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I had shot a woman. Jeremy and I had thought that Bosco had traced me back to Jeremy's house and I didn't want to leave anything to chance. Me: oh my God did i kill her? Jeremy: you shot her like five times what do you expect. I dropped my gun and sat down looking at the dead woman. Jeremy: this is not good . Me: who is she? Jeremy: Rita my girlfriend. I looked at him quite surprised.. Jeremy: what?.. Me: how many girlfriends do you have? Jeremy: I don't think that's any of your business. He replied checking her pulse and I got up and left him there to sort out his dead girlfriend problems. Jeremy: where are you going? Me: to sleep! Jeremy: no no no! We have to clean this mess. He said walking up to me,he grabbed my arm and lead me towards the dead body. Me: what do we do, we report to the police? Jeremy: yeah a very brilliant idea. Are you kidding me right now? Even before I could answer that there was a knock on the door again. This Jeremy guy was like a celebrity with so many female fans. I wondered who was knocking this time round.. Me: I think another one of your women is knocking. He panicked and so did I. What were we supposed to do with that dead body?.. We carried the dead body and hid it near the dining room but there was blood where the woman was lying. I got the mop and started cleaning the mess as Jeremy got the door. He asked who was there and it was the lady whose door was opposite Jeremy's. He opened and stepped outside. He didn't lock the door completely so I could hear the conversation. Jeremy: yes, Lady: I was just wondering if you know what could have happened, just got back and found bullet holes on my door. Jeremy: sorry I didn't hear a thing, where are the bullet holes? The lady tried to peep inside but Jeremy stood on her way. Lady: Oh my God is this blood on your door mat? Jeremy grabbed the lady, pulled her inside and locked the door. I had just finished moping the blood when she saw the dead body and collapsed at Jeremy's feet. This was going to be an interesting night... Not interesting in the sense that it was going to be fun but i didn't know what it would be like when the woman got up... We needed to think of a way to get rid of Rita's body. From the look of things we couldn't use the stairs as we were on the fifth floor and the chances of us going down without any one seeing us was very slim. I put some clean water in the bucket and cleaned of the blood at the door. I took the door mat and trashed it inside the bin. Me: if we can't go down the stairs with the body then how are we going to get rid of it? Jeremy: we cant, not unless we throw her off the balcony, she will land on the back of the building then we can quietly put her in the car and go dump her somewhere on the road. It will be considered a robbery case or something like that. Me: Did you love her? Jeremy: what has love got to do with anything? Am just clearing your mess, now are you going to help me Carry the body or not? We carried the body and headed to the balcony before we could throw the body down we realise that our balcony was on the not so hidden part of the building and so we had to put the body down first and brain storm again. It was now 11pm and I was so tired. All I wanted was to go to bed and rest. The lady who had collapsed woke up and started running towards the door as she shouted. Before she got to the door Jeremy took his gun and shot her twice. I was shocked. He looked like it wasn't a big deal for him at all. Great! As if I didn't have enough dead bodies to worry about. I went to check if the lady was still alive, pushed her with my leg but there was no movement. I felt her pulses but she was really dead. Me: why did you kill her? Jeremy: the last thing we needed was her going shouting that we had killed someone, she is better off dead than alive. This thing was getting even more complicated. Now we did not only have one dead body to worry about but two.. I have an idea, Jeremy said getting up and walking to the door, he dragged the dead body aside then opened the door and peeped outside. After making sure there was no one around he asked me to help him carry the dead neighbor to her house. I didn't know what his plan was but I did as he had instructed. On reaching the house we made her sit on the couch, Jeremy switched on the tv and placed the remote in her hand. He took his handkerchief and wiped the remote to erase any finger prints. He then went to her balcony as I remained there feeling sorry for her. Shortly after Jeremy called me and I went where he was. Jeremy: this side is better, it's not in the open like the other side. Me: are you sure about this? Jeremy: do you have an alternative? Me: it's just a question am asking. Jeremy: well, it's a stupid question considering the fact that we have no other options. He left me there and walked back to his apartment then minutes later came back carrying Rita's body on his shoulder. He walked to the balcony where I was and I helped him drop the body down. The moment the body landed down we had a woman scream. We looked at each other then without a word we both rushed down to get to the scene before anyone else did. Running from the fifth floor all the way down wasn't a joke. Jeremy was so good at this, he could jump like ten steps at a go while I ran like a girl behind him. By the time I hit the last step he had killed a man and was right on time to find him shooting a lady. He put his index finger on his mouth as a warning for me to shut up because he knew I was going to shout at him and the last thing we needed was being joined for our not so good deeds going on down here. I helped him Carry the man and we carried him to the back if the apartment and lay him down, then carried the lady and lay her next to him. Jeremy took the man's arm and put it on the lady. I looked at him with the "what the hell is this" kind of face. Jeremy: what? Me: am beginning to think you are really enjoying this. Jeremy: everyone knows this woman is married to the guy who lives on the second floor. Most likely she was cheating on him with this guy. When we dropped Rita's body, they had some business going on and it scared the crap out of them. I had to kill them or else we would go down for murder. Me: so when they are found here everyone will think the husband did this. Wait, you want to send an innocent man to prison? Jeremy: Do you want to go on his behalf? I shook my head like a little girl. Jeremy: Good, let's get Rita's body to the car. We carried Rita's body and when we got to the car, we put the body down to open the boot then we realized that none of us had carried the keys to our cars. Jeremy learned on the car taking deep breaths as I stood there with my hands on my waist staring at him. Jeremy: aren't you going to get the keys? Me: why me, what is wrong with your legs? Jeremy: nothing but would you be able to handle it if someone found you here with this body? I was silent. He was right, maybe I was better off going for the keys. Me: where are your keys? Jeremy: don't you have a car? Me: my car is not carrying a dead body. Jeremy: and mine is? Me: Jeremy! Jeremy: on the kitchen counter. Hurry! I left for upstairs as he remained there guarding the dead body. Going upstairs and coming down was such a hustle.On my way down I met a young lady in her twenties, She bumped into me and as I result she fell, I pulled her up and she smiled. "Thanks, you are so kind" she said as she made her way up.i wonder where she was coming from that late. I got down and handed the keys to Jeremy who opened the boot. It was now a few minutes to 1am and we were still very much awake carrying out evil tasks. I helped him put the body inside the boot And just as he was locking the boot we heard screams from upstairs, Jeremy and I looked at each other and as we were about to get in the car, the screams got louder and the lady was coming down the stairs... Me: this is bad, she might have something to do with the lady we killed. I whispered to Jeremy who was by now a little tensed. Jeremy: that means there's no way out and the guards can't allow anyone to leave with such an incident. We are doomed. Me: not yet. Go back to your apartment and clean all the blood and also hide the guns, am joining you shortly. Give me the car keys and make sure the lady doesn't see you. It was my turn to command him around and he did as I had instructed. There's something about where Jeremy lived, nobody cared about what happened to a neighbor as long as the rest were safe in their houses. This lady screamed her lungs out but not many people stepped out to come and check. I rushed to meet the lady and I could also hear the guards approaching. I walked up to her and she was shaking, her face was bathed in tears. The guards joined us. Guard 1: what was the screams about, what is going on? Girl: it's my mother, someone broke into our house and shot her dead. Me: what? Girl: My mother is dead, she is dead! She broke down again and I tried comforting her. Guard 2: Madam, which house do you live in, I have not seen you before. Girl: yes, was it you? I bumped into you rushing down the stairs, where were you coming from and where were you going at this time of the night? I thought I had been in trouble all along until I found myself in this mess....
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