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“Five”   Ram and Boon were the last ones to leave the living room. "I know he feels guilty for doing these things but why does he keep doing them?" Boon heaved a sigh. Ram stared at his husband worriedly. He's dragged him to his business trip with a promise for a little getaway on the last day. But then they received an information on Finnegan's latest mischief. They had to come back right away. Boon was right to be worried about their son's recent odd behavior. And they didn't need to learn about him crashing France's car to know that Finn was up to no good again. Or hiding something they know for sure is a huge trouble. And this time it really was more serious. Relief was what the couple felt when they were told that their son didn't actually get his fake fiancée pregnant. He was tricked in believing so. Still, hiding that kind of problem didn't sit well with Ram and Boon. Boon heaved another sigh. "He crashed his sister's brand new car. What an idiot." Ram pulled Boon and peppered him kisses. "Love...I'm sorry we had to come home right away. Now you're even more stressed out. We could have just called Finn about this." "It's fine. We had to let him understand the depth of what he did this time. We can always go on vacation some other time." Boon replied. Ram smiled tenderly and pulled his husband into his embrace. "You're the best mother in the world, you know that? Why can't our son see that? Sigh... Let's go to our room, baby. Let's get you some rest." Boon nodded. "You told dad about what the seven found out?" Boon asked his husband after they've gone to their bedroom. Ram nodded. "He was furious. He never thought that the Lapans would go as far as being in cahoots with their daughter about blackmailing Finn." Boon was done changing his clothes. "I never liked them. Even when Finn mentioned about being engaged to her, it didn't feel right." After leaving the closet, Ram pulled Boon into the couch in their room. Boon sat astride his husband and slumped his forehead on Ram's shoulder. "That's why I've been postponing the contract we have with them. Their company may have good reputation but now that we know they can't be trusted, I'm afraid I have to let the proposal go. I can't work with a company owned by shady people. Especially with the ones that deceived our son." Boon raised his head and cupped his husband's face. He smiled and planted a kiss on Ram's forehead. "You're a good father, love. Thank you." Ram grinned before he held his husband's nape and slowly brought his face to his. Their lips locked and their tongues soon glided and tangled around each other. Boon moaned at Ram's exploration of his mouth. "R-Ram..." Boon uttered between enjoying his husband's touch underneath his t-shirt. Boon unzipped Ram's pants, he hasn't taken it off since they've been back in their room. He's just shirtless. Boon on the other hand had only changed into one of Ram's t-shirts. As he enjoyed the kisses and sucking on his neck, Boon began to stroke Ram's already hardened length. "Ahnnn..." He gasped when Ram's lips encircled one of his n*****s. Ram slid Boon's boxers, enough for him to be able to hold his husband by his ass and fondled them with both hands. "Sit on my c**k, baby." Boon did so with blush creeping on his face. He raised his hips and slowly lowered them to impale himself on his husband's throbbing c**k. He grabbed Ram's hair as his hole got penetrated. "F-Fuck..." "Stay still, love. I'll do the thrusting." Ram said. Boon blushed even more. His face slowly turned drunken as Ram's c**k began to pound faster into his ass. Ram held Boon by his hips as he fastened his thrusts. Boon kept his gaze on Ram, his hands gripping on the latter's shoulders. "Nnnggh....Too fast...ahhh!" Ram smirked. "Too fast? But...Agh! I can't hold it, baby. We didn't get to do it for a whole day yesterday." Boon bit his lower lip, his face flushed red while gazing back at Ram. "You're insatiable. I love tha--Ohh... f**k!" He was cut off when Ram thrust hard and deep. After two more long and hard thrusts, Ram came inside of Boon's hole. Boon burst between their abs. He brought his cheek against his husband's face as they both enjoyed the afterglow. "I'll bring you to the tub, hang on to me, love." Ram said after a few minutes passed. Boon nodded and clung to his husband. "I want more in the bathroom~~" Ram chuckled as he carried Boon to their bathroom, koala bear style. "Sure, baby. As many as you want."                     Francesca arrived home an hour before the family gathered in the dining room for dinner. "How was it, kiddo?" Ram asked his daughter regarding her car situation. He feels pride in their youngest for taking the initiative to have her car towed and fixed. France even asked him not to get mad at her brother over the car problem. It's fixable so it wasn't a big deal. Ram and Boon know that their daughter will grow up to be an independent young woman. They're very happy. "It's gonna take two days. The repair shop put in priority when I mentioned it was P'Finn who wrecked it." Ram's brows furrowed until Boon joined the conversation. The father and daughter are sitting by the family room. "Finn helped the owner once. I was at Intochar Hospital when he brought the old man in the emergency. He found him lying on the ground near the shop. Finn was bringing his bike for maintenance there." "Heart attack?" Ram asked. Boon nodded. France groaned. "He's a good guy but why does he keep giving you guys problems? Stupid brother." She mumbled as she crossed her arms on her chest. Her phone beeped just as when Boon asked them to head to the dining room. Dinner was ready. After receiving the text from her cousin, Brielle, France had been quiet. She ate her food in silence and when she was all done, she hurriedly excused herself to leave. "Hey, young lady. What's the rush, honey? Aren't you forgetting something?" Boon asked his daughter. "Um...no?" She replied. It was clear she was itching to leave the dining room. "Francesca." Ram called her attention as she was about to completely leave the room. "What is it, kiddo?" All heads turned to her. They're curious as to why the bubbliest person in the house all of a sudden was quiet and now in a rush to leave. Forgetting the dessert too. She trudged back to her seat. Dessert was being served but she didn't want to eat. "France, you're still mad about the car? I'll give you mine, then." Finn offered. It was rare for him to be sweet to his sister. After all this time. France tilted her head to look at her brother. She was glad her brother offered the car she wanted to drive even before she had her own. But it seemed to be not so important at the moment for her. She then stared at each one of her family members. "I just wanted to go to my room and talk with the twins." She adores Brianna and Brielle. They're like her big sisters. Boon chuckled. "That's it? And you were about to abandon dessert to chat with them? You see them almost every day, honey." France stared at them again with eyes not believing what she sees. "Haven't you guys heard? ...P'Bran is back." ____________________________________________________  
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