Chapter 8 Craziness

3055 Words
(((Warning Explicit Content Warning))) Garrett's POV I walk out of the bedroom to see my mother coming in through her front doorway at Lilly's invitation. She shuts the door behind her, when my mother's gaze locks with mine, her mouth drops open. "Gary I'm so sorry for intruding I was just so worried about you.. It's been so long after your shift ended and you didn't come home I was worried something happened and I guess for good reason because look at you, you look like you got trampled in a stampede!" She says quickly making her way to my side looking at every last inch of my exposed chest and back. "I feel like I got trampled but Mom I'm ok.. thank you for your concern.. Lilly was taking good care of me." I say not trying to make her feel bad but hopefully giving her the hint that we were in the middle of something. "Lift your arms straight up Gary." My mother demands as I shake my head responding, "Mom I'm fine I swear." I try to explain to her again but she shakes her head with a stern look on her face as she insists, "No lift your arms!" I groan and lift my arms up because I know my mother won't let this go if I don't, because she is too stubborn. She presses on my ribs as I groan at that pressure placed in the perfectly hurt spot. "Your ribs are bruised and luckily not broken.. thank you for letting me look I'm so sorry but when I told you to fight for the girl that you loved I wasn't thinking you would literally go out there doing that.. I'm just glad your ok I was so worried, I couldn't sleep or anything." My mother says to me sounding so worried, almost freaked out as I hug her tight. "Mom I'm ok I swear it's ok.. time to go home." I say to her as her grip tightens on me. I roll my eyes as I let out a deep breath saying, "Ok you win mom.. let's go home but give me a minute with Lilly please." She shyly nods looking almost embaressed. She let's go of me and heading over to Lilly hugging her tight and whispering something into her ear. They both giggle and nod as she leaves Lilly and I to be alone. I watch my mother head out the front door and outside. Lilly glances back at me as she walks right toward me. I feel my upper body flex getting tense at her unexpected lustful look in her eyes. She gets right next to me lightly touching my chest as she smirks up at me then brushing past, leaving me wanting more contact. I follow her instinctively back into her room as she grabs my shirt for me off of her bed. She turns around tossing it to me, I catch it of course. I reluctantly slip my shirt over my head groaning at how awful I feel but wishing I could have finished with the healing touch of Lilly. Once I have my shirt on, my gaze locks onto Lilly who is now right in front, smiling big at me. "I'm sorry about the interruption with my overly concerned mother.. but you know her, if I didn't go with it she would sit there until I did." I say shrugging at her. "It's ok, I think it's sweet how much you help and take care of your mother." She says staring up at me. I nervously wrap my arms around her pulling her into me. "So are we ok?" I ask her softly. "Yes of course I could never really be mad at you.. I think you know this.." She says to me as she puts her hands to my chest softly. "You did a pretty good job being mad and cutting me off yesterday and today, I know that doesn't sound long but it felt like a lifetime." I confess making her smile and shaking her head at me. "You're silly you have been with me almost every single day for 14 years I can't lose you no matter how mad I get at you.. I love you Garbear." She responds so sweetly to me making me smile. "Well you better get out there to your mother, before she comes back in dragging you out with her." I laugh at her comment nodding knowing she is right. "Ok fine.. but can I see you tomorrow? Or am I still in trouble?" I ask curiously. I watch her shake her head as she says softly, "I'll see you tomorrow." I get excited at that answer as I lean down kissing her cheek. "Good night beautiful." I turn around and leave her place to head back to mine with my worry wart of a mother. Lillith's POV I wake up way earlier than expected after that long night of drinking and so many emotions crammed into one night that I never thought I would wake up. But here I am 6 in the morning wide awake. I groan getting up and getting undressed to at least jump into the shower. I sit under the hot water, letting it cascade over my body completely relaxing me, and oddly enough helping me wake up. I scrub every last inch of my body letting the calming scent of my body wash take over the whole room. -Thump -Thump -Thump -Crash! I hear the loud thumping outside of my shower followed by a loud crash. "Hello? Is someone there?" I ask like some sort of i***t out of a cheesy horror film.. If someone is there breaking in, they won't answer me.. I'm such a dumbass sometimes. I shut off the shower catching my breath trying to calm my nerves because I live alone, with no animals, so I don't know what made that sound.. but all I do know is that it wasn't me. I peak out of the