Chapter 14 Investigating

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Garrett's POV I sprint so quickly, flying faster than the wind, taking not only myself to her place, but leading the officers and my mother to Lilly's apartment across the park. It's seeming so much farther away since I want to get there now, giving my heart and brain just enough time to quicken their pace as well.. So now I'm over thinking about everything, thinking of all the possibilities I'm going to walk in on at Lilly's place.. She could be gone, beat up more, dead.. anything and it scares the hell out of me not knowing what I'm going to find. When we arrive at her place I can see her father is there and trying to look through the windows as he continues to knock on the door. "Garrett she is still not answering." Lilly's father says to me as I quickly respond. "The second time Jaxon broke in was through the patio door, because we forgot to lock it.. maybe it's still unlocked." "Sir you can't just break into her place.. if you wait until we can get permission from my cheif we can get in under probable cause and evidence of break in.. but there is no evidence of any such thing right now that we can see." The cop tries to explain to me but he doesn't know how stubborn I really am. "There is the broken window from earlier today so you can use that if it helps.. but.. I'm sorry I'm not waiting.. what if she is hurt in there." I say running to the tree right next to her place climbing it and getting high enough in no time at all to be able to jump over. I run to her patio door and it is luckily still unlocked. I quickly open it and take a look around. Nothing is really touched in the main living room but once you get to her room you can see that a suitcase is missing along with most of her closet. I make my way to the front door unlocking it then opening it for everyone. "She is not in here." Everyone makes their way in taking a look around, just observing our surroundings. "Sir." One of the officers is pointing to Lilly's room that's obviously ransacked. "Are you sure Lillith wouldn't run away with her ex?" Officer Smith asks us, as her father and I both scoff at that question. "No she is more stubborn than I am and she said she wouldn't want to be with him at all after what he has done to her. Just earlier she was talking about how crazy he is being and uncomfortable she is around him with everything that has happened lately." I try to explain to them as I watch the officers look back and forth between each other not knowing if they should believe me or not. "Sir.. I found her cell phone on the floor over here." Another officer says pointing at the ground before taking a picture of it. "See! What girl doesn't have her phone with her these days?! She was obviously taken!" Her father states with panic in his voice. "Sir, there is a rag next to the couch on the ground and it smells very very strong I bet he knocked her out with the chemical on this." The other Officer states to Officer Smith as he puts the rag into a bag to be confiscated to do tests on, to figure out what the chemical used is.. but we can all safely assume what it was and what it was used for, especially with it being by her phone.. that's probably why she dropped her phone, was because of losing consciousness. I watch the Officer nod his head as he pushes the buttons on the radio. "This is Officer Smith badge number 3328.. We have a missing persons, the girl Lillith who called earlier about a break in.. I'm going to get a picture to send so we can put out a missing person's report with a picture. But we need a call to all units, airports and bus stations to keep an eye out. We will be heading over to the accused abductors house next." He says as he lets go of the side buttons, then turns to me. "Do you know what he drives? or does she have a car he could have taken?" I shake my head in response. "She doesn't have a car but he had a black impala I think 2015." I answer pretty quickly. He says my description into the radio so they can put that out with the missing persons report. They continue to look around until they get everything they need for evidence, at least for now. I hear a soft "mew mew mew." from the floor, right besides me, gaining not only my attention but also Lilly's father's attention. "Who is this little guy?" He asks as he bends down picking him up without a second to lose. "This is shadow he got stuck in the tree outside earlier today during the storm and your daughter, the amazing person she is, climbed up in the pouring rain to save him.. We agreed on Shadow for the name, because he has been attached to her ever since.. he was even laying underneath her hair on the back of her neck. just to be with her." I humorously explain to him just trying to ease his mind because I'm sure he is completely freaking out as much as I am internally right now. "She is so sweet.. of course she did.. I hope she is going to be ok." He says so sadly, gently petting the cat, who is loving his comforting touch. My mother comes behind him hugging his back as she says so empathetically to him. "She is strong she will be fine." I nod at that thought completely agreeing with her. "She is going to be ok.. everything will be alright sir I promise I will do everything in my power to get her back." I say so passionately to him as he sends me a small smile. "She is lucky to have you Garrett." He says as he pats my back. "Are you guys headed over to Jaxon's place next?" I ask Officer Smith, gaining his attention, as he looks at me and nods before replying, "Yes but we have to look up the address then head right over." I shake my head saying, "Let's go I'll show you where it is at." "Can you watch over Shadow for me? Because I'm going to be on these guys, having to know what's going on at all times whether they like it or not." I say to him as he smiles and nods at me taking the cat with him out the door. We follow suit out of the house and to the parked sets of cars, I jump into the passenger seat of one of the cop cars. not caring who's it is just wanting to be apart of this. "Garrett you can't come with us, it could be dangerous if they are there." Officer Smith says to me with so much worry in his voice for me. "So.. