Chapter 12 Sneaking In Again

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Lillith's POV I love how comfortable I already am with Garrett because this whole relationship thing is so much easier this way. Instead of having to learn about a new person or even see if I even like being around them, I already know I love being around Garrett and know what he likes so I love this. This is way less stressful than the relationship I just got out of. "What's that smile for?" Garrett purrs into my ear as I continue chopping up some fruit for us to eat with our brunch. "I was just thinking about how much I loved this that's all. I just love that I can be like this with you now openly and I cant stop smiling because of it.. I know it sounds crazy but I have been wanting this for so long and now that it has happened.. I just feel like I'm in a dream." I answer probably too honestly for a new relationship but not too honestly for my best friend. I feel his hands wrap tightly around my waist as he lightly feathers kisses down my neck from behind me. This action alone sends so many sensational chills down my spine. "I know what you mean.. but how do I know it's not a dream? If I awake from this dream I'm going to be so pissed and even raise hell." He says into my neck earning a giggle from me. "mew.. mew.. mew." can be heard from right next to us. I look down locking my gaze on the little black kitten that I saved from the tree. I turn and pick up the kitten, it claws into me slightly but I know it's just trying to grip. I put it to my chest as he rubs his head under my chin snuggling into me. He gets out of my hold climbing up to my neck and behind it, wrapping himself underneath my hair and around my neck, like a very short scarf. I can feel him purring from the vibrations on my neck, before I can even hear it. "Well it looks like you got a new friend or maybe family. You're keeping him right?" Garret asks curiously as I smile and nod. "He obviously doesn't have anyone else or he wouldn't be by himself and just skin and bones.. poor little guy." I respond back to him as I feel his lips gently press against my cheek. "You're just so sweet I love it.. so what are you going to name him?" I shrug at that question, because I had not really thought about it. "I don't know I have been distracted by my handsome boyfriend so I haven't thought about it much yet.. you have any ideas?" I ask playfully. "How about storm since he came to us in a thunder storm.. or shadow because I can't even see him right now he is blending into you like a shadow." He suggests to me as I smile and respond, "I like that a lot.. shadow.. it's cute.. ok shadow it is." I continue making us some brunch with the help of Garrett and Shadow. We get everything together having a seat and eating.. I even gave Shadow some milk and tuna since I don't have any cat food right now. "So after we are done eating I'm going to run to the store and grab you a couple things for Shadow." Garrett says to me as I take a bite shaking my head at him. "No you don't have to get him anything I will do it." I respond taking another bite. "Come on baby, your foot is hurt and you need to stay off of it so it can heal. So you can still work with it as it heals.. and I have to get something from the store anyways so I'll just run to the store and head back right after.. don't worry I'm not spending a fortune or anything. I just want you to relax so take a nap or something to help you relax. It is your day off anyways and it's been a crazy day off so far." He says taking another bite. "Ok fine you can go but let me give you money." I say to him as I reach for my wallet but it's just out of arms reach. Garrett laughs and responds, "Welp, you can't reach it too bad. No money from you." I try to get up but he puts his arm out to hold me down on the chair. "Too bad.. no money from you Lilly." He say sternly making me realize what he is implying and his stern side I think is the sexiest being honest. So I smirk and sit back down listening to him being so sexy without meaning to.He smirks to himself with a look of triumph and I'll let him hold onto that. We finish our meals pretty quickly as he gets up picking me up into his hold again."I can walk Garbear." I say to him not really minding that he is carrying me I just have to object because of the woman I am. It's principal. He chuckles because I think he knows this as well. "Don't you act like you hate this because I know you don't, so just take my love and care.. and you better like it." He says in another playfully demanding tone making me smile big and respond, "Yes sir. Will do." I salute him as he laughs then bending down, laying me on the bed. "Alright my beautiful Lilly flower, sleep please and I'll be right back.. you take good care of her Shadow." Garret says to me as he picks up Shadow and laying him down next to me. The cat doesn't mind this at all as he snuggles up to my side. "Be careful Gary and see you soon." I say to him as he leans down kissing me, petting the cat then leaving my place. I take his advice laying down getting comfortable as I feel my eyes getting so heavy, slowly shutting. I let the exhaustion of so many emotions take over lulling me into a deep much needed sleep. I don't know how long I slept for, but I feel like not much at all.. I feel a light feathering touch from my ankle, up my calf, and over my exposed thigh. I lightly moan at the gentle touch as I stretch out. Feeling his strong touch moving up my thigh to my ass. I hear Shadow growling and hissing as I curiously open my eyes to see Jaxon hovering over me. I jump at the sight of