Chapter 9 What Team?

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Garrett's POV I stretch my arms and legs out in bed helping me wake up as I groan so loudly in pain. I'm so sore all over, but mostly my ribs. I grunt as I try to sit up in bed.. This is not the way I thought I would be waking up.. Maybe I should take a shower to help myself feel at least a little better. I slowly get all the way out of bed, across the room and into the bathroom.. It takes the shower a minute to heat up, before I can jump in. The hot water really helps my whole aching body feel better, so I sit under the hot water until it starts to turn cold.. So I guess a long time. I get out and have to slowly get ready, because drastic movements hurt way worse with my aching body. It takes me a little while and I finally get dressed and ready to head over to Lilly's place. At the risk of sounding crazy I miss her and want to see her again. I get out into the main room and my mother is getting ready to leave for work. She glances up at me as she smiles and asks, "How are you feeling?" I groan showing her how good it feels as I respond, "I'm so sore." She smiles and nods retorting, "That's what happens when you decide to be the knight in shining armor, defending you and your lady.. I'm proud of you even though I don't condone all this fighting.. I do understand why. Is that where your headed? To see her?" She asks as I smile and nod. "Alright have fun, but not too much I don't know if I'm old enough to be a grandma just yet." She says playfully wiggling her eyebrows at me. I groan putting my hand to my head responding, "Mom I'm still a virgin." "Not for long.. go get her tiger!" She says even more humorously making me blush and shake my head at her assumption that probably isn't wrong but I don't want to talk about it with my mother, no matter how accurate she is. She laughs louder as she states as if it just matter of fact, "Welp you didn't deny it so I'm assuming yes! Have fun, lots of fun.. because I change my mind I like the idea of grandkids actually.." She says to me as I scoff and say, "Mom we are not even officially dating or anything... you interrupted and c**k blocked that." I say with humor to her as she laughs and says, "I know I'm sorry honey, I do feel bad about all that.. I was just so worried about you!" "It's fine Mom, I'm going to ask her to be my lady today and see what happens.. Just keep your fingers crossed for me." I explain to her as she crosses her fingers on both hands for me. I shake my head chucking at her as I say, "Thanks mom love you too. Have a good day at work and I'll see you later.." She blows me a kiss as I take what need and leave to walk over to Lilly's place, she doesn't live far from me at all, since she moved into this apartment building across the park from me. I slowly trek across the open land and to the side of her building. Right as I'm passing her window I can see that it's broken. I quietly pass by the window and I think I hear Jaxon's voice. Lilly is the one to confirm my suspicions of who did this. "Please just go Jaxon.. I don't want to have a problem with you I really don't because I love you and I won't deny it.. but please don't make this a bad messy ending for us.. I don't want to have to call the cops, but if you keep this s**t up.. I'm going to have to get them involved.. This is just toxic for the both of us Jax.. please." I hear her begging him as I sneak to the front door and just open it because there is no way to sneak into this place. "Good to see you Garrett I was wondering when you would show up. Late to the party as usual.. You here to save your girlfriend?" Jaxon spats at me from across the room. "Um.. she isn't my girlfriend.. yet." I say back as I hear from inside her room, "Gary?! Be careful." She says with so much concern for me. "Yea you want to be careful when coming near a guy that's too much for you to handle." Jaxon says pulling a butterfly knife out, flipping it up down and all around until it's out and pointed right at me. "Oh, so you're not official yet huh? I guess that's good for Lilly.. but I still think you need to tell him out of respect Cupcake.. right?? Come here Garrett.." He demands as I inch across the room, closer to Jaxon. When I get to the doorway to the bedroom I can see Lillith laying on her bed with her foot bandaged up and just in a towel. "Oh come on Lilly if you don't tell him I will." Jaxon says with a malicious tone in his voice as Lilly looks guilty but clears her throat gaining my attention. "So I was taking a shower and heard a crash.. I turned off the shower and when I came out I saw nothing.. but a piece of glass caught my attention so when I walked over to it I cut my foot on a hidden piece of glass.. come to find out it was Jaxon who broke my window and got into my place and then hid.. who knows where.." She says as Jaxon elbows me and says, "Pay attention to this, it's the good part of the story." Lilly groans as she says, "Then Stevie came over to apologize for last night, but saw my foot bleeding, so she picked me up and took me into the room helping wrap up my foot... She took advantage of our close proximity and kissed me then did more and I told her to stop but she said she was giving me something to think about before I pick who I want to be with." She says quickly getting to the ending of the story as Jaxon groans at this. "Cupcake you skipped over the best part.. Stevie just attacked her tempting body with her fingers and lips making her moan so loudly.. and c*m so hard. But she kept telling her no and to stop in Lilly's defense.. but Stevie didn't stop because she could tell how much Lilly was loving her intoxicating touch, no matter how many times she told her to stop in between all the moaning. The most arousing part was her trying to fight her natural urges with Stevie, but it was too much to resist. It was sexy to watch, women know what women like.. you know what I'm sayin. Look I took pictures!" Jaxon says with so much excitement, pulling out his phone showing multiple pictures of Lilly and Stevie. I can feel myself getting jealous and mad at the