shower and don't see anyone. I slowly creep out as quietly as possible. I strain my ears trying to hear for any kinds of signs of anyone's movements in my place.. but nothing.. I grab a can of hair spray because I can't go out there with nothing just in case there is an intruder. I peak my head out of the bathroom, taking a look around my apartment that's pretty open for the most part. My gaze trails back and forth making sure there isn't anything I missed just in case. I don't see anyone around at all, so I slowly come out of the bathroom and making my way across my room, trying to figure out what I heard crashing.. I couldn't tell what it was with the shower sounds on top of that breaking sound, but it sounded almost like glass. I keep looking at the floor and everywhere around me, trying to figure out what broke, if anything at all. I see a glimmer on the floor of something reflecting the morning light in front of my window by my bed, in my room. I make my way over the reflective item on in the carpet. I squat down grabbing the peice in between my fingers and lifting it up to really investigate what it is in the bright morning light. It is a piece of glass but what from? I move my foot and I can feel a sharp pain coming from the bottom of it. I look down and I stepped on another piece of glass, this one was a bigger chunk just hidden way better in the carpet. "F*#k" I say looking at my foot trying to stop the bleeding before I stain the carpet. I hear a knocking on my front door gaining my attention. I get up yelling at whoever is at the door. "Sorry I'm coming." I finally get to the door way slower than I thought, but I didn't make a mess luckily. I open the door and make eye contact with Stevie. "Hey Lilly." She says to me smiling a small smile at me. "Stevie what's up?" I ask curiously because she was not who I was expecting at all. I keep hopping on one foot catching her attention. "What happened?" Stevie asks staring at my foot and the blood now on my hand and towel I'm holding to it to try to stop the bleeding but it's not working. "I cut my foot on some glass in my carpet.. I think someone might have tried to break in." I tell her so honestly. Her mouth drops open in shock as she quickly whips me up into her arms bridal style. She shuts the door with her foot behind us carrying me into the bedroom and setting me down on my bed. "Where's your first aid stuff?" She asks as I point to the bathroom. She quickly makes her way into there, looking around but successfully finding it, as she makes her way back to my side in no time at all with full hands. She sets everything down besides me then takes my foot into her hands as I groan in pain from the rough contact. "I'm sorry Lilly." She says holding my foot up close to her face. She cleans the whole bottom of it off. "I think there is a piece of glass stuck in your foot this is going to hurt my love but I have to get it out." She informs me as I nod and squinting, bracing myself for inevitable pain. I feel the tweezers from the first aid kit digging into the wound on my foot. I bite my lip whimpering slightly. I think she is trying to distract me as she asks. "Did you see anyone? Whoever broke this window I mean?" I shake my head and explain. "I was in the shower and I heard thumping then a crash but I came out and I didn't find any signs of anyone even being here except for this glass.. I saw a piece reflecting under the light, gaining my attention, but when I came over here is when the glass cut my foot and got lodged into my wound apparently." I say groaning in between the words as she continues to get it out finally. "There were two little pieces stuck actually, I'm glad I was able to help you and I don't know if you would have been able to do it by yourself." She says to me putting a bandaid on the wound then wrapping it up to try to make sure dirt doesn't get into it, so it doesn't get infected. "So what do I owe the pleasure of you being here Stevie?" I ask sweetly because she did help me out just now. "Well I had to come by and apologize for last night.. I'm sure I came on way to strong.. I know it's not an excuse, but I was drunk for sure.. I felt bad because I was disrespectful of your boundaries and I shouldn't have done that. I have just liked you for a while and got way to excited to see you. I'm very sorry.. if you don't want to still be friends I understand.. but I just had to come and apologize to you face to face like you deserve." She explains looking so sad as she finishes wrapping up my foot for me. She sets my foot down on her lap but keeping it there as she plays with my foot gently caressing the exposed skin. This sends chills up my legs creating goosebumps all over. "I don't think I could ever hate you Stevie, you did come off strong but I have to admit, I really enjoyed that kiss for sure, you're a great kisser and dancer.. and so sweet.. I just don't know if I'm that way.. but your very convincing for sure.." She looks a little sad as her hand keeps caressing my leg. But I don't want her to feel bad because of me turning her down so I continue by