19 Set up the Meeting

1202 Words

    Luca POV     I wake up in the morning and I slip out of bed.  I know that Abigale will be up soon and I want to make her breakfast.  I can't believe what she did in the night last night.  I have never felt anything like that in my life.  I know it wasn't her technique its because it was her.  I really have it bad for this girl but I can't say that to her.  I have always had to be the tough guy because of my family but with her I want to be gentle.  If my brother ever heard me say that I would never hear the end of it.  He isn't exactly a guy who talks about his feelings.  My phone rings and speak of the devil its Dom.  What's happening Dom that your calling this early?  "Don't start with me smarta** I am only up because of your ungrateful a**."  Alright Dom tell me what's up?  We foun

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