thought of her being with someone else after last night between us.. but we weren't together and I need to keep telling myself that.. and he did say she kept telling her to stop. But I'm sure if she really wanted it to stop she could have stopped it.. I don't know how to feel, but hurt is a little evident for myself, if I'm being honest. As bad as it may sound though, the pictures he took look so erotic in their personal moment together that it's looks completely tantalizing.. which is sexy to say the least.. With the erotic look on Lilly's face feeling so good, I will never get that out of my head, so I'm just keeping that mental image for later. I look over at Lillith as she looks so guilty and hurt.. She is not denying anything just knowing she can't take any of this back.. I bet she is feeling bad. She can't even look me in the eye. "So tell me Garrett how are you feeling hearing how our lady had s****l relations, practically cheating on you with a woman? And obviously loving every second of it." Jaxon asks sarcastically, I think just getting a kick out of thinking he is hurting us, ruining it before it even starts.. but it will take more than this to ruin anything we have. "Well she is single.. She can do what she wants when she is single.. She also never knows until she tries something new, figuring out what she likes and doesn't like.. There's nothing wrong with that.. It's ok to try new things Lilly." I say to her as she looks up at me with those hurt eyes as she nods. I think she really feels bad but I don't want her to feel bad. Maybe she could have really stopped it, but maybe she didn't want to because she liked it.. That's OK she never knows until she tries.. It's a sexy thought to think about anyways.. but hopefully she will still give me a chance. "Oh look at you being such a good understanding guy to her.. No wonder you love him.. Oh that is right.. I have known about your feelings for him for a long time Cupcake.. Everytime you would talk to me about him your eyes would light up, they never did that for me.. and everytime I questioned it, you would tell me over and over again how it never would happen for you two looking almost heart broken.. I honestly didn't know if you were trying to convince me or yourself that you didn't love him." Jaxon says so mockingly to Lilly as she just stares at him not responding back. I watch her jaw clench not denying one bit of his statement which honestly makes me happy.. I didn't realize how much she felt for me and for how long.. that everyone else noticed but me.. I kinda feel stupid after realizing that sentiment. "So Lilly I think we are all anxious to hear which team your picking? Team Stevie, Team Jaxon or Team douchebag over here." He says pointing at me. Lilly looks shocked but says to us both, "You know who I'm going to choose.. was there ever any competition? Yes Stevie is sweet and knows how to make me feel amazing for sure I won't deny it.. but I don't think that life is for me.. So please stop making this worse than what it has to be Jaxon." She says crossing her arms over her towel covered chest. "Really? You're going to choose douchebag over me? Welp I can't say I'm suprised because I don't think you ever gave us a real chance because you always loved him." Jaxon says spitefully as my gaze locks with Lilly's. "You might be right about that Jax.. but you never gave us a real chance either by f*#king other girls. So it's really the coffee calling the kettle black at this point." She spats back as he shrugs his shoulders then grabs the back of my head and slamming it into the doorframe making Lilly gasp. I groan in pain grabbing for my forehead because I have gotten more bruises created and blood shed in the last day then ever in my life and to say I'm tired of the pain is an understatement. "You're going to regret this choice Lilly.. but I bet you will be back, so when you figure out what a bad decision it was for yourself to choose him.. and you decide you want a real man, just tell me and I'm there.. Oh and for you douchebag, watch your back." He spats, shoulder checking me as he storms out of the place slamming the door behind him. I make my way across the room quickly. I sit down on the bed next to her. She reaches over touching my head, checking out if any real damage is done."Are you ok Gary?" She asks me with so much worry evident on her face for me. "Yea I'm fine I swear.. just very sore today for sure.. but you know I would do anything for you so I'll do this all day to insure your safe." I say to her as her hand trails from my forehead to my cheek staring up at me with so much love. "You're too sweet to me." She says shyly looking away. I clear my throat gaining her attention again, "Lilly are you ok?" I ask with so much concern in my voice for her because I wasn't the only one who got hurt in this situation. She looks up at me sadly confessing, "I'm sorry.. I swear I told her to stop but I won't lie to you either.. it felt amazing, she really knew what she was doing, but I still feel awful about it like I cheated or something.. I know we weren't officially together or anything but that's something that I have wanted for a while.. So I hope I didn't f*#k up my only chance.. because I would understand if you were mad at me." "I won't lie to you either Lilly.. When he first said it I was pretty jealous and even mad, but I understand you probably needed this for yourself to at least try it to figure out for yourself what you like or don't like.. and when he showed me the pictures.. honestly.. they were so sexy.. It's hard to stay mad about that. I will have that mental picture in my brain until the day I die.." I say biting my lip thinking about that mental image as she scoffs, playfully slapping my chest and says sarcastically. "Of course you would like it because it's girl on girl picture.. every guy likes that.." I humm at that before I state, "Yes that's part of the reason why, but I'm going to be completely honest with you. It's mostly because of the look on your face. That look of ecstasy is sexy as hell." I say as she smiles then leaning in, making it so I can feel