4 Favor

1389 Words
    Gio POV     We pull up in front of Abby's building and I see no sign of that a**hole Derrick. That is a good thing because my cousin looks like he is ready to commit murder.  We go to the call box and ring Abby's apartment.  She answers and when I say its me she opens the outside door.  We ride the elevator up to her floor and knock on her door.  When Abby opens it I want to kill him now.  Abby what the hell happened I say as I walk inside followed by Luca.  As soon as he sees her face I can see the look I have see a hundred times on my uncle's face.  This is not good if he wants to stay on the straight and narrow.  Luca calm down we are going to figure this out.  I watch Luca reach his hand up and softly touch Abby's face where the red mark is on her cheek.       Abigale POV     I am waiting for Gio to arrive.  I am sitting on the couch thinking about the events of the night.  The door buzzer goes off and I push the intercom.  When I hear Gio's voice a sense of relief washes over me.  I open the down stairs door and wait for him to make it to knock.  When I hear the knock I rush to open it after checking the peep hole.  I throw open the door and Gio is standing there with a smile until he sees my face.  I don't even realize someone is behind him until he walks in and Luca walks in behind him.  That can't be good I know he didn't like Derrick to begin with.  Not that I care if he likes him but I wouldn't want him to get in trouble defending my honor and he seems to be that guy.  I see Gio looking at the angry look on Luca's face and then telling him to calm down.  Luca reaches up and brushes his hand gently across the place where Derrick hit.  It feels good when his hands graze the skin over my cheek.  I snap out of it and offer them both something to drink because I don't know what else to do.  As I turn to head toward the kitchen I hear Luca's deep sexy voice "sit down Abigale." I spin around and look at him, excuse me. "I need you to tell us exactly what happened after you left the party Abigale." I hate to have to say what happened it makes me feel weak but I can see that Luca is not going to let it go.  I wish Gio had come alone I don't mind him seeing me like this, we have been best friends since we were kids.  It is over and done with I just wanted to make sure he left that's all.  "Abigale I am not going to ask you again now tell me what he did."  The menace in his voice is scary but hot, what the hell is wrong with me.  Fine I'll tell you but I am not calling the police I don't want bad publicity for the company.  "Fine no police just the story."  I take a deep breath and look at Gio for support, he nods and I begin.  When we got in the car he started to drive me home.  He started to accuse me of f**king you in the bathroom.  When I finished saying that I realized I don't want to tell him the part about second base so I am going to leave that out.  He basically called me a wh**e and told me I owed him something for all the time he wasted.  "What does that mean Abigale?"  Oh my god I am mortified I have to say this sh*t to him, I don't even know him.  I wouldn't f**k him ok, in the time we dated he complained he barely got to second base so he said I owed him.  I see Luca's knuckles becoming white with how hard he is squeezing his fist.  "Then what happened?"  I told him I owed him nothing and when we pulled up outside my apartment I rushed from the car.  I tried to get in quickly but it wasn't quick enough.  He grabbed me and turned me telling me I owe him again and I basically told him to f**k off.  He slapped me across the face and I kneed him in the balls. I was able to get into the apartment and called Gio.  Are you satisfied now Luca.      Luca POV     As I sit and listen to Abigale tell me the story I can feel my restraint slipping.  He put his hands on a woman, this woman and he was going to force her to have s*x.  I was glad to hear her say she hadn't had s*x with that piece of sh*t.  I know I am not my family but right now I feel like I could make this guy disappear and not think twice about it.  Gio keeps telling me to be calm but calm left long ago.   Even if I don't kill this ba**ard I am definitely going to f**k him up.  He will never even think about talking or coming near her again when I am done with him.  When she is finished with the story I can tell she is irritated with having to tell me.  I am not sure why but right now I can't worry about that part I need to find this guy and make him sorry.  I have to go but Gio is going to stay with you for a while.  "What do you mean where are you going" Abigale says.  I have some business to take care of.  I head for the door and Gio jumps up following me into the hallway.  "Luca don't do this you will never come back from it if you kill him."  I am not going to let him get away with doing that to her.  "I understand that but you need to think about the bigger picture if you become like the rest of the mob men she will never be with you."  Gio why do you always have to be the voice of reason I laugh.  I won't kill him but he is getting roughed up for what he did.  I will call in a favor from my brother so I won't even get my hands dirty.  "You know it is never good to owe Dominick a favor."  I know but I can handle him and I'm not sure if I do it myself that I will stop before I kill him.  I shake my cousin's hand and head for the elevator.  I take my phone out of my pocket and dial my brother.  "To what do I owe this call from my little brother."  I ain't so little Dom but I need a favor.  "Big shot business man needs help from me the crooked one."  Dom are you going to help me or what? "Of course I am your my brother but that doesn't me I won't give you sh*t for it."  Are you at home or out?  "I'm at the strip club why don't you join me you could probably use a good f**k."  I'll meet you there but I don't need any of that sh*t.  "Suit yourself little brother."  I shake my head because he will never change.  I jump in the car and head toward the last place I want to be.  When I walk in all I can see is b**bs all over.  "Luca over here" I hear Dom's voice.  I head toward my brother and on the way every stripper tries to rub up against me.  Not interested girls I say at least ten times.  I sit at the table and my brother laughs at how uncomfortable I am in this place. "What do you need that you were actually willing to come to this place you hate?"  I am not here to talk about this place I need your help with a guy who tried to force himself on a girl I know.  I know he isn't going to make it that simple so I wait for the questions that Dom will want answered before he helps me. 
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