t i watch like everyone else and Nial got angry how dare you talk back you worthless human and they both hit me then suddenly i looked to my stepsister who was looking at me almost as she was sad for me but i must be imaging it then they left me crying. I got up and took a shower with cold water because the Alpha Jeremy and Luna Kim though that i don’t need hot water, to them i am a worthless human. After the shower i went to bed and fell asleep. Dream Sarah Pov I was in a beautiful land when suddenly everything got dark with fire, i looked around and i notice a guy all red but i couldn’t see his face, with big ears also he had a tail. Who are you? I am your worse nightmare but if we work together we can destroy everything all the supernatural all the world. Sarah what are you talking about also i don’t want to destroy the world and even if i did i cant i am just a normal wolf. He laughed at me and kept on looking at me coming closer. Unknown you are like me tomorrow you will understand how much you are powerful and also evil.I woke up shaking that was a scary dream but it felt real after thinking i notice i have slept the whole day and wonder where everyone was since they haven’t came to yell or hit me so i went downstairs and notice a letter saying we left to get ready for the ceremony also clean everything before coming, so i started cleaning everything after a few hours i sat down to eat and then i notice it was almost 8pm so i hurried upstairs got ready than started running to the ceremony. One hour later finally i arrived and went inside when suddenly i Heard the Alpha announce his son as our Alpha and then the delicious smell filled my nose chocolate with vinegar i looked around. Sarah: mate Standing still i was shocked to see my stepsister Kylie and Nial kissing this mad me angry my eyes where turning from blue to black i don’t know why but i knew i had to calm down, i couldn’t believe he was my mate and thats when i screamed mate, they stopped kissing. Kylie was standing there angry while Nial was looking at me with love, care suddenly filled with disgust, hate, disappointment. Nial: you are my mate, how can the moon goddess make me mate with someone worthless as you,ugly, weak, you can’t be my luna i Nial Ronald Alpha of the blood pack reject you Sarah Wilson as my mate and luna of the blood pack also i am banning you from the pak you have two hours to pack and leave now accept the rejection you worthless human. Sarah Pov Standing in front of my mate i was shocked he rejected me i felt heartbroken but i wont let him see me weak, I Sarah Wilson accept your rejection with a smile leaving him when i heard him scream but i didn’t care because i am leaving and never coming back. After i packed everything i ran to the woods and sat down asking my self where will i go know? What do i do? Elin: her wolf: listen to me i am your wolf i know where to go but don’t listen to your red wolf it is not safe you cant also shift in your red wolf until you are ready it is dangerous promise me. Layla red wolf: i heard you b***h Sarah talking to her wolf, I promise but why is she dangerous and how do you know where to go Elin: you will learn everything about your red wolf when the time comes also the moon goddess showed me the way now lets go i will guide you until we reach our kingdom. The blood pack Nial Pov. My ceremony has been great i was now king and i am having a lot of fun with my beta Ben but i did not find my mate tonight so i knew i had to find a chosen mate even if i have to hurt my mate later, while thinking i couldn’t decide between jessica the slut pack and Chloe the betas daughter which one will be fit they where both hot and strong after a few minutes I decided who will be my chose mate, i called Chloe into my room. Hello Chloe the reason i called you here is because I didn’t find my mate now i need a chosen one, do you want to be my mate and luna of the blood pack? Chloe: i was shocked that he asked me to be his luna and mate so i said yes and kissed him when we heard a scream mate, turning our head i was looking at my stepsister angry how dare she ruined our kiss but Nial was looking at her different Nial: i was happy then I realized who my mate was i felt disgusting, disappointed how i abused her so I thought i don’t deserve her also i have to protect her so i rejected her I Alpha Nial Ronald reject Sarah Wilson as my mate and luna of the blood pack after that i banned her so she wont suffer in the pack , i screamed in pain but than notice that she accepted the rejection with a smile walking away leaving me regretting how i abused her. I hope she will be happy, while thinking my dad came.Jeremy did you find your mate? Nial: yes it is chloe i was about to announce her as my mate Jeremy: Thats a great idea lets go ahead and announce the new