8 Bad Situation

1185 Words
    Abigale POV     We drive to my apartment and he walked me up.  I open the door and ask him come in.  Do you want something to drink?  He smiles "beer if you have it would be fine."  When I grab him a beer I think he is a little shocked.  Did you think I was to good to have beer in my fridge? "No your just full of surprises."  I laugh and Luca's look at me darkens but it only lasts a second.  He smiles and we sit down on the couch.  After he finishes his beer he stands up. I stand too and follow him to the door.  Thank you for the friend dinner I really had a good time.  I can't remember when I enjoyed a night out so much.  "I'm glad Abigale" he leans in and kisses my cheek.  I thought he was going to kiss me and I don't know if I would have stopped him.  He walks out the door and I lock it behind him.  I head for my room to go take a shower and change into my pajamas.  Once in the shower I start to imagine Luca.  Just because I have never been with a man doesn't mean I don't know what desire is.  I picture him without the suit and start to rub my cl*t with two fingers in a circle.  I begin to buck against my hand as I think about him touching me all over.  It doesn't take me long to have an orgasm screaming out his name. I almost lose my footing but thankfully I don't fall in the shower.  I can't believe I just did that after I kept telling Luca we are just friends. I dry off and slip on a pair of pajama shorts and a camisole. I head out into my bedroom and stop dead when I come face to face with a very pissed off looking Derrick. What the f**k are you doing in my apartment?  Listening to you scream out that b**tards name.  The one who sent some guys to rough me up.  Did you think I would stay away because all that did was to piss me off Abby.  He stands from the bed and I turn to run for the bathroom locking the door behind me.  He starts banging on the door.  I start to look around and I realize I left my phone on the sink.  I run for it and call the only person I want to help me right now.      Luca POV     That was an amazing date tonight.  I really wanted to kiss her again but I want her to know that what I want is not just physical.  I head out to my car and start the drive to my penthouse.  I do well with the restaurant and my father set money aside for all his children in trust so I don't hurt for money.  I am just about to park my car in the garage when my phone rings. I look at the screen and its Abigale which I find odd she doesn't seem like the needy type.  As soon as I pick it up she is screaming she needs help and I can hear banging in the background.  I pull out of the garage without even thinking.  Abigale what is happening calm down and tell me.  I am driving back to you.  "Derrick is in my apartment and he is trying to get to me, I am locked in the bathroom."  Don't move I am on my way I'll break the f**king door if I have to.  Abigale I need to call my brother to meet me there and I will call you right back.  She is crying and I am going to kill that f**ker when I get there. I call Dom "what the f**k you want I am busy."  That's my brothers code for banging a girl. I don't care who you are f**king Derrick broke into Abigale's apartment and is trying to hurt her.  I hear him tell whoever he is with to find something to do.  "I'm on my way Luca send me the address."  I break the call and call Abigale back after I send Dom her address.  She picks up but I can still here the banging. "Luca please hurry he is breaking the door and he will be in soon" she is screaming.  I can hear him calling her every filthy name he can think of.  I am about ten minutes away Abigale.  I hear her scream and I know he got in.  "Give me the phone you wh**e, don't worry I am about to break her in for you Luca" he says.  If you touch her I don't get to finish he must have thrown the phone.  I speed up and I hope I make it  to her before he really does what he just threatened.       Abigale POV     Luca calls me back and he is on his way.  Derrick is banging against the door over and over again.  "Let me in you filthy wh**re I want to f**k that virgin p**sy."  Oh god please don't let him get in before Luca gets here.  Luca please hurry he is going to break the door I am screaming.  He must give it one more good hit and the door flies open.  He rushes toward me grabbing the phone in one hand and my hair in the other.  Now that I see him I can tell Luca's brother beat the sh*t out of him.  His nose looks like it was broken and both his eyes are black.  He says something to Luca and throws the phone down on the ground.  He drags me by my hair and I feel so weak.  He throws me on the bed.  "Now lay there like a good little sl*t and take my c**k or you will regret it Abby."  He starts to grab my shorts but I am not going to make this easy.  I kick him in the face with as much force as I can it knocks him off balance but not enough.  He slaps me across the face.  "I told you to behave sl*t or I will make sure no one will ever f**k you again."  He reaches for my shorts and just as he pulls them down the door slams open.  I see Luca with a murderous look on his face.  He grabs a hold of Derrick and I breathe a sigh of relief.  Luca is like an animal he starts to punch Derrick in the face over and over again.  If he doesn't stop he is going to kill him.  I don't want Luca in trouble for saving me.  Luca stop please we can call the police please stop I plead with him. I look up to see three big men walking into the room.  The one that looks like Luca pulls him off of Derrick and grabs him by the face.  What the hell is happening? I hope that his brother stops him from killing Derrick I think as I cover myself. 
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