9 Playmate

1214 Words

    Luca POV     I get to the apartment door and I don't hesitate to bust it in.  I will have someone here before morning to repair it.  Once inside I run to Abigale's door.  Her lock is easy and will be the next thing I fix before she ever stays here by herself again.  I run to her bedroom and when I get inside I lose all control.  That f**ker is pulling her pants down and it looks like he hit her again.  I grab a hold of him and I start to punch him over and over.  I don't even care about getting his blood on my hands after what I just saw.  I can hear Abigale telling me to stop but I can't he has to pay for what he almost did.  I suddenly feel someone grabbing me off this ba**tard and I am still swinging.  Dom grabs my face. "Luca look at me she is safe stop fighting."  I can feel the

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