18 Understanding

1194 Words

    Abigale POV     When Luca tells me it was all a plan I feel a little bit better.  I really like Luca and I do want to date but we are no where near being engaged.  I do want to not have to worry about being shot at or hit by a car every time I leave the house so I guess I should be saying thank you instead of being a b***h. I appreciate all your doing to protect me Luca.  He looks shocked by my response and I am sure he figured I was going to flip out.  "You wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me so you don't need to thank me."  I understand why you are saying that but I honestly do not feel that way.  You have done everything to keep yourself on the straight and narrow despite your family name.  You can not control what crazy people do.  "I'm glad your not angry with me bu

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