Chapter 10 Rain Storm Fun

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Lillith's POV I feel a little shameless with myself lately honestly.. Since I found out that Garrett loves me like I love him, I can't stop from throwing myself at him. I just can't help but crave his intoxicating touch, he always smells so good, he is so sweet, he has the most gentle strong arms I have ever encountered and after last night I know his kiss is just as amazing as I remembered. I just can't seem to quench my thirst for him just wanting more, I'm addicted and need more. I also love the effect I can tell that I'm having on him by my comments or the way he looks at me it's so infatuating for me just to see that look, so now it has turned into a new personal game for myself. I love the feeling of being wanted, adored and needed. He always made me feel wanted but with our new found feelings it has added a whole new world of all of those feelings which is completely intoxicating. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like Garrett and I match on how we feel for most things.. he is my other half and always has been since the day I met him and there is no one I would rather have by my side. I'm just happy we both feel the same, I always told myself that he never tried anything with me over the years because he didn't like me like that.. So this is a very pleasant suprise and I want to ride that big wave for as long as I can because I don't know if he will feel like this forever. I'm not being pessimistic just being realistic and honest with myself. So I decide to just enjoy the view before me.. I watch him cleaning the glass off of my floor and fixing my window bent over almost the whole time as his arm and back muscles flex and unflex in an hypnotizing way underneath his clothing.. but just enough to tempt me into more dirty thoughts than I probably shouldn't be thinking about him at the moment at least. Luckily for me he is a sweet thoughtful man, going out of his way for me so I will be respectful and admire his handsome features from afar, trying to stay out of the way. He finishes up by vacuuming then putting it away as he says to me, "I don't know how I feel about you staying here alone Lilly especially with your ex breaking in.. this isn't safe.. maybe I should just change your locks for you and actually fix this window before I go home." He says practically to himself as I smile big before suggesting. "Or.." Gaining his attention as I finish my statement, "Or.. you could just stay the night with me." I say without hesitation because I want to rock his world, I think that would make us both feel so much better, relieving that stress. His gaze locks with mine almost instantly as he swallows the lump in his throat. "You would want me to stay with you? Tonight?" He asks nervously. "Of course who better to help protect me than you and you can stay as long as you want. I don't mind at all.. You're the best company I could have asked for.. just because you do know I love you, doesn't mean I don't enjoy your regular company anymore. How many times have you stayed with me before and it was fine? Don't think too much into it Garbear. Just relax go with the flow." I say to him as his face blushes and he nods. "Sorry I'm not trying to think too much into anything.. Knowing how we feel about each other hasn't changed anything with us, except probably being more open with the s****l tension between us." Garrett says to me as I smile and nod before responding, "Well I could take care of that for you." I say winking at him. He lets out a deep breathe saying, "See, just like that.. how am I suppose to control myself around you sounding so sexy." I giggle and let out a deep breathe in almost defeat before responding. "I'm sorry I'll stop.. I'm sorry.. wanna go smoke with me? Helping take your mind off of what you want to do with my body?" I smile big as he lets out another deep breathe while shaking his head and grinning at me.. He whips me up into his strong arms quickly as if I weigh nothing making me feel so small, which is how every girl likes to feel. I'm not small by any means, well except for height, so actions like this make me feel dainty and lady-like. I stare at his gorgeous features like I always do just admiring this beautiful perfect sculpture of a man.. His strong jawline is probably one of my favorite features of his so I touch his jawline softly making him grin under my gentle touch. He glances at me from the side, making me smile slightly back at him. He walks us through my place and out onto my tiny patio. I of course have a couple chairs out there to sit on and enjoy the outside as much as we can.. Today is really cloudy, covering the whole sky with dark gray clouds and looks as if it might start to rain any minute. But that's not a bother to me.. We have a cover over us and I love the rain anyways.. It will always be my favorite type of weather because I love the smell of rain partnered with the calming sounds. The smell of rain hits our noses from all the moisture in the air before it has even started. Garrett bends down and sitting me in my favorite chair and he takes