Chapter 7 His Friends

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Lillith's POV After we hear the front door of the house shutting behind Jaxon, leaving us alone out front of the house.. I start to walk forward to see if Garrett will follow me and hopefully I can figure out what he is doing here. I hear Garrett following behind me, so I abruptly stop then turning around to inquire with him. I stop so suddenly that he almost doesn't stop right away. But he does stop just in time before he runs me over with his tall muscular frame. He clears his throat at this action apologetically saying, "I'm sorry I wasn't expecting that." I nod at that before responding. "It's ok.. but why are you here? Are you here to comment on how much of a fool I was making out in there with Stevie or to tell me how you were right about Jaxon all along or make me hate myself more today than I already do? or just not tell me anything like you have been lately?" I ask spitefully wondering how he will respond. "I'm sorry I wasn't trying to intrude and the Stevie thing was sexy honestly.. but also I don't trust Jaxon alone with you so I had to follow you out.. but I mostly just wanted to tell you sorry about everything and I swear you're not acting like a fool." He says so sweetly but I just shake my head because I know I am acting like a fool no matter what he says. I look away from him out of embaressment. "I AM acting like a fool.. I get replaced by some dumb whores with my boyfriend of two years.. then throw myself at you and of course getting denied because I know you don't like me the way I like you.. I'm sorry about that by the way. But I swear I can control myself around you.. then I almost jump into bed with Stevie just to feel some type of want and need for me, because I'm so lonely right now.. and I'm still mad that you didn't tell me everything like we have always done before, but I'm more sorry about trying to force something on you. maybe it's just best if I go." I say to Garrett running my hand through my hair, as I turn around to walk home. I think it's about time I head home anyways before I make a bigger fool of myself. Garrett's POV I listen as she finally confesses her feelings for me and she does think I don't like her like that. Thats crazy she would think that. If she only knew everything I felt for her. She could know everything I feel for her.. My mother said there is a point that a man has to take what he wants and maybe this is my time to finally get the girl of my dreams that I have been aching for, for so long. I watch her turn around to leave, but I can't let her leave like that.. If I do let her go now, then I don't deserve to have her later.. I need to step up and be the man I have been wanting to be. I reach out grabbing her arm and flipping her around abruptly. She has a look of complete shock evident across her face as she stares up with those breathtaking big doe eyes at me. I watch her mouth open to say something, but before she can say anything I touch her cheeks then quickly pressing my lips to hers, taking advantage of her frozen shocked state. She presses her lips back kissing me, matching my passion for her. She moans into my lips and to say I loved all of it, from the vibrations on my lips, to the melodic sound, and the sweet way she tastes, is a complete understatement. I pull her into me more so there is no space between us and she doesn't break our kiss, object or anything. I even feel her hands wrap around my neck pulling me in more and I don't mind one bit either. Nothing could bring this memorable moment down, I will have this feeling ingrained in my brain for life. Sometimes I think too much just getting lost in my own mind but this time I wouldn't mind if I get to think about this over and over again. The kiss is broke by Lilly being picked up and pulled away by Jaxon. "Stop it Jax! Put me down!" Lilly yells as I get hit squared in the jaw by one of Jaxon's friends. I groan as I get hit in the gut from another one of his friends. My legs get kicked out from behind me by another man, sending me to the ground as I feel myself getting kicked from all angles. I don't know how many guys are kicking me with it being so dark but I can hear Lilly yelling with such despair. "Stop please stop! Leave him alone!" My gaze looks to where the yelling is coming from and all I can see is Lilly struggling in Jaxon's hold. "Please get them to stop Jaxon please." She yells still fighting his tight hold around her. "Sorry cupcake but he deserves this for that cheap punch earlier and for taking my girl from me.. I warned him earlier to stay away from you and if he didn't he would pay for it and he didn't stay away, so he needs to pay for it. I'm a man of my word after all." he says so maliciously to her as she struggles more crying. "Please no Jaxon." I'm hurting so much all over that I'm to a point of numb because I can barely tell where they are hitting me now. I can feel my body