Scarlett, Dead?

1004 Words
Scarlett's eyes dimmed as soon as she heard him. She couldn't believe this was the same man she had surprisingly put her hope in. She was surprised too, but for a reason which she had no idea why, she felt the man would help her. Who knew he was just like her father! Unable to distinguish good from bad! Before she could say anything to him, a doctor rushed forward and tranquilized her. She fell to the ground and went unconscious. Felix walked forward and ordered the doctor with his wife to take Scarlett to the psychiatric hospital. After they were gone, he walked towards the man and bowed down slowly. The fact his daughter dared to touch Damon Zachary made him scared. What if Damon got angry and decided to attack his company? Thinking of that, he hurriedly apologized. "I'm really sorry Mr. Zachary, what happened today was entirely my fault and I greatly apologize for th..." He stopped talking when the man turned and walked away. Instead of getting upset, he breathed out a sigh of relief. Thankfully, Zachary wasn't offended otherwise he and his company would've been doomed. When he returned back to the ward he's daughter was in, he frowned, recalling he had ordered for her to be taken to a psychiatric hospital. He turned to his wife who was seated quietly on the bed and snapped his fingers. The woman snapped out of her thought and smiled ingratiatingly. "You're here." He totally ignored the smile on her face and asked. "Where's Scarlett?" "You asked for her to be taken to the..." She hadn't finished when she was cut off by the man! "I said that in a fit of rage, couldn't you have understood?" He huffed angrily. Tina was beginning to get upset but because of the plan she still had in mind to execute, she couldn't lash out at the man. "She bounced on me before she ran out. I didn't think it was good to keep a mad person around." She said with a small voice whilst lowering her head. Her eyes burned with anger and the hand beside her, balled into a tight fist. This, of course, wasn't seen by Felix who walked out of the ward immediately he was informed of Scarlett's whereabouts. ..... Meanwhile, Scarlett stared fearfully at Leah who stood before her with a bread knife. "Hello, sister. Surprised at what you see?" Leah drawled, twirling the knife in slow motion. Scarlett looked up at her fearfully. Although she often appeared cold and resilient, only those close to her, which included Leah, knew she was actually a scaredy cat inside. "What do you want, Leah?" She finally asked, her eyes jerking from the knife to the smug smile on Leah's face. Leah cackled the moment she heard the question. Then as slowly as she could, she squatted and stared into Scarlett's eyes. "I've always hated you, Scarlett. Our father loved you more. I, on the other hand, was only referred to as the illegitimate daughter of the...." "But you're indeed the illegitimate daughter of my father, you're not even related by blood to m..pfft!" Scarlett hadn't finished her sentence when the latter reached out and struck her face heavily, causing a large amount of blood to sputter out. A smile graced Leah's face at the sight of it. She extended her hand and caressed Scarlett's face. "I've waited to do this for quite a long time and this time, even your father won't be left out!" Scarlett thought she had misheard, but when she recalled the conversation she heard earlier in the hospital, she gasped and looked up at Leah. "Don't tell me you and your mother really plan on murdering the family that has been taking care of you for so long!" She shrieked, her heart pounding. Leah smiled crazily. "I'm glad you still make use of your head at such a time. However, since you're going to die anyway, how about I tell you more?" Scarlett said nothing, but her trembling lashes gave Leah the satisfaction she craved. "Your boyfriend or should I say fiance has been planning this from day one. In fact, I'm pregnant with his child." Scarlett balled her hand into a fist, her insides cringing in anger. When she spoke, her voice came out shaky. "I did nothing other than trust you both. Because of you and your mother, I left my father's house. Yet, you ought to kill me, don't you have a conscience?" Leah leaned forward and placed the knife on Scarlett's throat. "My conscience has long been dead. Now, I'll tell you one more thing before I kill you." Her lips brushed with Scarlett's ear as she whispered. "I killed my father because he tried to force himself on me once. My mother acted like it was nothing, so I'm planning to kill her once I've gained a foothold in the social world." Leah had totally let her guard down, and as a result, Scarlett mustered all the courage and strength she had and pushed her away. The van's door wasn't locked, so she directly ran towards it, pulled it open and jumped out. Leah watched the scene with a stoic expression. The man who had been opposite them, pulled off his mask. Blake rushed to Leah and shook her a little. "Scarlett just jumped off the van!" Leah touched his hand fondly with a smile on her face. Her mouth moved towards his but met with his cheeks. She smiled brightly. "You still like her, don't you?" "I don't." Blake said. "But she just jumped off a speeding van." "So what?" She tsked. "The instruction was to kill her. She jumped off herself. Her death has nothing to do with us." Blake had a worried expression as he said. "That's why I'm worried. What if... she doesn't die?" Meanwhile, a man who had run out from the forest with blood trailing down his face, frowned deeply seeing an unconscious Scarlett beside the road.
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