Meeting A Furious Billionaire

1039 Words
~Scarlett~ What brought me back to consciousness was a sudden pain I felt on my arm. I intended to hiss, but realized I couldn't. My throat seems to be blocked. I tried to wiggle my hands and feets, but that too didn't work. I stopped hearing a conversation between my stepmother and a man. "I have injected her. I don't think you need to worry too much again." The stranger said. "I know, but I think we need to act fast. My daughter had stolen her boyfriend and has obviously won the favor of her father. I know Scarlett to be one who holds a grudge, so I'm thinking if we should get rid of her." Said my stepmother. "That's why I said you don't have to worry that much again. Felix and his daughter are already at loggerheads. She's already crazy and will need to be taken to the psychiatric hospital. After she's out of the way, we can proceed with getting Felix to sign off his belongings to you and your daughter before finishing him." My heart sank. I knew my stepmother wasn't a good person, but to think she had in mind to kill a man who accepted her even when she already had a daughter with another man, made me both scared and angry. That sl.ut! My thought got breached when I heard her sigh. "Even though Felix and Scarlett are often at loggerheads, Felix still views her as his biological daughter so I doubt he'll be able to hand her over to the psychiatric hospital." "That's where you get it all wrong. Felix is a man who values his reputation and company more than anything else. He'd reason about her situation. If it'll seem dangerous to the two things he cherishes most, he'd give her up. After all, she's there to recover." The stranger's well thought plan made my skin crawl. My eyes forcefully opened and met with that of my stepmother. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw me and she instantly extended her hand to grasp me. Thankfully, I evaded it, pulled off the tubes on my body before racing towards the door. Next, I did something really silly. A few meters away from me was a pair of broad shoulders clad inside a black, lapel suit. The bottom flaps of the suit swayed in rhythm to his hands that were gesturing as he spoke to whoever it was he was speaking with. Before I could stop herself, I found herself at the feet of this man, clutching tightly onto his arm. He was already done talking to the person he was talking to and had already dismissed the person. He looked down at me and I raised my head only for my eyes to come in contact with a pair of the most beautiful pair of gray eyes I have ever seen. Mesmerizing ocean blue eyes sat in their sockets roofed by long, thick dark lashes. He had a Roman nose and his sideboards ran on either side of his face colliding with his pencil mustache and goatee. He had a sharp chin and his jet black hair was gelled up and had a few ringlets falling in the front. This was no mere being but a Greek god sent from the heavens to live among mortals. But as much as his eyes kept me spellbound, I noticed something else: a spark of fury. There and then, I knew that this god wasn't so nice and could flip his lead anytime soon. My eyes darted to his broad chest which was almost ripping out of his shirt. That chest housed his heart and I couldn't help but convince myself over and over that his heart was made of ice. The look on his face had said it all. I saw how his eyes darted from my face to my hand which was still clutching tightly onto his arm and back to her face. I needed no seer to tell me that he wanted my hand off his arm that instant and just like that, I slowly withdrew my hand from his arm. My eyes soon caught sight of my father who was staring daggers at me a little farther from us. My ears also caught the sound of the approaching running footsteps. Realizing I was still being chased by my stepmother and her cohort, I grabbed the man's arm again. "Please, help me!" The man however, just stared at me without blinking, unwilling to help. I guess this gave my stepmother courage to step forward. She apologized to the man with a flustered expression. "I'm really sorry Mr. Zachary, my doctor right here escaped from the unit we kept her in." Only then did I see the man part his lips. "So I've been touched by a deranged woman?" I wasn't even confirmed mad and this person right here already referred to me as deranged! I was about to say something when my eyes caught with that of my dad's. Although he wasn't flustered outwardly, I could tell he was scared. For the first time, I decided to be a good daughter and not say anything. Unfortunately, the b***h's next choice of words got me slapping her hand across the face! "It is a hereditary disease. We never expected she'd have it after the rigorous health check-ups over the years." I pointed a finger angrily to her nose. "Even hoes dare to call someone's legitimate wife a mad person! Ha!" "How dare you touch my wife!" That was the unmistakable voice of my father. I smirked sadly, knowing he had come to fight for his wife instead of his biological daughter. "Are you just gonna let them take me away on the basis that I'm mad?" I asked in melancholy. I felt his gaze on me before he retracted it and walked towards his wife. He calmed down and greeted Zachary. "I'm really sorry for the troubles my daughter has caused you today." He said, bowing down a little. Zachary glanced at me and then at my father before pulling out his suit jacket. He tossed it at my father and walked away. "Get the deranged to where they belong!"
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