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“Four”   Finnegan sent Michelle to her parents' house and he headed home as quickly as he could. He avoided her attempt to make him stay. It was enough that he had to play her game. Pretend they're engaged. And even announced their relationship through a magazine. He can't let his parents know what he did with his one night stand turned fake fiancée. He's given his mother more headaches, it would pain Boon to know more 'bullshit' from him. He has to find a solution to his problem. But for now, he has to find a way to fix his sister's car. Their grandparents would be so mad if they learned he drove France's car and wrecked it because he was too drunk to know what he was doing. "Shit." Finnegan mumbled as he came home and he saw his father's car in front of their house. "Aren't they supposed to be home in three days? Fuck." The young Jarupanivh has arrived at the manor. He got off his car after hesitating to come in. He didn't know how to face his parents. Not while he still hasn't sorted the 'crashed car' problem. Upon entering the main door, Finnegan was met by his father first. Ram is sitting by the living room, wearing casual clothes, and rubbing his temples. When he looked up and saw his son enter, Ram couldn't help but shake his head. "Your sister just left to get her own car fixed. Isn't that very nice of you, big bro?" Ram said sarcastically. "We need to talk with you. Take a seat." Finn approached the seats with heavy steps. He sat opposite his father as he scratched the back of his neck. "I was gonna get it repaired today, Dad. I just had to do something real quick." "Oh, yeah? Like what? Sending your fake fiancée to her parents' house? Playing your little secret." Boon walked towards his husband with a tray of drinks. He sat down next to Ram and drank his own iced tea while giving their son an 'explain yourself' look. Finnegan gulped after hearing his mother's words. He looked at him with guilt stricken face. How was is it that he could never hide his emotions from his mother? And how did he know about the arrangement? That it's fake. Finn chuckled nervously. "Y-you mean, Michelle? H-how did you know about--" Boon threw a pillow to her son. "You know...if you can't even hide the fact that you're getting blackmailed or even find a solution to that problem, you're never gonna get ahead, buddy." Finn was more confused than when they had the 's*x talk' when he was 14. "What are you talking about? I can get ahead on my own, thank you very much." Boon rolled his eyes. They just got home from their trip early because the seven had told him and Ram about Finn's little problem. They had to come home and confront him. "Look, Finn. These past months, you've been back to your old 'bullcrap' again. Drinking too much until you drop. Driving recklessly. Fine, the problem was huge for you. But we talked about this. Transparency, bud. Why didn't you tell us you're being blackmailed by that Michelle kid?" Finn was blinking rapidly while he listened to Ram. It's true. He's being blackmailed by Michelle. How did his parents know? And why aren't they mad? As a doctor and a mother, Boon would be furious. Finn looked at his parents as if he was a deer caught in the headlights. "Dad...Mom...I uh..." "You're stupid, you know that? She wasn't even pregnant with your child, and you played along? And when she had the baby aborted, her parents knew about it. And who the father was. What the hell, Finn. I thought you're smarter than this." Boon is very disappointed at his son. The 19 year old's mouth was gaping. His lips turned into an awkward smile. "But...how...what... Y-you mean I....I didn't kill a baby?" Boon turned red in anger. "Argh! That's all you're gonna say, Finnegan?" He got up and rubbed his temples. Ram got up too and comforted his husband. "And if it was really your child, would you just continue hiding it from us? That you got a girl pregnant then have her abort the baby?" "Who's got who pregnant?" Vanessa came home with Xander. She sat next to her grandchild right away and gave him a hug. Boon was huffing trying to calm himself down. "Love...calm down, baby." Ram whispered in his husband's ear as he hugged him close and rubbed his back. He turned towards his in-laws and pointed at Finn. "WHAT?!" The grandparents exclaimed in shock. "Grandma...it's not true. At least I thought it was true...but then...mom said. Umh..." "Yeah, he thought it was true and hid it. What a dumbass. He thought his 'fake' girlfriend was pregnant with his child and she had it aborted it. He hid it and played along with the fake engagement thing with her out of guilt bullshit." Boon explained Finn's situation after sitting down again with Ram. "Oh, my god. Did you just get punked by that girl?" Vanessa blurted out. Finn was too ashamed to look at her and hung his head low. He nodded slowly. Xander was clicking his tongue. "Come on, buddy. How could you have fallen for that cheap trap? You're a Jarupanivh. With a Vongvanich blood. We have to confront her parents about this. This is a scandal. They've already announced their engagement. God damn it. Now I'm pissed off." Vanessa had to calm his husband down, too. Ram heaved a sigh. "See what you've done, son." He then turned towards his in-laws and told them that Michelle's parents had prior knowledge about the truth, that they're also conniving with blackmailing Finn into the relationship with their daughter. Xander was boiling in anger inside but he had to wait and talk with Ram and Boon in private. He wants to know more about the issue. And the seven gave the information to Finn's parents. Their grandson doesn't know about the seven. Finnegan didn't see the exchange of looks between his parents and grandparents. He was nervous and at the same time guilty. 'I'm so fucked.' Xander soon left the living room and headed to his office. Ram followed his father-in-law. Boon stayed to give his son a piece of his mind. More of it. Finn had an earful and Vanessa wanted to comfort her grandson but Boon didn't want her to. "Mom! You're spoiling him by babying him too much. He's 19. I could have kicked him out of here already and let him fend for himself." Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Right. You're the one who had been so overprotective of him. Didn't you say you'll keep your kids here until you grow old like me?" Finn was about to grin hearing his grandma when a pillow hit his face again. "Mom~~" "Oh, shut it, Finn." The two mothers continued bickering while Finn listened quietly. He may have been the black sheep of the family but these wonderful people in his life always showed him love and support. It's the times like this that he questions himself of all the lame acts he has pulled. But then after a while, he would be back at it again like a broken piece of record. Finnegan always felt this warm feeling around his family. Yet at the same time, he would also feel that missing part in him. He's been in constant turmoil that sometimes he gets scared that one day he'll end up hurting his family. And that there would be no turning back. Ram came back from Xander's office and joined the other three in the living room. Finnegan was later dismissed and was prohibited to leave the house until the new semester starts. 'f**k me.' Finnegan cursed himself as he headed back to his room. ________________________________________________  
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