him, as I push myself back onto the bed until my back is against the headboard. "Jaxon, you need to go.. now." I say to him with panic in my voice. He puts his hands up in surrender, showing me he means no harm. I watch him sit down on my bed then scooting closer to me. "Ok so I have been thinking about it and I think the only reason you chose douchbag over me is because he is a committed nice guy, but I can be that for you Cupcake. I can drop the side b*tches and be yours. I'm already good to you." He says as I hear Shadow hissing more at him, not believing his lies either.. the sad part is I don't think he thinks he is lying. "Ok you think you can be a nice honest guy, then be honest with me, right here right now, when did you start cheating on me?" I ask him as he starts to get squirmy looking everywhere but at me. "Um about 3 months or so.." He stops his answer, "3 months ago?" I ask as he shakes his head replying softly. "3 months after we started dating." My mouth drops open. This comment infuriates me, so I'm livid now. "You gave up on us that easily and have been lying to me, since almost the beginning of our relationship? Why do you think I want that? Do you not see how toxic that is? You probably didn't even have a handful of conversations with me without lying to me.. how could you want this? Why don't you just start over with another girl and do things right this time? We have to much toxic history to have a healthy future Jax." I say so honestly to him in hopes he gets the picture. "But you're the only girl I want to try that honesty kick with." He says so sadly to me. I lean forward saying, "Yea until the next girl comes along... You don't actually want me Jax." "I do I want you! I'm desperate for you Cupcake." He says with a desperation in his voice that I almost believe his words. "Just go find someone new.. please Jax, or choose another one of the girls you cheated on me with, I'm sure there are dozens.. how did you even get in here this time?" I say spitefully to him as he shrugs his shoulders responding. "Ah you left your patio door unlocked.. but if I wanted those side b*tches as my main girl, then I would have left you long ago.. but you're the one I want." "See that's not normal! You shouldn't have to break into my house to see me! That's creepy Jax, that's taking things too far. Please just go. I don't want this type of relationship Jax.. doesn't it matter what I want?!" I yell at him trying to get it through his head. "Of course it matters what you want and like I said I can be that guy for you.. and it doesn't have to be like this.. just come away with me.. right now.. Let's just pick up and go.. We can go where it's just the two of us and we won't have to worry about anything else.. I have enough money from drugs that I can buy us our own house and everything.. come on Cupcake." He says scooting closer as he reaches out touching my leg but I push his hand off instantly. "I don't want to leave here, I like it here, this is where my family and friends are.. And what do you mean drugs? You have been dealing drugs? Are you not doing construction like you told me you were?" I ask with even more panic in my voice. "Oh, I thought you knew that.. but yes I have been selling drugs to everyone in the town, but I'm also very good at acquiring objects from people and rehoming those items.. How did you think I became the bad boy of town.. not by being a construction worker. "So literally our whole relationship and everything I have known about you has been a lie? I don't even know who you are!" I gasp in shock at this realization. "Jax just go and find another girl to manipulate and lie to please.." I say as I feel the tears running down my cheeks again. "Come in Cupcake just run away with me, we could have any place you wanted and anywhere, it could just be the two of us.. No one will know where we go and you won't have to work again please." Jaxon begs again. "She asked you to leave Jaxon." Garrett says from behind Jaxon. "This has nothing to do you with you douchbag!" Jaxon spats back at Garrett as he replies without hesitation. "She is MY lady so it is my business." Jaxon looks back at me with shock apparent on his face asking, "You're with him now?" I nod nervously not knowing how he will react. He looks pissed as he abruptly gets up and punching my wall leaving a hole in it. "This isn't over." He shoves past Garrett and out my front door slamming it behind him. Garrett gets to my side quickly checking my arms and legs to make sure he didn't hurt me. "I'm fine Gary... This is just crazy.. he wants to me to run away with him because he says he only wants me. I guess he has been selling drugs and stealing stuff from people then selling it, to make his money.. he has been lying to me about everything.. I don't even know who this guy is.." I say sounding ashamed of everything. "I'm sorry he has been lying to you Lilly.. You didn't know the kind of guy you were with.. but now you know and we need to talk to the cops so this doesn't keep happening.. this isn't ok.. how did he get in this time?" He asks looking around as I say, "He said he came through the patio door because we forgot to lock it when we came in." "Dammit.. did you hear him come in?" He asks me as I shake my head replying, "He woke me up from my nap by touching my leg that was exposed, but I thought it was you, so I let him touch my leg as I stretched to wake up.. but Shadow started to hiss and growl at him so that's what woke me up." "He didn't touch anywhere else did he?" He asks protectively. I shake my head as he pulls me into his protective cocoon of a broad