the other one like we always do. Except this time he pulls my legs up, sitting them on his lap. I can't help but smile at this small gesture. I grab my joint, lighting the one end and sucking until the cherry really heats up, getting started so I take one more hit then passing it over to Garrett. I feel his hand trail over my feet gently sending chills up my legs causing goosebumps. I watch him take a hit in and holding it until he blows his hit in the air. This sight alone makes me want to kiss those plump lips. I watch him take another hit with one hand as his other hand keeps rubbing across the top of my legs. He passes the joint back to me as I take another hit holding it in then closing my eyes, just trying to relax my.. oh so horny nerves. I blow out the hit as I take another one in. I hold it as I open my eyes and pass the joint back to him. He takes it still staring at me as he hits the joint. "Penny for your thoughts?" I ask curiously wanting to know what that look means. He blows out his hit then takes another and passing the joint back to me. I watch him blow out his second hit of smoke as he states. "You're just so beautiful.. It's nice to say that and you know what I mean now.. before when I would say things like that to you, you would just take it as a friend thing even though that's not how I meant it.. ever.. So it's nice to be able to say what I mean and you understand what I'm saying.. or how I am saying it." He explains to me as I smile and nod understanding. I scoot my chair closer to him as I say, "I need to tell you something Gary... I just want to apologize to you... I'm sorry for coming off way way too strong. I know I have been completely intimidating for you and I never want to overwhelm you at all.. I'm just excited because of the same thing.. that I can finally tell you how I feel and I won't bother you." "Well it is bothering me but in a different way, a good way. But it's ok you're not coming off too strong this is what I had wanted for so long it's just nerve-racking because I wanted this for so long and now the time has come.. I feel like I'm getting a suprise test at school that I never studied for.. I'm just nervous and hoping I can pass this test so I don't fail the class.. you know what I'm saying? I just want to do all this right." He explains to me as I nod again. "Ok I get that, but I'm sure everything will work out the way it was always meant to.. and with you, everything has just been perfect.. Not the way we expected or planned ever, but always together and that's what has meant the most to me.." I say encouragingly to him making him smile big as he blurts out of nowhere. "Lilly will you be my girlfriend?!" I giggle at that as he blushes in embaressment then saying. "I'm sorry I was nervous and I just kind of yelled that question at you.. sorry." I wave that off as I say, "I think your nervousness is adorable and makes everything seem so much more special, even though we literally know everything about each other since we have done everything together anyways.. but of course I will be your girlfriend, how could I ever say no to you?" He smiles at me as we hear a boom of thunder and a crash of lightning, then out of the dark clouds comes the rain we anticipated.. I knew this was going to happen. I take another hit of the joint as I pass it back to Garrett. "So I just have to say once more.. Because after everything I don't think I can tell you enough. Just.. thank you, for everything you have done for me the past couple days.. you have done so much that has given you so many wounds and I can't help but feel bad.. but I'm so greatful you were there too.. so thank you.. I never knew my ex would go so crazy after I dumped him.. I thought he would be greatful so he could date all the women he wanted and here he is breaking into my place just to see me.. it's crazy.. but thank you.. You're absolutely amazing. I don't know many guys who would stick around after something like that." I say so honestly to him. I feel his hand moving on my leg again as he says, "I would probably go crazy without you in my life too, so I don't know if I can judge that he is going crazy.. I didn't have you around for one day and that killed me.. I'm just glad I was there to help but if we are throwing everything out there, I do have to say I'm sorry for not telling you about Jaxon.. I really thought it was a better idea for him to tell you and not me. I was just trying to be respectful of both of you.. I felt like I would be overstepping by involving myself into your relationship but I gave him a deadline and told him that if he didn't tell you by the end of Saturday I was going to.. and you found out then.. but I'm still sorry." "It's not your fault Gary.. I just thought you were taking his side, by not telling me.. like guy code or something.. but thank you for always being so respectful of me." I say as we hear another boom of thunder sounding louder than before. I love the sound of rain and the feelings it brings me, with the cool air that fills my lungs as one of my favorite scents in this whole world. Garrett's POV I watch Lilly lean back into her chair, closing