5 Problem Dealt With

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    Luca POV     "So tell me little brother about the girl?"  I knew it wasn't going to be easy.  She is a nice girl I met when I was seventeen.  I haven't seen her since then but tonight I went to her parents anniversary party to try to see her again.  "What's so special about this piece of a** to you?"  Don't ever call her that again I bang my fist on the table.  Damn it he baited me and I bit.  I just mean she isn't a wh**e, she is a nice girl.  She is the daughter of the Brentmore family that manages the families money.  Now his eyes get wide.  "No s**t a rich girl that is way out of your league."  Dom don't bust my balls I just need a favor do it or I'll do it myself.  "Your going to get your pristine hands dirty little brother I never thought I would see the day."  Forget it Dom, I go to stand up.  "Sit down Luca I am just enjoying giving you a hard time."  "What do you need?" The a**hole she brought as a date tonight to the party didn't like her talking to me and when he took her home he roughed her up.  "What exactly does that mean?"  My brother Dom is a lot of things but he doesn't tolerate men that misuse woman.  She apparently hasn't had s*x with him while they have been dating and he felt like she owed him.  When she refused he tried to press the issue physically he slapped her across the face. I see my brother's expression darken and it even scares me a little.  I know what he is capable of when it comes to hurting people.  "Continue Luca did he force her?"  No thankfully she kneed him in the balls and was able to get into her apartment to safety.  She called Gio and I tagged along to check on her.  She has a red mark across her face and I wanted to go kill the f**k but Gio talked me out of it.  "You kill somebody does Gio even know you,"  Don't act like I'm a pu**y Dom I would do what I needed to if someone I cared for was in danger.  "Alright don't get your panties in a bunch I just meant you ain't no hitman."  I know I'm not and I don't want the guy dealt with that way I just want the sh*t beat out of him so he won't ever bother her again.  "Are you sure because by the sounds of it we would be doing the world a favor putting a piece of sh*t like him out of his misery." No Dom just a beat down and a scare.  "Ok little brother send me the guys name and I'll take care of the rest." "I'll let you know its done same code word as always."  Thanks Dom I round the table and kiss him on the cheek.  I do my best to not get mauled trying to get the hell out of this strip club.  I will never understand why my brother sits in that place but Dom is an enigma.  I jump back in the car heading back toward Abigale's place.  When I get out of my car I see someone near the buzzer panel.  I yell hey what the hell are you doing.  Whoever it is takes off and I don't get a good look at them.  If that was that a**hole I promise once my brother finishes with him she won't ever have to worry about him coming around again.       Abigale POV     Gio and I sit on the couch watching tv.  I keep wondering what Luca is doing.  Gio where did Luca really go, he wouldn't go after Derrick would he?  He doesn't even know me to go and get himself in trouble over me. Gio smiles at me. "First any man worth calling himself a man would defend a woman, second Luca will do what it takes to make things right, and third he won't get himself in trouble so stop worrying. About an hour and half after Luca left the buzzer to the apartment goes off.  I go over to the intercom assuming its Luca.  I am just about to buzz him up and Gio tells me to ask who it is.  When no one answers I can't believe I almost did that.  What the hell is wrong with me I am acting like I have no brains.  "Don't ever buzz anyone up without asking who it is this is New York."  I just figured it was Luca but your right I just am so frazzled by everything that happened.  Thank you for staying with me Gio.  "You know I would do anything for you Abby your like a sister to me."  I hug Gio because he is like my brother just less annoying.  The buzzer sounds again and I ask who it is.  "Its Luca" he says and I push the button for the door.  Gio is waiting by the door for Luca and lets him in.  "Did you handle everything you needed to handle Luca?"  He nods with some unspoken language between the two.  What am I missing?  Luca what did you do while you were gone?  I have never been one to beat around the bush and I won't be left in the dark when something has to do with me.  "I told you Abigale I needed to handle some business."  I want to know what that means, what did you do to Derrick?  "Why do you care what happens to that piece of sh*t?"  I don't care but I don't need you to get in trouble defending my honor or something.  "That's sweet your worried about me but totally unnecessary I got it covered."  Don't patronize me Luca I don't appreciate it.  "I am not trying to patronize you but the less you know about what I do the better."  What the hell kind of statement is that you sound like a thug.  "Nope just a simple restaurant owner remember you told me we could have dinner."  Seriously your trying to distract me it won't work tell me or I will never go anywhere with you.  Gio laughs and I give him the death stare.  "Fine I'll tell you only if you promise to have dinner with me."  As friends only fine I will tomorrow night now tell me.  "My brother is a very scary guy so I asked him to do me a favor and scare the s**t out of him."  That's it just scare the s**t out of him.  "He may slap him around for hitting you but that's it, he won't bother you again."  Thank you Luca but it was unnecessary.  "No thanks needed, are you going to be ok by yourself tonight?"  "Actually Luca I am going to spend the night if you can swing around in the morning and pick me up" Gio says.  "Fine I'll be here around nine, goodnight Abigale."  Goodnight and thank you again Luca he reaches down and brings my hand to his lips kissing it.  That should not make me hot but it does.  What the hell is happening to me?
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