16 Accident

1212 Words

    Abigale POV     After our discussion Luca leads me downstairs and to his car.  I am sure its my own paranoia but I feel like we are being watched.  I begin to look around and I don't see anything out of the normal.  "I have you Abigale no one will hurt you."  I smile and we reach his car.  He helps me into the passenger seat and I buckle my seat belt.  He pulls out and we head toward the office.  We are stopped at the light right before our building.  When Luca pulls out I hear wheels squeal and turn to the sound to see a car coming directly toward my side of the car.  I scream and Luca tries to speed up to avoid the crash but the car strikes the back passenger door.  The car speeds off and I can hear people screaming all around the car.  I look up to see a face that looks pissed off

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