Chapter 13 The Break In

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Garrett's POV I reluctantly have to pull myself away to leave Lilly's place, headed to my own. I don't know what it is by any means, but there is a type of warning, ringing in the back of my head and even in the pit of my gut, not liking the fact that I'm leaving Lilly.. I just figured I'm being overprotective of her because it's been a rough couple of days for her.. even myself of course, but it has all revolved around her. Either way, I still can't make whatever this is, stop gnawing at the back of my mind. So I don't have a choice but to ignore the urge to stay with Lilly at her place right now, because my mother needs me and Lilly knows that. I run over to my house as fast as I can, zipping through the bushes and trees across the park territory, getting there even faster than I expected. I burst through the front door taking a look around the surrounding area to find my mother. "Gary!" My mother exclaims from across the room as she runs to my side. I grab hold of her arms turning her all the way around 360 degrees. "Mom are you hurt?" I ask her as I check out her exposed skin for any wounds. "No I'm fine Gary I swear.. this was done already when I got home." She quickly answers me as I groan at her. "Mom you were suppose to be at work.. What if you got home and those guys were still here messing up the place? You could have really been in danger then." I lecture her as if she is my child, earning a groan from her, back at me in response. "I just came home for lunch that's it Garrett, I'm allowed to come home for lunch.. I didn't do anything wrong.. you act like I went to the wrong part of town to drink.. I just came home for lunch, is that such a horrible thing to do?" "Ok fine..You're right Mom.. I was just worried about you, that's all.. Did you call the cops at least?" I ask as my gaze trails all over, really taking a look around the room, now that I know my mother is fine at the moment. Most of the stuff in our house is just pushed over, making it look worse than what it really is.. But some items were broken, the two mirrors are shattered along with one of the windows. The curtains are ripped as if they were cut with a pair of scissors and the TV has a hole in it, looking like a foot collided with it.. No matter all the damage that's permanently done, it doesn't look like anything was taken.. not even in my mother's room with jewelery, extra stash of cash along with weapons.. it honestly feels more like a warning then an actual attack.. It's a very suspicious situation.. and if it's a warning for me, then I bet I know who it is from. "I hypothesize this is Jaxon's doing because of Lillith." I state out loud as my mom's face shows she doesn't believe that. "You think he would go that far?" She asks with so my disbelief in her voice at my thought process. "Mom, you don't know how obsessed he is with her.. he has broke into her place twice today.. she is dealing with the cops at her place right now as we speak, because of it." I reply without hesitation as my phone rings. My heart starts to race seeing it's Lilly's name across the screen. I quickly pick up the call with so much worry for her.. but luckily she is ok and I was just being overprotective while over thinking and that's not a good combo when it comes to my anxiety. I help her out with their investigation by answering a couple questions for the officers that are with Lilly.. and also giving them my personal information just in case they need to get hold of me again for whatever reason. That thought, of officers beings with Lilly right now, makes me feel a hundred times better.. Mostly just to know they are there with her and that she is ok, with me being here especially since I was being such a worry wart. Luckily for myself, the sound of her voice made me feel so much better, the instant her soothingly angelic voice hit my ears. I'm looking around and see the cops are now arriving here to investigate our situation so I'm forced to get off of the phone with Lilly. My mother and I open the front door to meet halfway with the officers we have been waiting for, to get this started. The officers quickly make their way over to my mother and I, extending their hands to shake ours. "Hello I'm Officer Smith, first thing I have to know.. did anyone get hurt during the break in today?" My mom and I both shake our heads and he humms in response writing down that note. We invite them into our place as they scatter and start taking a look around, while taking pictures as they go. "Ok so being honest at first glance this looks bad, but once you really get into the little details here and there, you can see no real harm is done except to the mirrors, the one window.. and tv." Officer Smith states as I reply. "Yea... like a warning." "Exactly." Smith replies quickly, meeting my gaze. I groan before responding. "It's my girlfriends ex boyfriend Jaxon.. He has broke into my girlfriends place two times already today.. and his friends beat the hell out of me last night.. he wants me to stay away from her so he can have her and I'm not going to let that happen. He is obsessed with her.. she is literally at her place right now talking to other cops about the break in. When you guys pulled up I was on the phone with the other cops answering their questions. Call and ask.. her name is Lillith.. She lives right across the way." I say being completely serious with him accompanied by a very stern look, pointing in the direction of Lilly's place. I watch him grab his radio and calling back to ask about her and of course I'm right and not making any of that up. "Ok well there is no evidence that it was done by him, but I'm hoping with some finger prints done we can clear that