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I drove under his instructions of cause shaking not knowing what he had in mind. I had under estimated him by thinking he was just a guard. We took several corners then came to some place that looked abandoned. It's like someone had started a foundation to build houses but he left it halfway. He asked me park the car, pointing to some free space and I did. Guard: Get out! He shouted still pointing the gun at me and I did what he had asked without hesitation. He got out too and pushed me towards the building. I could hear guys talking and laughing from one of the rooms and my guess was that they were members of his squad. When we got to the door he pushed me so hard that I went flying in landing on the unfinished floor. Everyone turned to look at me then they burst out in laughter. Guard: Get up! He shouted kicking my butt and I dragged myself up and started dusting myself as I looked at all the happy faces around me, I didn't understand what they were happy about. Give her a seat. One of the guys said rocking himself on the chair, he must have been the boss because he looked different from the rest. He was in a suit and a hat then he was smoking a cigar. One of the guys stood up, grabbed me and forcefully put me on the chair. Their boss looked at me for a while then burst out in a laughter. What was funny? "You are really stupid and brain dead just like your husband". He said and the rest of the guys laughed. I still wasn't getting the joke, what was so funny about someone being called stupid? "Am Bosco by the way, you have wanted to know who I am so badly". He said taking a puff of his cigar then releasing the smoke on my face. I coughed then the idiots laughed again. Bosco: I knew you were naive and I only had to give you a tip on who got involved in your husband's murder and you would come looking. Me: and kids! Bosco: what? Me: it's not only my husband you killed but my kids too so forgive me if I got curious enough to go looking because i wanted to kill you with my bare hands. Bosco: oh yeah the kids, how did I even miss that, guys! We killed her kids too. Then they all laughed and when I heard how they were enjoying rubbing salt on my wound I got emotional again and tears started flowing. Bosco: forgive me for hurting your feelings but you see all these is your fault if not your husband's. Me: what do you mean? I asked in between my sobs. Bosco: well, your husband stole from us. We organized a bank robbery and he was driving the get away car since of cause he worked in bank and didn't want to be spotted. He killed the three guys in his car then disappeared with the money and no one knows where he kept it. He walked up to me and pulled back my braids and stared me in the face. Bosco: where is the money? Me: some place safe. I couldn't say "I don't know" because I had previously told him that I had the money. Bosco: Good we are going to get it right now. Me: that's not possible at the moment. I thought you said I had seven days? Bosco: I changed my mind, I realized seven days are enough for you to get a passport and fly out of the country. Both of us were silent. Bosco: so? Me : so what? Bosco: I like the way you are courageous. You see none of my men talk to me like that. Tie her up! He ordered. Why was I being tied up, because I had asked "so what".how was I to answer the "So", is that even a question? Two men grabbed me and tied me on two poles that were standing in the center of the room with one arm on each pole. Bosco, I had asked someone to bring some iced water where is it? One of the guys came in with water in a five l****s jerrican and poured it in a basin. Bosco: add some more ice in it and make her stand in that basin. The guy did as he was instructed and I thought it was a joke until I stepped in that basin. My hair stood up like the thorns on the body of a porcupine. Have you ever tried holding an ice cube in your hand for a minute? Try that and you will have a feeling of what this felt like. Bosco took off his coat and handed it to one of the men who had tied me up. He made a fist and hit my stomach so hard that I felt like vomiting. I screamed in pain but no one cared.. Bosco: where is the money? I was silent. Then came another blow. Bosco: what was that you said?... speak a little louder, ....I can't hear you! I wasn't saying anything but i got a slap this time round. The room was silent. He walked up to the table and took the cigar he had left in the ash tray and started smoking again. I raised my head to look at the other guys who were chit chatting and to my shock I saw someone whose face looked familiar, he quickly turned to walk away but his physique and voice is something I can't forget even in my sleep. It was Jeremy. I know I was drunk on blows but it was him I saw. What was he doing here? Was he lying to me when he said he had no idea what Richard was involved in, what was he doing with the people who killed Richard?. My thoughts were interrupted by Bosco who squeezed my chin really tight as he lifted my face to his. "You will spend the night here alone of cause with my boys keeping watch and they could also entertain you if you wish then Maybe tomorrow you will be in the mood to tell me what I want to know." He turned to look at the rest of the guys. Was that DJ I saw? He asked putting on his coat. Yes, he said he needs to attend to something and will check in tomorrow" the guard who had brought me in responded. Bosco: ( to one of his guys) take good care of our guest here, I will see her tomorrow The guy nodded as he saw Bosco and the rest of the crew off. It was getting dark and I couldn't even tell what time it was leave alone knowing where we were. So here I was with pain in my stomach after the blows, my feet were sore because of the cuts I got the other day leave alone the fact that they were soaked in ice cold water, my face must have turned red because of the slaps but one thing I knew for sure was that if I got out of here, I was going kill Jeremy or DJ whoever he was for killing my husband.. It had been a while since Bosco guys left and this place was becoming uncomfortable as the mosquitoes were already feasting on my face, my arms were tired and I also needed to pee. Me: anyone there? I shouted hoping someone would show up but no one replied so I thought it's either they were not here or they were just ignoring me. I let out a loud scream and after a few seconds someone came rushing in. He looked around and didn't see anything alarming. "what is it, why are you screaming like that?" He looked offended like my scream interrupted something important. Me: what's your name? Him: if you called me here for a chat am not interested. I have things to do. Me: I need to go to the washroom, do you even have a washroom here? Him: we don't. Me: where do you do your business? Him: you are a prisoner. Do your business right there. Me: what if I were to pay you, would you let me go to the washroom like a lady? Him: you want to pay me? He let out a loud laughter. Him: you think you can buy me off, if you had the money you wouldn't be here. Me : name your price, everything has a price right, aren't you here torturing me because of money, name your price. He was silent. Looked at me for sometime then decided to untie me. He showed me to the washroom and warned me against attempts to run and swore that if I tried, he would kill me... Minutes later I was done at the washroom and I came back. He grabbed me and started tying me again. Me: do you really have to tie me, it's just me against I don't know how many of you, where do you think I would go? Him: you talk too much, can't you just shut up? He was about to tie me again so I pretend I had severe pain in the stomach. I bent down rubbing my stomach and when he got closer to check what was happening, I hit him hard on the face with my elbow and he fell. His gun dropped a little far from him so I rushed to get it. Before I could reach it he swept my feet and I fell. He pulled my leg pressed me on the wound from the cut and I tried so hard not to scream because that way i would alert the rest of what was going on. I pulled my leg from his hand and kicked him in the face and by good chance my hand reached the gun. I grabbed it and shot him severally, am not even sure where I shot but as long as he could not follow me, I had no regrets. I don't know how to operate a gun but I knew that guns have bullets and if you press the trigger someone could die and he did. I got up and dragged myself out of the room. Am not sure of where the rest of the guys were but I didn't meet anyone on my way out. I rushed towards my car knowing that it was only a matter of time before the rest showed up from wherever the hell they were. I got into my car and started it, my hand was tired from being hanged but I had to drive like my life depended on it because it did. I reversed the car and just as I started moving out, the other guys were coming back from wherever they had gone and the two of them started shooting at me. I kept my head down and stepped on the gas ready to run over them and anything that got in my way. I passed them but they just couldn't stop. One of them shot from the back and the bullet slightly missed my head and landed on the windscreen and as a result of that my car swayed off the path and hit a pole as I had lost control of the car...
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