An Unusual Guest

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"Father" "What is the meaning of this?" Naya is on guard, her hand on her dagger and eyes locked on the unusual guest before her. His sinister grin that he throws her way makes her skin crawl. Naya doesn't scare easy but his presence in her father's place is unsettling. And just the little light in the room adds to her uneasiness making her be ready for her guardian incase of anything happening. "It's so lovely to see you again my dear Naya" The stranger greets her but she ignores him and turns to her father who hasn't said anything up to now. He is eerily quiet and that makes her nervous. It was unlike her father to not pay attention to her especially when she was clearly addressing him. Her father's guest however is clearly happy to see her as she sees him smile everytime he eyes her. She waits for her father to tell her what is going on meanwhile refuses to exchange even one word with the guest. "Father!" She calls out to him and the older man looks at her appearing a little calm. "Hello daughter" he greets her flatly. Her father's demeanour makes her frown and she wonders what is going on, what he is planning and why he has invited the one person he shouldn't in his home. "I don't think you have been properly introduced, this is..." "I don't wish to be introduced to him father and neither should you be opening your home to him." Naya cuts her father off. "Naya..." "No father, it's seems you forgot too quickly that I almost died because of him." The incident happened a long time ago when Naya was just a little girl but she remembers it like it was yesterday. And there is no way she is getting cosy with him. "An unfortunate incident I assure you my dear" the stranger looks at Naya but she is still ignoring him. "Not to mention he is not welcome in Dome." Naya adds. "Does godfather know about this?" Naya can't help but ask when she remembers how the king of Dome doesn't take too kindly to any treachery. "Enough!" Her father's loud growl fills the entire room they are in surprising her. She looks at him questioningly unable to understand what he is up to. The stranger just sits back with an amused look as he watches the two of them. Naya purses her lips to keep herself from saying anymore. A difference of opinion between her and her father sometimes breeds a long strain of arguments and she is not about to have one of those in front of his guest. But she makes it clear to her father that she is displeased with the presence of the person before them and will by no means accept anything that has to do with them. "Will you at least hear us out?" Her father speaks to her calmly once more but she gives him a look that tells him how unwilling to do that she is. She sees him visibly sigh and lean back in his seat. "I could never forget the day I almost lost you my princess." Her father looks at her with the love that she is used to and that softens her a little bit. "It will always haunt me till my dying day but I promise you that nothing I have done since or will do is meant to harm you in any way. You know you are my everything" her father looks at her with eyes begging her to listen to him. "And to answer your question, no Louis is not aware because it's my duty to take care of such matters and not burden the king." "And he is only here because only he can help us to get this done." Her father points to his guest. After her father's speech Naya is a little conflicted but she decides to hear them out still. Even though she knows how dire the situation can turn out to be if the king of Dome were to find out that this meeting is taking place. She also understands why her father left Dimitri out. He needs to keep this sealed as much as possible. But that also makes her wonder how right or wrong this mission might be. "Ok...What is this about?" She asks reluctantly and her father looks happy at her change of heart. "Like I said I need you to do this. You are my best warrior and assassin and no one else can get it done like you can. You know I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important. But this is for Dome, for all of us." Naya just listens without saying anything as her father explains the details of her mission. "This shouldn't take you long. Your target is in a place where there maybe little magic or non at all but am confident you can take care of yourself whatever the case will be" She smirks at her father when he says that. It's true she can take care of herself with or without magic. Sometimes she would deliberately keep her guardian at bay while she goes out full human in battle. The thrill it gives her to experience how powerful she is even without magic always leaves her satisfied. "So why do you need him again?" She points at the other person in the room when her father is done giving her the details about her target. "Well you know his reputation." "You don't have to tell me twice. He is every child's example of who not to be when they grow up." "You flatter me too much my dear." The guest approaches them but Naya just rolls her eyes. "He is your transport if you like. He will get you to other side of our universe hopefully undetected." Her father adds. "And how do you propose to do that?" She finally addresses him wanting to know if she can trust him like her father has chosen to. And besides the issue of being able to cross universes undetected is important to her with a mate who is on the other side of her's. She wants to know all she can incase she will be doing the same if it comes down to it. "A god never tells his secrets." He smiles at her mischievously. "It's so surprising that you still consider yourself a god after you were cast down." Naya smirks at him. "My my my...the Apple really doesn't fall that far from the tree. You sure are your mother's daughter." "What...What do you know of my mother?" Naya didn't expect to hear anything about her late mother from him. "Enough. We are not here to talk about my mate." "Oh so sorry Stanislaus, didn't think you still considered her your mate even after she died." "Can we focus please." Her father glares at his guest. Naya just looks at him. Even after so many years he still refuses to talk about her late mother when Naya wishes she could learn more about the woman everyone says she took after. "It's better for you if you didn't know what I have to do to get you on the other side." "How convenient." She sneers. "And just how do I get back when am done?" She is looking at him with arms folded. "Well that is up to you." Naya just frowns wondering what he means. "When your mission is complete a portal will automatically open and all you have to do is walk through it." Naya looks at him thoughtfully. He seems to be sure of what he is saying and a question pops up in her head. Something she hadn't thought about until this moment. "Who is my target again?" She is wondering why a portal should open the moment that person dies. It's possible that person is connected to Dome somehow. The two men just look at each other as if debating on whether to tell her or not. "You don't need to worry about that." It's her father who speaks first. It's not unusual though, most of her missions were like this. She knew little to nothing about her targets. She just trusted her father to do right which he has always done. "I trust you father." She looks straight at him and the older man just nods knowing very well what his daughter means with just those four words. "And I trust you not to fail me in this." "Of course father." They both gaze into each other's eyes. Father and daughter speaking simple words but those words meant something deeper to both of them. It's something they promised each other everytime she was on a mission. Her promising him her complete devotion to get it done and he assuring her that whatever she is doing is for the good of Dome and it's people. That is all she needed to know. "Very when do I live?" Naya turns to the guest once she breaks her eye contact with her father.
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