right up." Officer Smith says to me as I nod at him and I watch his men make their way around the room investigating, to look for any type of evidence. "So this isn't evidence?" I ask as I lift my shirt and show them all my bruises and cuts from getting jumped last night. "Well we will need to get pictures of that as a part of the report.. at least you have your girlfriend as witness so that helps but still nothing definite securing him to the scene of the crime." Officer Smith tries to explain.. I think so I don't get to riled up from all this.. because you can feel my irritation building which is well within my right with everything that has happened. My phone starts ringing again and I glance to see it's Lilly's dad's number flashing across the screen this time. That's strange he never calls me unless he has to. I'm always the last resort for him.. But not offensively, he has always been nothing short of an amazing fatherly figure to me since I don't have one around.. He has taught me so much that I will always be forever greatful to him. "Hello sir." I address him with respect like I always do. "Hello Garrett I was wondering if you were with Lilly?" He just jumps straight to the point like usual. I can respect that though, at least he is not being fake with me. "No she is at her apartment, I had to run home to deal with some stuff, but I'll be back there shortly." I vaguely say to him because I don't know if Lilly has said anything to them or wants me to say anything to them. She is very close with her parents especially her dad, she is a daddy's girl. "No she is not at her place, I just left there... and she is not answering her phone, hence why I called you.. no offense." He replies quickly. "No No No, that can't be.. the cops were just there talking with her." I reply so quickly not even thinking, with my heart pounding out of my chest now at that information given. "Why would the cops be there Garrett?" He asks me with so much worry and concern in his voice. "Well by your question I'm assuming Lilly hasn't told you about anything from the past couple days?" I ask curiously before I spill everything onto him. "No we haven't been able to talk with her because my wife and I just had our 25th year anniversary and spent it doing a second wedding and honeymoon in the bahamas, so we have been gone for a week now. We just got back this morning and I was stopping by to see if she wanted to do lunch." He replies so nonchalantly. "Congrats on the Anniversary for you and the Mrs! But please just prepare yourself for an overload of information. It's been a crazy couple of days... So.. Lilly caught Jaxon cheating with another girl on their 2 year anniversary.. she of course broke it off.. But he has become obsessed with her ever since, asking her to run away with him, multiple times and even broke into her place twice today.. hence why she was talking with the cops because she was filing a report about him... and yesterday well.. I finally did what everyone knew, and declared my love for your daughter and I guess she has felt the same about me, for a very long time just like myself.. but Jaxon saw us.. um kissing.. and him and his friends jumped me, beating the hell out of me.. and now my house has been flipped upside down with everything everywhere.. We are thinking it's a warning from him to me.. That's where I'm at right now talking with cops here." I reply as my mom has an envelope in her hand. "I'm glad you both finally got the guts to say something to each other.. your a great man and I wouldn't want anyone but you to take care of my girl like you always have.. But that still doesn't answer where she is at." He says to me curiously.. My mother keeps staring at me like she is waiting for me.. I curiously stare back at her as she is now extending her hand to me. I'm nervous about this action from her as I reluctantly take the envelope from her hand, into mine. I look at it and my name is on the front of it. I open it up quickly at that realization. At first glance the paper is pretty blank except for the words, 'check mate' in the middle and at the bottom corner is wrote, 'Jax'. "Oh my f*#king God, he got her. It wasn't a warning to me.. it was a distraction to get me away." I spat out loud as my mom gasps trying to look at the paper. "It's a note from Jaxon and it says 'check mate' and it's addressed to me, meaning he has taken the queen.. my queen." I say out loud for everyone around to hear. I drop my phone and bolting out the front door past my mother and the officers to run to Lillith's place. Lillith's POV I shut the door and lock it behind the cops after l'm done filing my report with them. I walk through my house taking a look around as I groan running my hands through my hair as I flop down on my couch, just wanting to relax today even if it's just for a moment. I close my eyes taking a deep breathe in then letting it out, as I say under my breathe, "Ugh.. what's wrong with me, for all this to happen to me?" "Absolutely nothing is wrong with you, you're just perfect." I hear from above me as my eyes fly open, instantly seeing Jaxon hovering over the top of the couch looking down at me with a big ear to ear grin. "Jaxon you can't be here please leave." I beg him as I start sitting up but before I can he is already sitting on top of my body completely weighing me down, restraining my arms and legs to the couch under his big muscular frame. I struggle trying to get out before he gets comfortable and that's a failed attempt. He reaches down gently touching my cheek before replying. "Come on Cupcake you know I can't stay away from you too long and I warned you this wasn't over.. so I took care of a couple things and now I have you to myself." He says to me as we hear a knocking on my front