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I won't stop wanting to know what's going on, or asking you about updates so you might as well let me come along or you are going to get sick and tired if me real quick.. I'll give you the address now if you let me come with you and I will even show you secret stash spots I know about from hanging out there when they were dating." I negotiate with him as he groans and puts his hand to his forehead then reluctantly nodding. "Ok.. the rules are that you have to listen to everything I tell you to do, without hesitation or argument from you.. and I mean everything, because you can get my ass into so much trouble if any of this goes wrong.. but I understand you're worried about your lady.. and I know if that was my wife I would feel the same way.. so fine.. Oh and you have to wear a bulletproof vest too. I'm just going to use you as an informant when it comes to my cheif.. so hopefully he won't fire me, then kill me for this." He warns me as he explains, earning a vigorous head nod from myself.. I will go along with any terms as long as he lets me tag along. He gets out of the driver's seat, then opening the trunk. I step out of the car as he throws me a bulletproof vest. After catching it, I quickly slip it on as we jump back into the police vehicle to head over to his place. I quickly direct him straight to Jaxon's place. The police officers get out single file, quickly making their way to the front door. I just follow right behind in hopes they will be right and that they're here. Loud knocking can be heard with the accompaniment of their announcing who they are.. There is no response from inside and not even sounds of movement.. because someone like Jaxon who deals with drugs would probably be trying to get rid of his stashes or hide them as quickly as possible.. but not any sounds. There is no response from inside, so they kick the door open, launching in the apartment one after the other, just as quickly as the approach. I wait outside just in case, especially since I have no weapon. "Clear... Clear... Clear..." I hear from the officers inside of the apartment, clearing each room I'm assuming. I enter into the apartment cautiously and it doesn't look ransacked at all either.. everything looks like it was just cleaned and organized.. but you go into Jaxon's room and he is missing most of his clothes from his closet too. I turn to his night stand pulling out the drawer right by his bed that has all of his m*******a products in it. I dump everything out of the drawer and onto his bed, pulling out the false bottom of the drawer.. I remember he had stashes of cash there and other drugs.. at least before.. I pull it up and there isn't anything in there.. not one coin. He must have taken everything he wanted and needed with him. Since he obviously really meant it when he talked about taking her with him to who knows where. I watch the cops search everywhere looking for some type of clue and there is nothing we can come up with, leading to where they could be. What are we going to do now? "Well I'm sorry but we are at a stand still point until we have a match with the finger prints we got from both places.. or someone calls in for missing persons or any other type of lead along those lines. But here is my card and I will keep you updated along the way.. and if there is anything you think of that might help then tell us please and thank you." Officer Smith says to me. I nod knowing he is right, that there is nothing else I can do right now. I groan taking the card out of his hand as I slip the bullet proof jacket off, handing it back to him. I storm out the door, headed to get some fresh air, I need it.. I'm hating all of this.. how could I have one of the best days with Lilly, finally getting the woman of my dreams as my lady after so long.. getting to have amazing fun with her on multiple levels, then topping off the intoxicating moments with so much romantic fun in between.. to be ruined by her getting abducted or possibly hurt by her ex.. I don't know if I should love or despise today... but as of right now it's both. None of this feels real, I can't believe she is gone, my whole world feels like it's been flipped upside down and I don't know where to start with getting it cleaned up. It's hard to not feel useless at the moment, but I need to do something.. I can't just sit around waiting.. I just don't know what I'm going to do? How am I suppose to stay calm in this situation? My heart hasn't slowed down since Lilly's place.. So now the better question has become, how am I going to get my Lilly Flower back? I have never felt so helpless in my entire life especially since I have always been her protector since the beginning and when she needs me the most I'm not there. This sucks. I get a flashbulb idea as I take off towards Stevie's place. I get there faster than I anticipated with so much haste in my step. My knock rapidly beats across the front of the door gaining someone's attention because I can hear the foot steps approaching the door. A loud clicking can be heard while the door lock unhinges, as the door floats open, being held by none other than Stevie. I watch her gaze trailing around me, I'm assuming looking for Lilly as her expression turns even more confused. "Hey Garrett, what do I owe the pleasure?" She curiously asks with her eyebrows now furrowed. I let out a huge breathe, running my hand through my hair trying to calm my mind before explaining. "So I need your help if you can, I need to know what you know about Jaxon.. please.. Do you know where he hangs out or with who since you