A Heart's Wish

1355 Words
Faint voices around her cause Naya to open her eyes slowly. She finds herself in a dimly lit room. The light may not be enough for her to see clearly but she knows exactly where she is. She looks in front of her and sees a very familiar figure. "Father?" "Oh sweetheart, you are awake. How are you, how do you feel?" "Hey am fine. What's all the fuss about?" It's not like her father to be in her chambers watching over her and looking so worried for her. "Naya, how do you feel my dear?" A very familiar voice on her left side grabs her attention. "Godmother... What are you doing here?" Naya can't hide her surprise. She is wondering as to what is going on for the queen of Dome to be here late in the evening. "To check on you" Queen Meredith replies. "To check on me, but why?" "You don't remember?" Naya frowns because obviously she feels fine and she doesn't understand why all these worried faces are here. "Remember what? Did I miss something ?" "My dear you collapsed this afternoon at the arena and you've been out all this time" Meredith comes close and rubs her arm as she is talking to her but that action triggers her memory and she winces in pain . The voice and the pain she felt just before she collapsed is now vivid. "Naya dear are you alright, did I do something?" "No godmother, am ok. Just pulled a muscle I think" She is lying but there is no way she is telling them what happened. They will definitely think she is going crazy or they will insist on having one of the healers be with her all the time and she can't have that. When she thinks about it whatever happened earlier was weird. She needs answers and there is only one person who can give her those answers. "Please everyone am alright and I feel fine" "Still I want you to be checked" her father insists. It's normal for her father to make a fuss over her like this. "Father am fine I promise." "Maybe a little air will do me good, am feeling kind of suffocated. I guess its because I have been locked up all this time. "No absolutely not. You need to stay here and rest" her father protests. "Stanislaus she is right" Meredith chips in. "Thank you godmother" Naya smiles happily at Meredith. Naya watches as Meredith walks out dragging a protesting Stanislaus and she relaxes. She waits a few minutes before she walks out too and heads into the city. There is one person she needs to see. One who would give her the answers she needs and would never be judgemental towards her. She makes sure to cover herself up before she is recognised. The trip to the centre of the city doesn't take her that long especially that she is familiar with the short cuts. She gets there in no time. She turns into a dark street and heads for a small door at the end of it. When she gets there she knocks twice and waits for a minute but there is no answer. "Greta it's me" The door suddenly opens and a petite middle aged woman comes out. "Gosh you'll get me into trouble one of these days. Come on in" When Naya walks through the door the woman hangs by the door for a moment trying to see if she was followed. "Relax Greta. You doubt my skills?" "You know it's not about you my dear but I don't trust your sneaky father not even one bit" Naya just chuckles. There is no arguing with Greta on that one. She has always wondered though what happened between the two but never dared to ask. "Now why are you disturbing my peaceful evening?" "Something happened to me at the arena" Naya begins explaining. "Something always happens to you at the arena Naya" Greta states with a frown. "Not that Greta, this was different. It was almost weird. It was like someone spoke to me, I couldn't see them but they were so close. And what they said sounded like it was a wish they were making not something they were speaking directly to me" "A heart's wish?" "What?" Greta's question confuses her a bit. "Stay here" The old lady disappears to another room for a few minutes. And when she emerges she is holding a rather old looking book. "Am guessing you want to know who that person is right?" "Well yes, but what is that you said about a heart's wish?" Naya asks confused. "If am right, what you heard is a wish from a heart and if the universe allowed you to hear it, there is a high chance you are connected to the heart of that person." Greta says this with excitement. But all this just adds to Naya's confusion and as if understanding that she is lost, Greta asks her to sit close to her. "In times past it was spoken of times when hearts that were connected to each other could speak to each other if the desire to communicate or their bond was strong enough. It was called a heart's wish. This allowed lovers to speak to each other no matter how far apart they were" "Lovers?" "Yes my dear. Though it's been centuries since those stories where told and now it just sounds like a myth or something of a fairy tale. "But..." "I know, I know. You have no mate's mark and so that theory doesn't work for you" Greta sits quietly looking very thoughtful. "One more thing" "Hmmmm?" "Before I collapsed my arm burned and a sharp pain passed through all the way down to my heart." "Ouch! What was that for?" Naya holds her part of the head where Greta just knocked her. "I always tell you not to leave out the most important things" "I told you its difficult for me to know what is important to you. You keep changing all the time." Naya says with a pout but Greta just glares at her. "Close your eyes" "What?" "Do you want to know this person or not?" "Of course you know I do" "Then close your eyes, relax and try to connect with that voice." Naya does as she is told. At first nothing happens but the more she tries to recall that voice and how it sounded her surrounding begins to change. She is now in a dimly lit room that is colder than Greta's home. The atmosphere feels familiar like she has been there before. When she focusses ahead she sees a figure standing there. They are shirtless, revealing a well toned body. To Naya this person is definitely a warrior or something close. There is a tattoo on their right arm printed like an arm band and Naya thinks it's absolutely beautiful. The person has their back to her so she tries to go round wanting to see their face. When she is standing in front of them she says a quiet 'hello' and the person looks up. Naya gasps when two pairs of royal deep blue sapphires meet her own silver ones holding her captive. She holds her breath, not even blinking as she allows herself to be lost in those beautiful orbs. She finds herself moving towards the figure but a flapping of large wings in front of her makes her understand why she thought this place was farmiliar. And when those large wings aim for her she ducks but when she comes up she is back in Greta's home. When Greta notices that she is back she comes and stands in front of her. "What is it child?" "I think I just crashed someone's merge" Naya looks at Greta and her face is as red as a tomato. But Greta just picks her up and gives her a hug while she laughs loudly. When Naya looks at her confused she looks back at her and smiles. "I believe you just met your mate" "What!"
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