7 Acquaintances

1043 Words
    Luca POV         I am enjoying spending time with Abigale and she keeps complimenting the food. I love to hear people talk about enjoying the food that my chef makes.  As we talk I look over to the door when I hear someone come in and I want to kill my father right now.  Before I refused to take a family ordered bride he had made a deal with the Santoni family for me to marry their daughter Marie.  Marie walks in with her brother Tony.  I wish I could get Jennifer the hostesses attention to make sure they don't sit near us.  Marie did not take it well when I wouldn't marry her.  Of course Jennifer leads them to sit two tables away from ours.  "Are you ok Luca you look like something is bothering you?"  No sooner does she ask me do I hear the most annoying voice I have ever heard.  "Well, if it isn't my supposed to be husband."  I see Abigale look at me and I know I am going to have to explain this but I just don't know how with out telling her about the family.  I see her brother come to stand behind her and I want to spit nails.  Marie and Tony its good to see you again.  Please have a seat at your table and enjoy your dinner on me.  "I'll only enjoy it if you join me Luca instead of sitting with this" I stop her before she can finish.  I would not if I were you Marie.  "Are you threatening my sister Demetris" Tony asks me.  Did you come to my restaurant starting trouble with me maybe my father will be interested to know of your disrespect. I see Tony flinch and grab his sister's arm.  "Let's go Marie leave him to eat his meal in peace with his date."  I see her pout but she follows her brother to their table.  When I turn back to Abigale I am getting the death stare and I know I am going to have to answer at least some of her questions to salvage our dinner.     Abigale POV     I am actually having a really good time with Luca.  He has been a perfect gentlemen and we have been having really great conversation.  The food is amazing I have never been to this restaurant but I definitely will come back. I love Italian food.  Luca is talking and I notice that he seems to be distracted all the sudden. I look over to the door and notice a man and a woman walk in.  The woman looks totally fake, caked on make up and big boob implants.  She is dressed like its a club instead of a nice restaurant.  The man looks like a tank with no neck.  I watch the hostess lead them to a table near ours and I can tell Luca isn't happy.  Is this woman something to him if so I am going to be very pissed.  I do not like cheaters not that this is a date but I know he is trying to impress me.  I ask him if he is ok hoping he will tell me what's up with this girl.  As soon as I ask the question I hear a very nasal voice that is like nails on a chalk board.  When she calls Luca her supposed to be husband I can feel my blood start to boil.  I will not make a scene here but he acted like Derrick was a douchebag cheaters are just as bad.  I sit back and see how this is going to play out.  When the huge guy steps up behind her I wonder if they are going to make a spectacle of themselves. As I listen to the conversation I hear Luca use his father to threaten this man and the woman he is with.  After hearing about Luca's father they seem to turn tail and run.  Why would they be afraid of Luca's father, what could he do to them?  When they walk away Luca turns back to me and I cross my arms waiting for an explanation.       Luca POV     I am sorry about the interruption Abigale.  Did you want something for desert the chef makes a chocolate cake that is to die for.  "Don't even try it Luca what the hell was that about?"  I take a deep breath.  My father and her father have been acquaintances for a very long time. They do a lot of business deals together. It goes all the way back to when are grandfathers were in charge.  Our grandfathers convinced our fathers to set up an arranged marriage between myself and Marie. I only met Marie once but I would never marry someone because I was told to.   I absolutely refuse to marry someone that I am not in love with. They asked me to consider a courting where we got to know each other and after one meeting I knew it wasn't happening.   She is not exactly my type and I refuse to date or marry her.  That big guy with her is her brother, Tony.  Good guy just trying to defend his sister.  "That's crazy that in this day and age to think anyone would let their parents pick their spouse."  Its a tradition that some of the families haven't let go of but I won't be part of it.  "Why did you tell him you would tell your father, why would Tony care what your dad says?"  My father and his father do a lot of business together like I said and no body likes to piss my dad off.  "Is he the boss of your company?"  He absolutely is the boss so nobody goes against him.  He is a fair guy and I love my father.  After I answer her questions she seems to be satisfied and doesn't press for anymore information about my family which I am grateful for.  We have desert and coffee before we get up to leave.  I see Marie staring at me and to my shock Abigale takes my hand in hers while looking at Marie.  I smile and we head out to my car. I think she might be a little jealous.      
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