chest. "I won't let him take you.. But he is going to keep trying this until we tell the cops and get a restraining order." He says to me as I nod. He pulls the bag of items he got for us over, since they are still in his death grip. His knuckles are even white right now, he must have been holding in so tight because of the situation. "So I got Shadow a bed, water dish, food dish and since he is malnourished I got him wet and dry food just in case, because I don't know if he can really eat the hard food right now and the wet food will help him gain weight. Oh I even got him some toys as well." He says pulling everything out onto the bed as Shadow jumps on the toys instantly, rolling and playing with them. "Obviously what you chose was perfect, thank you from the both of us." I say to Garrett making him smile so big at me. "Ok we need to call the cops and tell them about Jaxon breaking into your place multiple times today please?" He says as he picks up his phone to dial 911 when he phone rings. He groans as he answers the call, "Hey mom what's up?... hold on mom.. calm down.. what happened?" He has his hand running through his hair as he starts pacing back and forth. "F*#k! OK I'll be there in a minute." I hear him say to her as he hangs up the phone. "Someone broke into my house and destroyed it but it doesn't look like anything was taken. I have to go home and make sure my mom is ok. It sounds like she is a little shook up. You should stay and call the cops about your place and I'll be back right away." He says to me as I nod agreeing with him. He comes over to me kissing me then saying, "You call me if you need anything please." I nod once again as he books it out of my place. I pick up my phone dialing 911. I let it ring once until it's picked up. "911 what's your emergency?" the operator asks. "Hi my name is Lillith, my ex boyfriend keeps breaking into my place, it's been twice today and last night he beat up my best friend." I try to explain as quickly as possible as the operator asks. "Is he there now?!" "No my boyfriend made him leave but he keeps trying to get me to come with him.." I say to her as she humms in response. I give her my address as I hear clicking while she continues to type on her keyboard. "Ok some officers are heading your way now, they should be there any minute." The operator insists as I let out a deep breathe, "Thank you." I hang up the call as I get up changing into something that covers up a little more since I will have company now. I get a bra and thong on as I pull on my ripped skinny jeans along with a casual off the shoulder white sweater. Then throwing my hair up into a pony tail, and putting some light make up on. I hear a knocking on my door so I cautiously make my way to the door only opening it slightly. "Hello ma'am we were called about a break in." The officer states as I let out a sigh opening the door for them to enter. "Yes over here officers. He broke my window in my bedroom, while I was in the shower this morning to gain access into my place and the second time today I accidently left my back patio door unlocked and he got in there." I explain showing them. "So why is your ex acting like this.. has something happened to cause this behavior?" The officer asks as the other one takes notes. "Yes I found out my boyfriend of 2 years was cheating on me 2 days ago so I broke up with him.. I honestly thought he would be happy about it so he can date who he wants.. but he has become obsessed with me and even beat up my best friend and has broke into here.. twice.. that I know of.. and he keeps talking about that he just wants me and wants to take me away from here to leave his life of drug dealing.. but I keep telling him no and to move on but he wont." I explain as they ask, "What is the ex boyfriends name? and the friend he beat up?" "Jaxon is my ex and Garrett is my best friend.. he would be here but his mom just called saying someone broke into their house messing up the whole inside of it. I can call him if you want me to." I explain more as they nod and take pictures so I dial Garrett's number. Of course he quickly picks up the call saying, "Lilly? are you ok?" "Yes Gary I'm ok, I have the cops here and I told them you would be here if you weren't with your mother so they wanted to talk to you.. I told them about Jax attacking you too." I explain as he responds, "Ok hand them the phone then please." I hand the cops the phone as they ask a couple questions and take more notes. Once they are finished questioning him they hand me back the phone. "Thank you for talking with them Garrett I'll call you after they leave ok?" I say to him as he quickly responds. "Of course, talk to you soon." I hang up the call turning back around to see the cops are putting their things away. "Alright Lillith we will put out a watch for Jaxon and see if we can at least bring him into questioning, until we get hard evidence that it was him.. Your friend said he would come in and take a lie detector if we didn't believe him and even sign an affidavit if needed. I swear we believe you guys, we just need hard evidence to get on him and nothing is showing that right now.. I'm sorry but we will keep you updated and I would get on a restraining order as well, because that would help us convict him if he just can't seem to stay away from you." they say as I nervously nod and walking them out. "Thank you for coming.. I swear Jaxon is a good guy he just having a hard time right now and needs the right kind of help.. that's all." I say to them as they nod and leaving the premises.
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