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When the car hit the pole I don't know what happened but I couldn't move my leg. The guys were running towards me and just as I thought i had escaped, death, It was staring at me right in the face. I sat there in wait for the worst. I could not help but think In what world I got to live when my son's were dead, what was I even fighting for? Just then a car stopped abruptly and the next thing I heard were gunshots, then someone opened the door to my car. It was Jeremy. I never thought I would be glad to see him again after what i found out about him working with the guys who held me hostage. Jeremy: you are stuck, it should be the seatbelt. Do you have a razor blade? I nodded as I reached for my purse. I gave him the razor and watched him cut off the belt. Then grabbed me by the waist and pulled me out of the car. He led me to his car, opened the door and I got in. He pulled out the number plate on my car, grabbed my bag and anything valuable in it then he got in his and drove away at a very high speed. I didn't speak to him through out the drive as I was too pissed off. He kept asking if i was okay but the truth is, i didn't even know if i was. We got to his place and he parked the car then got out. I was still seated inside the car not sure if i wanted to go to his house but on second thought, what choice did i have?... Jeremy: are you coming in or are you going to sleep in the car? I didn't answer that but I got out of the car and followed him inside limping. He gave me some not so good look and all I was waiting for was for him to lecturing me then I would unleash all the anger I was carrying inside on him. I stood there staring back at him in anger, was I supposed to be grateful that he saved my life, was I to assume that it wasn't him I saw leaving , was i to pretend that everything was okay? I dipped my hand inside my bag and reached for the gun that i had ran off with.. I pointed it towards him and he wasn't shaken at all. Jeremy: is that how you thank someone after saving your life? I was holding the gun but my hands were shaking and my entire body was in pain and especially my feet. Jeremy: where did you get a from gun? Me: the fact that i am the one holding the gun means I get to ask the questions. Jeremy: fair enough but put the gun down and let us talk. I was hesitant, why would I trust him yet he lied to me from the beginning? He tried to come closer.. Me: Don't you dare make another step. Why did you have my husband killed? Jeremy: I didn't have anything to do with Richard's death, he was my friend. Me: a back stubbing and double crossing friend. Why were you there, you even got yourself a name, DJ is it? Jeremy: that gun is really making me nervous right now, put it down!. Me: why, you have had a gun pointed at you before haven't you, its not something new Jeremy: yes but by someone who knows how to handle a gun not an amateur like you, that thing can accidentally go off on you. Me: (ignoring him) what were you doing with the people who killed my husband? Jeremy: after realizing Richard's life was fishy at some point I decided to tail him and see what he was up to and so one of the days I decided to follow him to the place you were taken today. Me: and? Jeremy: I left without being seen. I didn't know what business's he had there but I wanted to find out. I dropped the hand that was carrying the gun as it was so tired. I limped to the sofa and sat then he followed me and sat right opposite me. Jeremy: I went there the following day when Richard wasn't there pretending i was lost. Some of Bosco's men grabbed me and took me to him. He wanted to kill me so that I would not sell them out but I made a deal with him. I told him I wanted to be a part of his gang and work for him so as to make some extra cash and he agreed. I didn't really intend to become part of the gang but it was that or my life.. that's how I became part of them. Me: what about Richard, didn't you two ever bump into each other there? Jeremy: we did. That is one of the reasons Richard wasn't speaking to me for the past few weeks. He thought I was there to screw things up for him. Me: where were you the night Richard was killed.? Jeremy: I came back from work and was here for the better part of the evening I didn't know what was happening with Richard, I wasn't briefed and the fact that we were not talking made it hard for Bosco and his guys to realize we knew each other. I wanted to protect Richard and that meant putting my life on the line. I don't know but I felt like there was some truth in what he was saying, maybe I didn't know my husband so well or maybe I didn't know him at all. I put the gun on the table and i could see some sort of relief on his face.. Jeremy: I am sorry I never told you the truth, I was just trying to protect you from what happened today. Me: why didn't you do something when I was being tortured back there? Jeremy: so that both of us could get killed? I knew Bosco wouldn't kill you before he got the money so I had to leave and think of a way to save you. Me: so now that Richard is dead, what are you still doing there? Jeremy: I can't just walk out like that, Bosco will hunt me down and kill me without blinking and now, you are involved too, its risky. Let me boil some water I take care of those sore legs. He got up, walked to the kitchen and i escorted him with my eyes. I was scared out of my mind thinking of what could have happened if Jeremy didn't come to my rescue i mean, what if those guys decided to kill me instead?.. i missed my babies. I missed seeing them playing with their toys and i didn't even know how fo break the news of Liam's death to his teacher or his friends but i was sure they were going to learn about of from the media anyway. Richard dropped Liam to school a few times when he missed the school bus so a few people at school definitely knew him... Few minutes later the water had boiled so I took it and started cleaning my feet by myself before dressing them. I had learned how to dress simple wounds at the orphanage. The st James guys were invited to come once in a while and teach us those skills and i was a keen student so i learned a few things.. Meanwhile Jeremy prepared dinner as we had general conversation bsvk and forth feom the living room to the kitchen and when I was done I joined him by the table. I was very hungry as I had eaten nothing the entire day, Jeremy served me then he watched me eat like someone who had not eaten for days and when he was still wasting time, I added some of his food to my plate, I felt embarrassed as the lady in me wasn't reflected in the way I was eating at all. Jeremy: what plans do you have now that Richard and the kids are gone? Jeremy! Jeremy! Did he really have to ask that when this was the very first time I really felt like eating? I raised my face from the plate and looked at him then put my spoon down and sat up. Me: I want to kill Bosco and all his men even if it's the last thing I will do. Jeremy: how do you intend to go about that? Me: I still dont know. Jeremy: I can help you, but let me be the one to do the killing. Me: No! What makes you think I can trust you when you are the one working with them? He didn't respond to that but got up and took his plate to the kitchen and on his way back we heard a loud knock on the door. He looked at me with sort of fear in his face and I guess we were both thinking the same thing. I rushed to the living room took the gun from my bag and he took his too. He walked up to the door with me right behind him. Jeremy: who is it? There was no response but the knock got louder then shortly after a call came through my phone. Jeremy turned to look at me before he could open the door. I took the phone from my bag and on checking the caller, it was Bosco I showed the phone to Jeremy and he nodded his head as a sign of a go a head for me to receive it. I received the call but I remained silent waiting to hear what he had to tell me.. Bosco: I can see you found your way out. Me: Yes, your boys were really good company. Bosco: you killed four of my men how did you do it? Me: with a gun and I really did enjoy it. Bosco: i really underestimated you. Me: you clearly did. Bosco: you know what, I don't even need the money anymore. I am going to kill you and... I didn't want to hear another word from him so I hang up before he could finish his threats. I pointed my gun towards the door and when Jeremy pulled the door open I shot whoever was standing there almost emptying the gun on them thinking it was Bosco by the door.. Jeremy: oh s**t! Me: what? He ran out and looked around then pulled the body inside.... Me: oh my God!...
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