heating up from the cuts and bruises I'm recieving all over. I pull myself up and into the fetal position to try to block as much as I can since I'm obviously out numbered and don't have a chance at all at succeeding. They keep kicking me and I groan louder and louder just trying to gasp for air from all the abrupt loss of it from my system. I watch Lilly elbow Jaxon in the gut as he instinctively lets her go. She books it over to me pushing the other guy's away as she sheilds me from the attacks with her body. They stop their assault at Jaxon's command. "Stop! Don't you touch her.. If she gets hurt because of any of you, I will murder you. Lilly come here now!" Jaxon demands as I hear her sniffling and I can feel her shaking her head. "I'm so sorry Garrett." She says so softly into my ear. I shake my head wanting to respond but I don't have much air in my lungs and before I even have a chance to respond she starts to yell. I look up to see her leg is being grabbed by Jaxon and he is trying to pull her off of me. She squeaks and tries to fight his hold as he pulls her harder by her ankle and off of me. She instinctively kicks at him, kicking him straight into the jaw. She backs up crawling back to me as we see lights and hear sirens coming closer. I guess the cops were called for one reason or another. But either way it's saving my ass just like she did. "If you tell the cops it was us then there will be hell to pay for the both of you.. you may have won now Garrett but don't hold onto that feeling for too long.. I'll be back for her.. she is mine." Jaxon declares as him and his friends run off away from the party and down the street. I groan as Lilly stands up, pulling on me, trying to help me up with her. I get up as fast as I can as she takes my arm wrapping it around her shoulders, making me groan louder. I think I have broken ribs or bruised ribs for sure.. We slowly limp away from the party and towards her place in the dark to stay hidden so hopefully we won't have to have anything else happen to any of us. We get to her place, taking longer than expected as she opens the door for me and helping me inside. Lillith's POV I lead Garrett into my room and over to my bed as I leave him there, instantly making my way to my bathroom to grab the first aid kit. I grab rags getting them damp as I get back into my room. Once I'm at his side I grab his shirt pulling it as carefully up as I can, to help him take it off to look at his wounds, no matter how much it hurts. I hear him groan in pain making me feel so bad and guilty about all of this.. If it wasn't for me this wouldn't have happened to him. I take a look at his muscular frame which is so sexy even with the bruises and cuts, it gives him a bad boy tone which I like so much. But I have always adored every last bit of him; mind, soul.. and also includes his sexy body. I take the damp rag into my hand as I sit behind him to help clean his back off first trying to clean each cut one by one to fix them up. I can't help the tears that roll down from my eyes at the sight of his many wounds. "Why are you crying Lilly?" Garrett asks as I feel eyes in me. I look up seeing him staring at me through the mirror's reflection on my dresser. I shake my head replying. "I feel so bad that any of this happened to you and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry." "Lilly it's not your fault.. technically is Jaxon's fault, but only because I didn't leave you alone like he demanded before when he did this with his knee earlier." he says pointing at his nose. I shake my head in denial because he knows that's not accurate at all. "No he is acting like this because I broke up with him, but I don't know why he is taking it out on you.. I think it might be to just get to me." I explain to him sadly as I gently wash his open wounds on his back. "No he's not.. um.. promise you won't be mad.. but.. when I was leaving earlier I was walking around your place to head back to my place.. I saw you getting uncovered from your towel and drying off and I may have stared for a moment.. and Jaxon saw me." Garrett says as I find myself going on the defense. "You were staring at me naked through my window?! Why?!" I yell at him as I abruptly get off of my bed storming around the room. He looks nervously guilty replying back to me. "I just think.. You're so beautiful.. and I wasn't doing it intentionally.. I just saw something move in my peripherals and it ended up being a beautiful something that I couldn't take my eyes off of.. and Jaxon saw me and got mad.. doing this to my nose as he threatened me." Garrett explains as I blush at that thought. "Well of course he got mad you were staring in my window." I state to him as if it's obvious before he replies almost instantly. "No that's not why he got mad.. or maybe it was part of the reason.. but he got mad and wanted me to stay away from you because he knows my secret I have been holding back for so long." "Another