I decide to wear an oversized tshirt dress and add a belt around my waist. I pull on some distressed fishnet tights and my converse. I redo some of the curls in my hair and leave it all down.
When I get to the communal room the boys are all sitting around on the sofas. I drop onto the chair beside Matt and he whistles low.
“Looking good Ally,” he runs his eyes over my outfit.
I squeeze his cheek in my two fingers, “you look cute too Matt.” The amusement in my voices causes him to scoff.
“I always look good babe,” he gestures to himself and we laugh.
Finally Becka and Megan join us. Becka is wearing a jumpsuit that slinks along her skin and has a halter neck. Megan is wearing skinny jeans and a crop top.
“Let’s go,” Kye stands and makes his way to the door followed by Becka. Mat drops his arm over Megan’s shoulder and starts telling her something about giraffes tongues. The guy is so random.
Justin and I leave the room last and he offers me his arm like earlier. I unfold his arm and take his hand instead. “Let’s go.”
The corn fields are dark other than a few spotlights out. But there are lots of people gathered out front. Justin spots his brother and leads us toward him. Much to my delight he looks even better than earlier today. He is wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt. Yet he looks like a f*****g feast. I am acutely aware that I am eye f*****g Jobey so I slide my hand out of Justin’s. Jobey catches the move and smirks at me.
“You will be split into teams of three and the fastest time through the maze wins.” Jobey explains. “You two and Justin,” he points to Becka and Kye. “And you two with Ally.”
“How do you know Ally?” Matt asks, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.
“We met at orientation, she was with Justin.” Jobey says and winks at me.
Fuck me, I can feel heat rising up my neck. I cannot believe he is making me blush!
My phone beeps with a message and I pull it out to see a message from Jack. I smile as I read the text.
Jack: You better be missing me b***h!
Me: In your dreams Jacky
Jack: You are always in my dream
I huff a laugh to myself as I slide my phone back into my pocket. I look and see my friends all watching me.
“Who was that?” Matt asks with a teasing tone. “Your boyfriend?”
I scoff at that, “he wishes.”
“So it was a boy?” Megan loops her arm through the mine.
“It is just my best friend Jack,” I tell her with a shake of my head. “Are we going to do this maze or what?”
A drink is passed to me by Jobey and I see it is a shot glass. He hands one to the others. “You have to do one shot first.”
I knock it straight back and relish in the burn that runs straight down my chest. The others follow suit but pull a face. Amateurs.
“Justin’s team,” Jobey announces. “You’re up first.”
Justin, Kye and Becka disappear into the maze. We wait a few minutes before Jobey says it is our turn.
Megan and Matt go ahead of me and I follow close behind. Megan reaches out and grabs Matt’s hand as the light start to dim. We spend a few minutes navigating the maze. There is a junction up ahead with three different routes. Matt hesitates and I hear a snap of a twig behind me. I whirl around to look but can barely make out the edges of the bush, let alone if someone was behind me. I turn back around and realise Megan and Matt are gone.
I step forward and look down each path but it is so dark that I cannot see anyone.
“Megan!” I hiss through my teeth as panic settles in.
Another snap behind me makes me turn again but this time a small shriek bubbles out of me.
Standing so close he is almost touching me is a smirking Jobey.
“Are you lost cupcake?” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I can feel his breath on my cheek.
“Don’t call me that,” I tell him sternly. Feeling bolder in the dark. “I only lost them because you were creeping around.”
“Sorry, I just wanted you all to my self.” He admits with another smirk. He takes my hand in his, “come on.”
He leads me through the maze, this way and that. I would have never made it out of here alone. We finally exit and I breathe a sigh of relief. I look to Jobey and a laugh bubbles out of me now that we are free.
“Come meet my friends,” he says and begins leading me toward a group. He still has my hand tucked in his.
I look around and see my friends gathered together watching us. Megan and Matt look relieved to see me, they clearly worried about the fact they lost me. Justin however, looks annoyed?
Jobey realises I am distracted and turns to look too. He gestures them over before we reach his friends.
“Everyone this is Ally,” he begins when the other join us. “My brother Justin and …” he gestures for the others to speak.
“Megan, Becka, Matt and Kye.” Justin points to each person.
“This is Seth, Sean and Tyler. Lila and Imogen.” He points out different people. They all smile except Imogen, she glares holes into my head.
“You ditched us,” Imogen complains to Jobey.
“Sorry I got lost. I just happened to stumble upon a lost Ally too.” Jobey lets go of my hand and drops his arm over my shoulders. “I could hardly leave her in distress.”
“But you can leave us in distress?” Imogen challenges again.
“You made it out fine,” Jobey tells her as he places a drink in my hand. Where did he even get that from?