17 Meeting the Mob Boss

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    Luca POV     I help Abigale out of the car and we follow Dom into the house.  I see one of my dad's men standing near the door with his gun visible.  I pull Abigale close to my side. The guard heads toward Abigale and I step in front of him.  "You know protocol Luca I have to check her for weapons."  You will not f**king touch her, she is not armed."  Dom speaks "get the f**k back to your post and don't question Luca a**hole."  He moves away and we head toward my father's office.  Dom knocks and I can hear my dad say enter through the door.  Dom leads us inside and my father looks like the mob boss he is sitting behind his huge desk. "Have a seat Abigale, its good to see you again." "It's good to see you also Mr. Demetris."  "No need for the formality my dear just call me Dom."  She s

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