secret? How many secrets are you hiding from me!" I ask almost getting offended at that thought alone once again. He stands up coming to my side instantly getting all of my undivided attention. "Yes another secret, but the reason I never told you is because I was always afraid I would lose you.. So I kept it to myself because I would rather hold my secret back than ever lose the best person that's come into my life." This explanation makes my heart skip a beat as I stare into his gorgeous deep blue orbs that I drowned in a long time ago. I'm scared to ask for the truth but I have to know.. there is something deep inside of me telling me I have to know what this secret is. "Please no more secrets, just tell me." I ask softly because I'm not fully brave enough to ask with any confidence. I watch him swallow as he steps closer to me making my breathe hitch in my throat at his close proximity. "I... I have loved you for a very long time and I was afraid to tell you because I thought you wouldn't share the same feelings and leave me to be alone.. and I couldn't see my life without you.. You're everything to me my Lilly flower. When I think about any kind of future all I see is you.. and I'm scared at that thought alone." He says so empathetically to me and before I even know what I'm doing, my lips attack his as my arms pull him into me. I feel his arms wrap around me waist pulling me into him more. I'm thinking about everything I have wanted, finally happening after so long and then it hits me. I break the kiss asking, "So if you feel this way about me why did you not want to be with me when I kissed you?" He looks breatheless as he responds, "I didn't want you to ever regret anything with me, if you did anything with me and I was afraid because you were drunk you would regret it." "God you're so sweet, that's so sexy." I spat crashing my lips to his as he groans in pain from my abrupt contact. I break the kiss, "I'm so sorry Gary." I say to him as he smiles so big and says, "Don't worry about it, the pain I recieve from your intoxicating kiss is worth it." I smile and shake my head at that comment as I take his hand in mine and leading him back to the bed. I need to stop getting distracted and help him out, after he just took a beating for me. Garrett's POV I sit back down on the bed a little disappointed because I was liking the kiss no matter how much the bending over to meet her halfway was hurting my wounds. I watch her through the mirror as she gently cleans my wounds once more. "You know I don't care that I'm hurt, your kiss was making me feel a thousand times better." I say to her as I watch the biggest smile appear on her face as she says back to me while she still cleans my wounds, "if my kiss does that then I bet I know something that would put more than just a smile on your face and make you feel a million times better." I nod at that because I bet she does know a thing or two that would make me very happy. I see her place a bandages over the wounds on my back. She gets off of the bed and circling around to in front of me. She gets onto her knees right in front of me making me suck in a sharp breathe. I think she hears this because she smirks up at me as she cleans out the wounds on my chest. then placing bandages over the first open wound. She gets a sexy look in her eyes as she softly kisses the wound, making my heart skip a beat because I'm loving her gentle touch. My gaze is latched onto her lips as I watch her place another bandaid on another open wound. I watch her lips pucker up as she gently kisses the wound a little farther down my chest. She places another bandaid on the open wound that's in the middle of my stomach. My heart starts to race at what I think is coming next. She gently pushes me back so I'm laying down on her bed. I swallow the lump in my throat not knowing what to do with this situation or if I should just let her take over doing what she wants with me.. well that does sound sexy. Lilly locks me into a lust filled gaze as I watch her bend over the top of me, kissing my lower stomach so sensually. I know I'm getting hard at the little bit of contact she is giving me which scares me. I don't know if I should tell her I'm scared or not. She looks up at me with those breathtaking eyes as she undoes my button making my heart beat so rapidly in my chest. I want this so bad with her but I don't know what I'm doing and I don't want to disappoint her with my lack of skills in the bedroom. I can't seem to tear my eyes from her as I watch her kiss the open spot from unbottining my pants. We are brought out of our sexy moment by a knock at her front door. Lilly gets up abruptly leaving me in the room.. but what if it's Jaxon coming back to start more s**t with her. I have to tuck in my boner so it's not too noticeable as I rebutton my pants. Once I get my pants together I hear a familure voice sounding through her apartment.
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