luna. Fenris my wolf yelled how dare you reject my mate she is strong also you are gonna announce Chloe as your mate i hate you i will not talk to you anymore until my mate returns and he disappeared oh no i called out for my wolf I’m sorry but nothing. I was not happy about announcing Chloe but my pack needs a luna so i got everyone’s attention, i have found my luna it is Chloe the betas daughter, a lot of cheering and - lot of congratulations, but i will always feel like apart of me is missing. Sarah Pov I was running for 8 hour now feeling a little tired in my white wolf no idea where am i going just believing my wolf, i stopped in front of a beautiful river behind it a few feet away was a beautiful gate where it leads to a castle looking shocked it was the most beautiful view i have seen it almost seems unreal, its like time has stopped and i just kept on starring at the beautiful view. Elin: enough of starring you will get to see this place now you’re whole life every day besides we need to go pass the gate Sarah to her wolf: what do you mean every day also how will i pass the river Elin: easy you will swim to reach the other side dont worry you’re royal blood also a hybrid nothing will happen once you reach the gate do not touch it it has silver to keep enemies, wolfs, that don’t live in the kingdom away because it will burn them so if they want to visit they will have to contact one of the royals so they can put the bridge back with the spell, they used a spell to break the bridge so other wolfs can’t come in, it only takes a second to do the spell for both ways also to open the gate but since your royal all you have to do is think about the key to the gate i know you haven’t used your powers yet and you wont be able to use all of them until you shift but there are stuff you can and i know you can think about wanting the key and it will be in your hands, please be careful i can tell the water is really really deep and the water is moving fast there is something deep that can kill you if your not strong. Sarah: i started laughing hahahaha me royal me having powers i am the daughter of the beta i can’t have powers Elin: please trust me and do what i say believe in your self Sarah: It sounds weird but fine i will try and believe in my self i trust you, we are one and we are in this together. Looking at the deep river breathing heavily believing in my self i jumped in the river making it to the other side safely, Elin yes i knew you can do it now think about the key how much you want it, focus in your self believe in your self also in your powers. Sarah fine i started believing for a second in my self, in my powers closing my eyes than when i opened them i saw the keys in my hands how did i do that, shaking the though out of my head i putted the key in then the gate opened i went inside, not even one minute did i enjoy being in when i feel some pain what is this pain? Elin her wolf: in five minutes you will be shifting into your gold wolf for the second time it will be more painful, you just need to hold a little longer no shift someone has to come to help you explain your other shifting. Sarah: What other shifting and who are we waiting for i was gonna ask my wolf when i notice a young guy in my age looking like me appeared in front of me Who are you? Dan: I am you’re brother also your protector to help you with the evil war that is coming soon and your powers. The moon goddess is our mother but our dad is the last demon Damien. Sarah: I don’t have a brother especially i am not the daughter of the moon goddess or the devil also i have no powers Dan: yes we are your family, you will be able to remember your past after you shift since you are a hybrid and half demon but right now any minute you will shift into you’re white wolf for the second time, witch form, angel form , vampire form but not into your demon but you will still be able to talk to your demon while you where talking to your wolf i putted a spell on you so you wont be able to turn into your demon or your wolf demon until you can control it because if you do transform into your red wolf your white one can die, remember this words:There are two wolfs inside you. One is evil:she is angry, hate greed,envy,pride,ignorance and spite. The other is good: she is humility,forgiveness,love,joy,acceptance and ambition.They fight each other, every moment of every day, they fight, Eventually one will win and control the other. But that depends which one is stronger? Which one will win? Also if you demon takes control she will destroy the entire world. Sarah: Ahhh i started screaming my bones cracking i was shifting for a few minutes it stopped, i got up and went to the river to see how i looked i was shocked i was a white wolf with gold eyes.
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