door. "Lilly bear we are back and I was hoping we could go out to eat." I hear from my father on the other side of my front door. But before I can even open my mouth, Jaxon's hand is covering my mouth completely. I yell and scream and it is completely muffled. I struggle in his hold as I yell more, still being completely muffled by his big hands. I hear the knocking again, "Lilly bear you there?" I scream more and more into Jaxon's hand as I feel the silent tears running down my cheeks, knowing he can't hear me to help me right now. "Lillith?" I hear another set of banging on the door.. I watch Jaxon pull something out from behind him.. it looks like a rag, but I don't trust what that is at all. I struggle under his hold more as he quickly exchanges his hands and putting the rag to my face and I can't help but breathe in the overwhelming scent coming from the very damp rag covering my nose and mouth. I feel myself getting tired and weak not being able to fight the exhaustion anymore. I hear muffled knocking as I'm drifting in and out of consciousness, trying to fight staying awake. I watch Jaxon lean down to my ear saying, "Don't worry Cupcake, soon enough it will just be the two of us.. just taking you away from this stressful life of yours and everyone in it.. except for me of course." I feel him take the rag off of my face as I mumble an incoherent thought, drifting off into the darkness of a deep sleep. ------------- After who knows how long of me being asleep, I feel my eyes fluttering open. There are vibrations and bumping coming from underneath me, helping wake me up more. It feels like we might be traveling over a bumpy road. I take a look around trying to figure out where I am and by what details I can see I have a very good idea.. I'm laying down in a car and by the interior and the color of the car I can only assume it's Jaxon's vehicle. My head hurts with a pounding, endless throbbing after whatever that was that knocked me out at my place. I groan as I reach up to touch my head and I realize my hands are together, taped with gorilla duct tape by the wrists. "Hey Cupcake nice to hear your awake.. sorry about tying you up, but I had to make sure you didn't try anything to escape." He says as if it's just normal and completely ok to do to a person. "Jax, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" I ask trying to not panic at this very stressful situation.. But my body is panicking as my heart races and I feel the tears building up causing me to nervously gasp knowing I'm have probably been kidnapped and far away from my home. "Dont worry Cupcake, like you said to the cops earlier, I'm a good guy that just needs some help and this is it. I just need you to help me feel better by being with me. Without myself hanging out with anymore bad influences, only good ones... you being more specific.. This will be perfect, just the two of us in paradise forever.. how could I not feel better? I will have everything I want and need." He says sounding so delusional at his idea of our future together.. But there is no way this idea won't blow up in his face.. Garrett and my father are very protective over me and I know they would both go to hell and back to get me back. He can't possibly think this is going to work. "Jax we have to head back home, maybe no one has noticed I'm gone yet and you won't be in any trouble." I say to him as I sit up in the back seat. "No chance of that Cupcake you have been out for about 6 hours. But it's ok we won't have to go back ever.. I'm going to make sure we have everything we need starting with a house and each other.. everything else will come with time.. and we have forever to make this happen." "6 hours?" I say as my breathe is instantly taken from my lungs at the shocking information causing my heart to pound more, making it feel like it might actually pop out of my chest this time. Its pounding in unison with my headache making this so kuch worse then it has to be.. I look out the window to see a car passing by. I start vigorously waving my hands around trying to gain there attention by the window at their side.. but nothing. "Yeah there is a reason I have the windows tinted." I don't give up as I try another idea I reach over grabbing the door handle to try to open it. I pull and pull with all my strength trying to push it open with my feet strength and it's locked. "Yeah sorry Cupcake, I also put the child locks on. I knew you were going to try something once you woke up, so I had to be extra careful, covering all my bases." He replies without hesitation. "Where are you taking us?" I ask as I follow the question with a groan, putting my head into my hands holding for a moment. "Oh that's for me to know and you find out, it will be an amazing suprise. But we still have a while so I would get comfortable maybe try to get more sleep.. I know the past couple days have been exhausting for you my love." He says so empathetically to me. I lay back down trying to think of what to do next as my stomach starts to growl pretty loudly. Maybe I can escape at a place that we stop to eat at or something along those lines. I can try to wing something. "Jax? I'm hungry." I say to him in a little bit of a whiney tone because he has always given into my needs always wanting to take care of me.. or so I thought before all this lying and cheating came out into the open. It wouldn't hurt to get some food into my system anyways. "I thought I heard your stomach a second ago.. But I know, I was thinking the same thing. That's the one thing I forgot in my haste while leaving, was the food.. Hold on give me a second and I'll figure out something for you my love." He says to me as he starts looking around for who knows what.
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