saying. "But if it makes you feel any better, you're probably the only girl I would try with or who could ever turn me. You're stunning, f*#king hilarious, one of the sweetest women I have ever met.." I say as I feel her hand run slightly up leg to the outside of my thigh, "Lilly you and I could be so good together." she says leaning in and kissing my neck as her hand runs up father and slightly under the towel to my ass, full hand grasping it. "Stevie.." I say trying to object to her advances as she crashes her lips to mine. She has the softest lips I have ever tasted and they make me want to kiss her forever, but no I can't let this happen. I try to break the kiss but she just pushes her lips more into mine, this action makes me lean back as I feel her fingers enter me, making me gasp at the unexpected contact. I can't help the moan that escapes my mouth almost purring into her lips because she really knows how to make a girl feel good. She takes them in then out rapidly as she is rubbing here and there making me moan into her lips as my body starts to writh underneath her tantalizing breathtaking touch. I can't control how good she is making my body feel, I just grip the sheets as tightly as possible with white knuckles.. I know I need to stop this but I can't seem to get myself too. She breaks our kiss as I moan out loud, "Stevie.. please.. stop." She has the sexiest look in her eyes as she says, "I know your mind is telling me no.. but your body is telling me yes, over and over again yes.. You're so wet for me.. I can tell how much your liking this Lilly." She says as her face creeps down my writhing stomach as her pace of her fingers increases so I moan louder. I can feel her hand on my stomach holding me down as I feel her tongue now plunging inside of me. I moan at the intoxicating touch making me feel all sorts of things I have never felt.. at least not like this.. my back instinctively arches in pleasure as I feel my climax building up so quickly then hitting me like a brick wall of ecstasy spreading the euphoria all over my body. "F*#k Lilly you taste so good.." She says bringing her face back up to mine.. I'm panting out of breathe at the heart racing amazing touch. "Lilly you remember all of this, when your trying to decide who's team your on.. I could make you feel that good every single day.. just think about it before you make a decision." She says crashing her lips to mine once more. She breaks the kiss and leaving me in the bed as she says behind her, "I'm glad I could help you out and starting off your morning the right way.. call me if you need me or want me and I'll be there without hesitation. Have a good day Lilly." She blows me a kiss then smiling big as she leaves my place. My hands are on my head trying to comprehend what just happened in that suprise attack. "Holy.. what the f*#k just happened?.. that was crazy.." I say to myself as I hear Jaxon answer. "Yea that was amazing to watch too." I jump up in bed at hearing his voice in my room. "Jaxon what are you doing here? How did you get in?" I demand as he steps into my room and responds, "I got in through the window of course.. and I was just enjoying the show. It was sexy how much you tried to fight it but couldn't fight your natural urges." He says stepping even closer. "Jaxon you can't keep doing this stuff.. breaking into my place now? Why? Why can't you just get past me? You didn't want me when you had me, but now that you don't have me, you want me?" It makes no sense I thought you would be happy about this. I figured it was making your life easier this way." I say to him as he steps even closer until he is in arms reach of me. He swipes up my foot into his grasp as he looks at it. "Well I'm sorry you got cut from my mess, I didn't have a chance to clean it up before you came out.. but it looks like she took care of you in more ways than one." He says winking at me. "Please just go Jaxon.. I don't want to have a problem with you, I really don't, because I love you and I won't deny it.. but please don't make this a bad messy ending for us.. I don't want to have to call the cops.. but if you keep this s**t up.. I'm going to have to get them involved.. This is just toxic for the both of us Jax.. please." I beg him because like I said he can be a really good guy, but I guess I should have assumed there would be problems when it comes to breaking up with the town bad boy. "I don't know if I can do that Cupcake.. I love you.. I didn't realize how much I would need you, until I didn't have you anymore.. like that old saying, you don't realize what you have until it's gone. All the other girls were just side b*tches, that I only wanted to see for a half an hour at the most, you know for when I was bored.. and you weren't around.. but you, you were my woman, the woman I wanted to see everyday." He says to me sounding delusional after that comment.. I don't know if there is speaking any sense to him. But I don't know if I can give up on him, like I said I do love him no matter how crazy he may seem.
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