6 Dinner

1285 Words
    Abigale POV     I slept horrible last night I kept dreaming about that a**hole Derrick.  Gio even came in my room at one point because I must have been screaming.  Thank god I was able to stop him from following through on his threat.  I hope Luca's brother beats the sh*t out of him.  I get up in the morning since I can't sleep anymore and go to take my shower.  Once I am showered and dressed for work I head out toward the kitchen. Gio is still asleep on the couch when I hear the buzzer sound.  I walk over to the intercom and ask who it is.  "It's Luca"  he says.  I buzz the door open and wait for him to knock.  I open the door and Luca is wearing a suit that hugs his body in all the right places.  Why am I like a horny teenager around this man I think to myself?  He is smiling like he caught me doing something.  What are you smiling about?  "Nothing Abigale absolutely nothing" he says.  He is so smug I want to slap that look right off his face.  You can call me Abby everyone does.  "I know that's why I call you Abigale because I am not everyone else."  Holy s**t that was hot, why is everything he says so hot.  Suit yourself I don't mind either name.  I turn to head back toward the kitchen to fix breakfast.  He walks in closing the door behind him.  He walks over to where Gio is lying on the couch and slaps him on the forehead.  I chuckle to myself when I hear Gio "what the f**k Luca?"  You told me to be here and you aren't even up.  I have to get to the restaurant its ordering day.  "Sorry it was a long night."  I feel myself stiffen and I would rather Gio not tell this man about my nightmares.  "Why what happened over night?"  Gio looks toward me and I shake my head at him but Luca catches me.  He stands and walks toward me "what are you not telling me Abigale did that douchebag come back after I left last night?"  No, no nothing like that I just had some nightmares.  I will be fine.  I can see his jaw clench and I wonder why he cares so much.  Luca I am fine it just shook me up but its all good.  Gio gets up and runs to my bathroom to take a shower before he leaves with Luca.  Great now we are alone and he is standing near me.     Luca POV     When I get up in the morning I jump in the shower.  I start to think about Abigale and everything that happened yesterday.  I can't wait to take her to my restaurant tonight. Of all the things in my life that restaurant is what I am most proud of .  I finish with the shower and get dressed in a suit.  Charcoal grey with a sky blue tie and wing tip shoes, its my favorite suit.  I pick up my phone and I see Dom texted me playdate done.  My brother is sick that's the code words he came up with if he does anything to hurt a guy.  Grazie I text back and I put the phone in my pocket.  I jump in my Mercedes and drive over to Abigale's apartment.  On the way over I think about Gio staying in her apartment last night and it pisses me off.  I know they are like brother and sister but I don't like the idea of any man being in that apartment while she is in pajamas sleeping.  I sound like a love sick puppy and we aren't even dating yet.  When I arrive at the apartment I take a quick sweep just to make sure nothing looks suspicious or out of place, which it doesn't.  I go over buzzing Abigale's apartment.  Once I let her know its me I head up and she lets me in.  She looks stunning in a purple business dress and f**k me pumps.  I would love for her to wrap her legs around my head and dive right in.  I shake away the thought so I don't seem like a creep.  When I look up I realize she is checking me out too and I smile from ear to ear.  I blow it off when she asks me about my smile.  I love that she lets me call her Abigale it makes me feel special since everyone calls her Abby.  I see Gio is asleep on the couch and I am a little bit irritated I have work to do and he should have been up by now.  I slap him on the forehead.  Needless to say my cousin doesn't appreciate the wake up call.  I start to give him hell about being asleep but when he says it was a long night my hackles rise.  What the hell happened last night I ask Gio.  When I catch Abigale shaking her head at him out of the corner of my eye I know I am not going to like the answer.  I stand up and go over to her demanding an explanation for what happened.  When she says she had nightmares I want to find that d**k all over again and beat him down.  I hope my brother kicked the sh*t out of him and knowing my brother he did.  Gio rushes to the shower and I am left alone with Abigale.  I have never been nervous around a woman but I don't want to screw anything up with her she is special.  So don't forget Abigale we have dinner tonight.  What time should I pick you up?     Abigale POV     I can feel my face blush when he reminds me about dinner and I have no idea why.  I will get out of the office around 5:30 and I will need to change before dinner so about 6:30 would be fine.  He smiles at me "you really don't have to change that dress looks gorgeous on you."  Ok then you can pick me up at 6:00 for our friend date.  He chuckles and Gio comes running out of the bathroom.  I am grateful because the smell of his cologne and nearness was making me crazy.  They both head for the door and Luca gives me one last look "see you at 6:00 Abigale" he winks at me.  I am in so much trouble.     At 5:50 my door buzzer goes off and Luca lets me know its him.  I tell him I will be right down and grab my purse before heading out the door.  When I get down stairs we walk to Luca's car and he helps me inside.  We sit in comfortable silence during the car ride.  When we get to his restaurant he gives the key to the valet and tells him he will get my door.  I chuckle at his attempt at chivalry. We walk into the restaurant and you would swear he is a celebrity they way everyone greets him.  I see lots of both women and men eyeballing me wondering who I am to this man.  This should be a very interesting dinner I think to myself.  The place is beautiful and classy. We have a seat a what I assume is the best table.  "I hope you don't mind I asked the chef to do a tasting menu and they will pair wines with it."  Very fancy Mr. Demetris if I didn't know better I would say you are trying to impress me.  "Not me I am just a simple restaurateur and I am enjoying a friends company."  
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