her eyes just relaxing in this calming rainy scene. We have always loved the rain, so anytime there is a storm coming we always go hang out by it just enjoying the downpour. Since we both started smoking weed a couple years ago, this has become tradition of smoking by the rain. It's the best relaxation right now. I watch her sit back more almost melting into the chair, looking so relaxed. This action makes it so her dress drapes off of the chair and down the side exposing most of her thighs.. but of course stopping at the best part. I can't help but rub over the top of her legs and I can tell it's relaxing her more, so I just continue to caress her soft skin. We sit in this amazing comfortable silence until we hear a squeak. I look around and with the dark downpour I can't see what is causing the squeak.. We hear a boom of thunder once more, accompanied by another squeak.. then I hear the squeaking again. I know it's not just me because Lilly is looking around now. She pulls her legs off of mine instantly. Without hesitation she gets up, limping out into the rain with no shoes on. I jump up without missing a beat, going after her. "Lilly what are you doing?" I watch Lilly start climbing this tree right by her place. "Lilly what are you doing? This isn't safe your going to get hurt." I yell up at her as the rain starts to fall way harder to the point that I'm soaking wet now. She gets higher into the tree and I can't help but enjoy the view because I forgot she has no underwear on. With gaining height pretty quickly, close to 15 feet high now, she puts her foot up and it slips off as she grips the branch as tight as she can. I move quickly under the tree prepared to try to catch her in case she falls. She hangs there for a moment until she pulls herself up swinging her legs up then around the branch.. at this point the dress is all the way open. I bet she is getting scratched up, I'll willingly volunteer to help her tend to her wounds. She gets back on top of the branch and scoots herself over as I watch her reach for something. It's small and black.. I think it might be a cat. She slips only slightly but catches herself and reaches once more. I can hear her cooing the kitten as she is finally able to reach it. She grabs it with one hand as she slips, but only has one arm available so grabs on as tight as she can to the branch. "Gary!" She yells down to me."Drop baby I got you." I yell up as she drops right onto me, she is soaking wet and slippery since most of her skin is exposed so I struggle getting hold of her, but continue to try and we both fall and roll together in the soaking wet grass, sliding in the mud puddle. I look down now hovering over her. She bursts out laughing making me chuckle with her at our disgustingly muddy state. Who knew I was going to be mud wrestling my new girlfriend the first day we started dating? Not me. I look down in between our chests and it's a little black kitten meowing, looking pretty comfortable not looking remotely bothered, being blocked from the rain and warm between the two of us. I smile back up at Lilly, she has a beautiful look in her eyes that make her big doe orbs sparkle staring right at me. Her eyes have always been breathtaking, but this is something entirely different with the whole scene of rain storm around us adding to the moment.. this whole moment is stunningly mesmerizing. I lean down, pressing my lips to hers, kissing her softly. Of course not trying to lean too much into her because of the kitten between us.. but I have to kiss her, she looking to beautiful in this moment not to. The hunger in the kiss builds up quickly as I feel her hand trail up my shirt with her leg lifting up. Before I really know what I am doing, my hand that somehow has a mind of it's own, trails on the outside of her thigh and up her soaking wet dress. We kiss for a heat filled moment as we hear meowing from the kitten. We break that intense kiss to check in on the kitten. He still looks fine but I catch the hint as I sit up and help her up. I take her hand and lead us into her place. We are soaking wet, dripping everywhere. She sets the cat down stripping her dress off, throwing it into the sink I follow suit stripping off my soaking wet clothes throwing them into the sink as well.. everything but my boxer briefs. I watch her clean the cat at the sink in just her birthday suit. I intently observe each drop of dirt roll down her legs making me wish I was that mud. I can't take my eyes off of her and I think she can tell by the smirk that seems to have appeared across her face. She cleans up the kitten quickly then bundling it up in a towel, giving it a small bowl of milk because that kitten is skin and bones so it needs something to help nourish it. After drinking some milk, we watch the kitten bundle up and falling asleep in the nice dry towel. I feel Lilly's hand around mine, gripping it tight as she pulls me behind her to the bathroom. She turns on the shower as she bends down and takes the bandages and wrapping off of her foot to get the wound as clean as possible after that little adventure.
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