The Merge

1221 Words
The cold atmosphere makes Xander shiver a bit. He still hasn't gotten used to the cold temperatures around here. He is here again. Every time he sleeps he wakes up in this place. Its dimly lit so he can't see further than were the light touches but he can sense its bigger than he thinks it might be. The first day he woke up in here he was so afraid he panicked but after a few minutes in, it felt like he was meant to be here. Like he belonged here, his very own safe heaven. It looks and feels like a training ground of some sort. He looks up and finds the same spectacular being that he met the first day he woke up in here. It's magnificent appearance takes his breath away everytime. Its fiery red with large wings at its side. To Xander it's an angel. Not that he believed in angels but that is the only description that fits it. A very powerful Angel. Its eyes are like red rubies and everytime he stares in them he feels like he is one with it. In its presence he has a strong urge to be drawn in. He feels like its calling out to him, to be one with it. The strength and power he can feel oozing from it feels like its pouring over even to him. He even feels different, his energy is off the charts. His whole body feels like it has been fired up and is itching to be set free.  He crouches on the floor as the creature does the same. They are so in sync it leaves Xander in awe. It's like the two are one even in motion. He closes his eyes and so does the creature. Instantly their minds are connected, each tapping into the other with so much ease that it leaves Xander surprised. He reaches forward as the creature puts forward its wing too. The moment they touch his whole body is on fire. It's been the same ever since the first day he woke up here. The raging fire and pain in his body would always have him give up and he would find himself awake. But not today. Today he is determined to see it through.  As the fire rages he grits his teeth trying to contain the pain. He finds himself focussing more on the creature than himself. The more the pain that passes through his body the closer he feels connected to the creature. Slowly he can feel his mind and it's mind becoming one. His body does not feel like his anymore. He feels himself slipping away as he loses consciousness. He doesn't know if this is his death but he feels at peace. He is about to let go when suddenly a very fierce voice speaks to him. "Hello Xander" For a moment he is confused. As much as he heard the voice he is still convinced those words just came out of his mouth. His eyes open wide and he is surprised to find himself flying above what he thought was a training ground. And just like he thought this place does look huge from up here. And instead of being afraid he finds himself enjoying the feel of it. It's like he was meant to do this all his life. When he looks down at himself he is shocked at what he sees and the loss of concentration has him tumble to the ground but before he hits the ground the other part of him lifts them off and lands them safely again. He is now sure he is dreaming because there is no way this is possible. It's not him anymore, he is half man half angel. He can not only see it but he can feel it too. The two have become one. "How is this possible?" His confusion is growing. "Your majesty, it's been a long wait but it was all worth it" "Wait...what?" He doesn't understand how he is having a conversation with his own mind. "Who are you?" "Your guardian" "My what?" "Your guardian and am glad that we are finally together your majesty" Xander is sure he is losing his mind because all of this doesn't make any sense. He has had weird things happen to him lately but this is beyond weird. He looks around but everything has remained the same. "Why do you call me your majesty?" "Because you are" "I am nobody" Xander frowns but a loud growl shakes him to his core. "You are the heir to Dome and the Saviour of its universe, never ever say you are nobody" A silence follows when Xander doesn't know what to make of that answer. His heart is finding some truth in those words but his mind simply refuses to believe them. Neither is he able to explain what this place is except think he is dreaming. "So how does this work?" He can't believe he is even asking that question. "I am you and you are me now that our merge is complete." He is about to ask another question when a soft voice says hello. He looks up and he is surprised to find a figure standing before him. He can't tell who it is but can make out their eyes. He has seen those silver eyes before except these are captivating and he finds himself being drawn to them. But as quickly as they appeared he doesn't see them anymore. He tries to look around but finds himself alone again. "What was..." His arm burning keeps him from finishing that sentence and he finds himself awake. Beads of sweat are covering his face and his breathing is erratic. "What just happened?" What seemed like a dream feels all too real to him. He gets up and heads to his bathroom to take a shower. He can still feel his body burning up. He stands under the shower head and let's the cold liquid pour all over him. When he is done he stands in front of his mirror and he is shocked beyond words at what he sees. The guy looking back at him is all the evidence he needs to know that all of it was not a dream. He stumbles back when everything starts to sink in. His mind is racing and he doesn't know what to do. He walks back to his mirror and takes a look again. This is not his body. He does not recognise himself one bit. Everywhere he touches he is all muscle and looks very athletic. His dream is the only logical explanation for something like this to happen overnight but even that doesn't make any sense. While he is trying to make sense of everything something on his arm catches his eye. When he looks closely he finds a neatly done tattoo and for whatever reason he thinks its the most beautiful thing. His hand moves to touch it as he admires it and wonders how he got it. He doesn't know what to believe. If he is to accept all this physical evidence, it means he accepts that the dream is real which in turn means the guardian and it's words are also true. And that he is a prince?
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