her breath fanning on my lips causing my heart to skip a beat as she whispers to me . "I bet you could put that look onto my face." My breathe hitches, getting caught in my throat at that comment.. "I.. um.. I don't know.. you know I'm still a virgin Lilly.. I don't know if I can.. I'm just nervous because I don't know what I'm doing.. honestly." I stutter through my thought, spilling my feelings to her because she is still my best friend and I don't want to lie.. or make a huge fool out of myself by trying to be something I'm not. She would probably see straight through that anyways.. but I might have just looked foolish by spilling my feelings to her like this.. Dammit.. It's a damned if I do and damned if I don't situation. Her hand goes to my chest, "Oh don't worry I'll take good care of you.." She purrs to me as I suck in a sharp breathe.. She smirks then continues.. "I'm ready whenever you are. Just when you're ready, it's not a rush I just wanted to see you get nervously turned on and I have to say it was worth it." "You shouldn't tease me like that or I might have to attack your body right now." I say playfully as I take her injured foot into my hand. She purrs out to me calling my bluff in close proximity, "You can't threaten me with a good time." My mouth drops open as I try to think of something to retort back with.. but that was sexy and I have a blank head right now because of that unexpected comment.. All I can hear is my heart beating out of my chest, it's so loud I bet she can even hear it.. I clear my throat and trying to change the subject.."Um.. How is your foot feeling?" "Ugh it hurts honestly.. she had to dig out two chunks of glass that got caught in the wound besides the big one that cut it initially.. but be careful I never got the chance to clean the glass up over there.. You know because of everything that happened." She replies pretty quickly. I nod as my gaze trails from her little foot that's in my hands and up her exposed leg to the bottom of the towel that's barely covering her. "Garrett? Can you please help me up, you know.. when your done checking me out." She asks playfully. I scoff as I retort, "I was just making sure you didn't have anymore know from the glass.. but maybe you should stop looking so good and my gaze wouldn't wander as far." I state as she smirks biting her bottom lip making me wish I was the one doing the biting. I stand up from the bed, then extending my hand to her as she willing takes it and standing with my help. She puts her foot down then hissing in pain lifting that foot up instantly, almost falling. I quickly wrap my arms around her, holding her up and at my side to steady her. I watch her look around and up at me with a cheeky smile on her face. I look at our hold and in the quick movements I somehow got my arm hooked around her frame but under the towel. I blush slightly as I say softly, "Sorry Lilly." Smirking up at me she replies, "Why? I'm not sorry." She reaches up and undoes her towel and it just drops to the floor exposing every naked bit of her, still I'm my arms. I can feel the nervousness hitting me like a brick wall. My breath is taken by this gorgeous sight alone. "Lilly." I croak out in a turned on husky tone. She smirks up at me again, "What Gary? I just needed to get dressed and you're just helping me right?" She says so innocently but her eyes are telling me a different story, with different intentions. I nod not knowing what to say to her, mostly because I can't think about anything but her naked body.. I have seen her almost naked so many times but I have never actually seen her naked or this up close to me. No matter if I had seen her naked before like this, this is different because of how we are both feeling and expressing about each other. "You can play innocent all you want but you know this is different than just me helping you out." I state to her as she shrugs her shoulders retorting, "Is it different for you? Because for me it's not. I always got undressed in front of you for a reason." "God your making this so hard to resist." I purr back to her as she giggles and presses herself against me more. "Maybe I don't think you should be resisting.. maybe you should just learn to relax, not think too much and give into the moment.. one of these times at least.. because it might be the best moment of your life. Or a very memorable one at that." She says using me as a brace as she hops to her closet on one foot making everything bounce almost hypnotizing me to stay right by her side. She reaches in and grabbing a dress that's on a hanger, but as she lifts it she bumps something off of the shelf above it and onto the ground. She pulls the dress over her naked body and it doesn't go unnoticed by me that she didn't put any underwear or bra on either. I reach down and grab whatever fell. I pick up this make-shift necklace that I made her the first day we met, fixing her broken necklace.. I just figured she would take it home and lose it or replace the string on it.. something.. My mouth drops open. "You still have this?!" I ask her as she shyly nods saying, "Yes that was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me and in that moment I knew I liked you, but of course I never knew what my feelings meant, but just knew I had them, for you.. I just couldn't take the chance of loosing something as special as that, so I left it with my things at home to make sure it stayed safe and sound." I smile reminiscing of that special day not only for me but her as well, which is a different type of comforting. Once she is done getting dressed I swoop her up into my arms as she quickly wraps her arms around my neck squealing. I carry her across the room and back to her bed sitting her down gently so she doesn't hurt herself anymore. I get down on my knees without hesitation, picking up the last pieces of glass that I can see and even vacuuming to make sure I got it all so she doesn't cut her foot again. I patch up her window for her as well until we can get it fixed, taking care of the last little bits of things for her..
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