Something Forbidden

1222 Words
Naya closes her eyes again. She is sprawled out on her bed smiling to herself. She tries to picture those blue sapphires again. That is all she has been doing ever since she returned from her training session where she had a hard time trying to focus. Everyone noticed it too when she lost a challenge for the first time ever. She is smitten. The thought of having a mate is making her all giddy inside too. She doesn't know what he looks like yet but with eyes like that she bets he is the most handsome man she will ever set her eyes on. Finding out about him may have been bittersweet but all that is long forgotten. All she is thinking about now is how it will feel like being in his arms, gazing in those beautiful eyes and being loved by him. For her it's better late than never. Everyone finds their mates before their merge with their angel guardians which happens when they turn eighteen. So when Naya merged with her guardian before finding her mate she was devastated. She always knew being mateless was a possibility so when her merge happened before finding him that was a sign that she would never have one and would forever be alone. That is why she chose to master her merge quicker than anyone to keep her friends from taunting her. Having been born without a mate's mark everyone thought she was odd and they would bully her. She was always the odd one out. To fit right back in Naya worked hard at being the best in everything. From the games they played when they were children to being the best on the battle field. Her stealth tactics earned her the spot of their top assassin something that she enjoyed more than anything. She lived for the thrill of the lone missions and the satisfaction of getting the job done by herself. If Dome needed to get rid of someone without starting a war she would get the job. She had no idea how much she took after her mother, one of Dome's best warriors that ever lived. A knock on her door brings her out of her thoughts. She hates being disturbed after her time at the arena. And she knows only a few people would dare do it and those few being the important ones. She drags her feet still as she heads to open her door because she is really not in the mood for anything else apart from day dreaming about her mate. "Oh look if it's not father's little toy." She smiles sarcastically at the person standing outside her door who just nods politely at her. "What do you want Dimitri?" "Your father wants to see you." "Why?" "He is your father, isn't that enough reason?" His smirk rubs her the wrong way and she throws her dagger at him and misses him on purpose. "My...aren't we merciful today" Dimitri retorts with his eyes on her dagger and Naya just rolls her eyes at him. "You still haven't told me what my dear father wants with me." "Well am not part of that party and my duty is just to get you there" Naya turns to look at him surprised. "Hmmmm, this I've got to see. Must be really something for my father to keep his loyal dog out" Naya taunts him. "Ouch!" Dimitri fakes a heartache but Naya is already out of her chambers. " know you don't have to run away from me" Dimitri shouts after her. "You know me better than that." Naya shouts back. But Dimitri is by her side in no time and takes her hand. "What do you want now D?" "You. It's always you." "And as always am not yours to have." She tries to pull her hand back but Dimitri holds on. "Why won't you give me a chance Naya? You know I love you and can love you even more than a mate" He stops them and he looks at her tenderly. "Because I don't love you and never will" she pulls her hand harder and this time he lets her go. She keeps on walking leaving him were they had stopped. "You will love me Naya and I will have you one way or another." Dimitri shouts after her. But she just keeps on walking because if she stops someone might end up dead and she thinks it's too early in the day to have blood on her hands. She walks all the way to her father's quarters which are in the palace grounds. Being the king's right hand he should have been living right there inside the palace but according to her father he prefers the solitude the quarters give him. But Naya doesn't believe that one bit. She knows something must have happened for him to move out of the palace but neither he nor the king and queen are willing to say anything about it. They have kept Naya in the dark over their relationship even though all three of them love her deeply. She goes straight to the garden where they usually sit when she comes here but the place is empty. She turns around and goes to check his chambers though it's unusual for her father to be there when the sun is high up in the skies. A few guards posted on his doors let's her know that is where he is. When she gets there all the guards bow to her with one of them letting her know that her father is expecting her. She steps in when the large doors are opened for her. And once she does the guards close them quickly. "Father" Naya calls out to him. His chambers are strangely quiet and the little light in here makes Naya frown. She doesn't get why he is sitting in the dark. "Over here" the sound of her father's voice makes her look his way. He is sitting in one of his large seats waiting for her. "What is going on father?" She can tell her father is on edge meaning something is up. And that something must be very important to him because he is not one man that scares easily. "Take a seat Naya, how are you?" "Am alright father. I should be asking you the same thing " Naya studies him. "Am fine" her father tries to assure her which worries her more. It's so unlike him to be this nervous. She takes a seat before him and waits for him to speak. When he says nothing she speaks first. "What do I have to do and who is my target?" It's the only thing that makes sense. "Cross universes and it's someone who threatens our very own existence." "Cross universes?" It was unlike her to question her missions but when it's something forbidden by the gods she has no choice. For all she knows that could be her end too. "Yes" her father answers flatly. "But father you and I know it's forbidden." She is before him in a split second. "And how exactly do you suggest I do that?" 'Well that's where I come in my dear." That voice startles her. The last time she heard it she almost died.
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