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I wake with a start as someone jumps on my bed. Followed by a second someone. “Wake up!” Megan and Becka start singsonging. I crack an eye open to look at them. “I swear if you are both morning people then I am switching rooms.” I mumble and they both laugh. “We made chocolate chip pancakes,” Megan says it in a teasing voice. “Fine, I’m getting up.” Becka climbs off the bed first, “good. Come on.” She leaves the room. Followed by Megan who pulls the door back shut behind her. I groan as I sit up and stretch. I pull my top back straight as I stand up. It is dark purple satin top with black lace around the edges. Black lace spaghetti straps sit on my shoulder. The matching shorts are more like hot pants. I would sleep in nothing but an oversized T-shirt if I weren’t worried about someone walking in here. I walk out my door and rub my eyes as I step into the bathroom and close the door. I brush my hair through and quickly brush my teeth. I also splash some water on my face in an attempt to wake up more. When I walk back into the communal area I freeze. All the guys are here too, including Jobey. They are all sat around the sofas and on the floor. “Erm. Hi,” I manage to say but my voice is still scratchy from sleep. I look down at my bare legs and realise I should’ve put a jacket on top. As though reading my mind Jobey stands from the floor and walks over to me. He shrugs his hoody off and pulls it over my head. I stick my arms into it before thanking him. He pulls me into a hug and kisses the temple of my head. When he pulls back he leaves his arm over my shoulder and leads me to the others. I sit on the floor beside Jobey and grab a plate. “Sleep well?” Matt asks as he piles more pancakes on his plate. A hmm sound is my only response. I hate mornings. “Damn. Noted that Ally is not a morning person.” Kye smirks at me before passing me a cup of coffee. I take a massive swig and sit back with a sigh. “And coffee is the remedy,” Jobey says from beside me. “Alright. Alright. I’m not a morning person. Coffee wakes me up. Can we move on now please?” I say before leaning my head back against the sofa and closing my eyes. Jobey’s hand lands on my knee as he laughs, the others laugh too. Everyone else start talking about their upcoming classes. Jobey squeezes my knee and I look at him. He is smiling softly at me. I shake my head at him and continue drinking. - Today we are called down to the lake. They have separated us into houses as they explain the exercise. “The task is simple. First house to cross the lake wins.” The professor tells us before gesturing behind him. There lies timber, rope and plastic barrels. “You have ten minutes to discuss strategy and split off into teams of six. Scores will be tallied so try and win most of the rounds for your house to win overall. Good luck. Time starts now.” Jobey immediately makes his way over to us followed by Imogen. She looks me over with distaste. Two others join us as well. Strategy discussions are boring but soon we are sat on a raft and making our way across the lake. About halfway across we are winning but the other teams are close behind. Justin nudges my arm before leaning over and splashing water at me. I laugh and nudge him back. The raft wobbles and my hand shoots out to balance myself. I grasp hold of something and turn to realise it is Jobey’s hand. He caught me. I breathe a sigh of relief, “thanks. Thought I was going swimming then.” “I would never let you fall cupcake,” he winks at me with that devastating smirk. Oh f**k. I realise in that moment how vulnerable I am around Jobey. He has the power to ruin me if he wants to. As we approach the last few feet another team catches up to us. It is a head to head race. “We need to lighten the raft so we move faster,” I whisper the words as an idea forms in my mind. I look to Justin and smile before standing. “What are you-“ Justin’s question cuts off as I leap from the raft. I throw my full weight toward the other team’s raft and watch as the waves push them back a little. Then I start swimming. Jobey waits for the raft to reach shore and throws me a rope. I grab hold of it and Jobey begins pulling me in. Justin and the other guy quickly help and they have me at shore in seconds. That announces us as the winners. Jobey pulls me from the water and shakes his head with a smile. “You are crazy.” “Crazy amazing?” I smirk with a little sass. He laughs and drops his arm over my shoulders. “Let’s go.”
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