have had him and his friends over multiple times for your parties? I need to know where he would go to if not his house." I try to explain to her as she gets a hesitant look on her face not knowing if she should tell me anything. So I decide to add more information, since it's obviously needed at the moment, "It's for Lilly.. Jaxon knocked her out and abducted her today.. the cops are investigating their houses but as of right now Lilly is a missing person and I'm trying to help anyway I can to get her back." I watch her eyes go wide in shock. She shakes her head. "I don't know Jaxon well at all, I'm just nice to him because I like Lilly.. but I know I have seen his friends hanging around the broken down playground behind the burnt down school lots of times, but that's about it, I'm sorry Garrett.. I'll keep and eye and ear out for Lilly... please keep me updated." She looks so worried so I try to help ease her mind. "Thank you for your suggestion, I will keep you updated as much as I can but your help even a little bit, still helps us get closer to finding her.. thank you." I smile and start walking away to head towards the abandoned rundown park. "Be careful Garrett I heard they beat the hell out of some guy the other night at my birthday party.. Just be careful." I look back at her as I nod and wave letting her know I understand... Little does she know that I was the one who got the hell beat out of him. But I'm not going to mention that to her or she might try to stop me from heading over there. I hear the door close behind me as I make my way across town to the only lead I have. It doesn't take me too long to get there on foot since this isn't a huge town or anything. There is still plenty of light out, but I still can't see if anyone is on the playground because it's surrounded by trees. I get past the brush and trees quietly trying to not bring too much attention to myself, just in case they are in there. I cross through the treeline and don't see anyone over here.. but Stevie is right, by all the empty beer bottles, shattered glass and cigarette buds new and old covering the ground, it looks like people hang here all the time. My gaze trails all around and there is no one here or anything that could possibly help me in this investigation so I guess I just have to head back home... or somewhere.. I don't know if we can go home yet honestly. "Well, well, well.. did you come back to get your ass kicked again? You didn't get enough already?" I hear right behind me. I let out a deep breathe before turning around to meet all of Jaxon's friend's hateful gazes. I make sure to match their gazes while holding my head high. I don't want them to think they scare me so I won't show them how nervous I really am to be here right now.. and luckily they can't hear my heart beating or they would be able to call my bluff. "No, I just wanted to know if you knew a way I could get hold of Jaxon?" I just jump straight to the point because I don't want to be here anymore than they want me to be here. "Now why the f*#k would we help the likes of you? Because of YOU taking our friends lady, he has freaked out and ditched all of us.. He said he is done with our fun way of life for her.. her? Really? No f*#king way in hell.. she must be amazing in bed for him to leave THIS for her.. I wouldn't help you even if I knew how to get hold of him.. But I have no idea he didn't take his s**t with him.. just told us he was done and left.. So good luck with your dead end pretty boy.. Now get the f*#k out of here before I change my mind and give you another beat down.. and this time I won't be so nice.. You're lucky that Jaxon and his dumb w***e stopped us the last time, but they're not here.. so.... leave." He demands as I put my hands up in surrender letting them know I'm leaving as he has instructed.. I walk through the treeline once more making my way back towards my place across town and away from the group of men that want to plummet me right now. I grab my phone out of my pocket, dialing my mother's number before putting it to my ear. "Gary! I have been so worried about you! Where are you at?!" I hear the relief in her voice even with the lecturing tone. "I was seeing where you were.. I didn't know if we could go back to our place just yet." I respond pretty quickly. "No we can't go back yet so Lilly's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller have offered their spare rooms to us for the time being.. and I graciously accepted their proposal. So hurry up and get back to our place so we can head on over.. you need to take time to rest even if it's just for a moment." My mother lectures me once more as I respond without hesitation because I know she is right. "Yes ma'am. Be there soon." I state to her as I hang up the phone call, still trekking my way across town. The now only partly cloudy sky with the land damp, adding a moisture to the air around me.. making the air seem way more fresh when it hits the lungs. I love the smell of rain so I continue to just breath in the calming scent as I make my way to family so their comforting presence can hopefully help calm my nonstop heart and mind. Sometimes I think too much, getting so caught up in my thoughts and sometimes I just wish I could escape this constantly going mind of mine. My mind can really be a prison and that's something I can never escape but maybe find a way to cope with it, being alone with my thoughts once again.. I take another breathe in then letting it out.. over and over again. I finally get to my house and my mother is waiting out front by her car along with Mr. Miller. I walk up to them feeling almost defeated after not really any progress throughout all of this. I feel so useless right now. My mom runs up to me hugging me so tight as I hug her back needing just that one act of kindness from her. How does she somehow always know what I need?
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