Chapter 5 Night Shift

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Garrett's POV I watch Lillith close her door, with her behind it.. hearing it lock makes me so sad. I was hoping to talk to her, but she's still mad at me, I can't blame her, so I will just deal with it until I can figure something out to make this up to her.. but at the risk of sounding awful, as bad as it may sound, she is so sexy looking mad, half way naked and soaking wet telling me how it is.. I was having a hard time concentrating.. so I guess I kind of needed her to shut the door.. but I didn't solve my problem at all. I let out a deep breath as I hear my phone ding. I open it up, as I read Lilly's message and that makes me smile. I can tell she feels bad but is still mad at me. This at least let's me know we're still ok. I didn't know how she would feel today about me, after the alcohol wore off.. So that's reassurance that everything is going to be ok with us eventually. I turn, walking around her place to head back to my house since I walked here. I pass her window as I see something move in my peripherals. I automatically look out of instinct and see Lilly drop her towel, drying her hair with it. I look from her little barbie feet, up her curvy calves and to her voluptuous thighs and hips. I stare at her bubble butt that's one of my favorite features of hers. I gawk loving every last inch of her.. I don't know how she has confidence issues when she looks so good all the time even without trying. "Hmmm.. look who seems to actually have feelings for his bestie even though she told me a million times that you never tried anything or wanted anything with her.. Even when she tried to have something with you. I don't know how that statement is true with that look in your eyes for her." I hear this from besides me gaining all my attention. It's Jaxon glaring daggers at me. I roll my eyes and groaning before responding. "It's none of your business how I feel about her.. but so what if I do like her and have liked her forever.. It's not like it should matter to you anymore.. She is done with you." I spat back at him as he swings hitting me in the stomach without hesitation. I hunch over groaning and gasping for air as I feel him get close to my ear spatting back, "You don't have Lilly to protect you against me anymore.. and it's my concern if you have feelings or not for her, because she is mine and I will have her again.. There is nothing you can do about it but if you do try to do something about it, there will hell for you to pay. Stay away from Lilly." He knees me in the face and all I can feel is pain and blood running down my face. I grab my nose as Jaxon laughs stating back to me. "Stay the f*#k away from my girl, or I will give you the beating I have been wanting to, but held back from executing for 2 years because of that beauty." I watch him glance uo at the window before walking away from me, into the trees and out of my line of sight. I groan getting up and trekking the rest of the way back to my house. I get in and I'm greeted by my concerned mother since I'm still holding my bleeding nose. "Gary what happened?" She says to me as she grabs an ice bag wrapping it in a rag then pressing it to my bleeding nose. I groan in pain from the contact just trying to not let any tears fall from the sensitivity of that area right now. "I met up with Jaxon, Lilly's now ex-boyfriend and he told me to stay away from Lilly because he knows I like her.. he said if I don't stay away there will be hell to pay." I say to her as she scoffs and asks, "You're not going to back down are you?! I mimic her scoff and say, "if I backed down at the first guy that threatened me with Lilly I would have been gone a long time ago." I state back to her as as smiles and claps saying, "That's my boy! As a man, in difficult life changing situations, you are going to have to make a decision on if you should step up or step down and I think this that point where you need to step up, taking what's yours and what you deserve.. you can't let that asshole take her back." She says with so much pride and determination in her voice making me smile big. "Ok let's go get you fixed up so you can try to look as good as you can for your lady." She takes my hand into hers as she pulls me to the bathroom to help me with my bloody nose. She sits me down so I'm at her eye level, making things easier on her. She looks at my mess of a nose intently touching it here and there.. my mother has been a nurse for a very long time and now she is the nursing director, so she doesn't see as much action as she use to.. but she still knows how to take care of it, if there is any. "Well it's not broken so that's good just a bloody nose.. noses are really sensitive but they don't take too long to heal.. luckily for you." She states cleaning me all up, my face is still red but she helps me look as good as I can to go to work tonight. At least I'm presentable which is all I need right now. I just need to see Lilly to help ease my mind. Lillith's POV I'm all dressed and ready to go for my long night shift at work giving myself a last look over in the mirror before I leave.. I don't look as pale as I did before, which is good since I made sure to do my make-up nice and even my hair.. Luckily I'm feeling so much better after throwing up who knows how many times. I'm feeling better so I just have to match how I'm feeling with how I'm looking. So I dolled myself up, to hopefully really make some good money. Maybe even get hit on to build up my self esteem right now.. I'm a server so there is a good chance of it since I'm looking good, if I do say so myself. I'm not going to let this break up tear me down.. Yea I'm sad about it and wasn't expecting that, but I'm not going to let it ruin my life over the break up either. I'll be fine without Jaxon.. I know I will find someone better for me than him anyways, so I just have to keep my head up and be patient and I'm sure everything will work out eventually. I leave the house walking to work listening to the music in my ear buds from my phone.. I find myself walking to the beat, giving me a momentum filled trek across the town. I get to work walking in as I'm greeted by my nice coworkers with a wave here and a smile there but what really catches my attention is the greeting from my friend Stefanie. "Lilly! It's good to see you I hope your having a great day!" Stefanie says to me as I scoff and reply probably way too honestly, laced with so much sarcasm, " Well if you think a great day consists of getting cheated on so your forced to break up with your man.. then getting so drunk that you throw up all night and into the morning..then also getting lied to by your best friend causing us both to be in a fight.. then yes I am having a great day." The shock is apparent across her face at me being so blunt. You can tell she is thinking about what I said and probably just trying to find something positive to say to make me feel better.. that's what most people do. I walk with Stefanie into the restaurant more as she exclaims to me, "Well since you are having a shitty ass day.. you should come to my place tonight. It's Stevie's birthday so we are throwing her a fun dancing, drinking and beer pong good time." "Yes I need to get out and relax with friends to take my mind off of s**t right now." I respond instantly to her as she smiles big retorting, "Well Stevie will be happy to hear that." "Why would Stevie care if I'm coming or not?" I ask as she gets a bigger smile apparent across her face stating, "She has had a crush on you for a while.. So now that your single, your free game for her." "Stevie has had a crush on me? That's intriguing." I clarify with shock laced in every word. "Lilly doesn't swing that way though." I hear from besides me as I glance over and it's Garrett. But to my suprise, he has a broken nose or just a really f*#ked up one if it's not broken. "Holy F*#k Gary what happened?!" I ask with so much concern in my voice for him until he states.. "Oh it's nothing for you to worry about Lilly. But thanks for your concern.. I swear I'm fine." I scoff and glare at him before retorting, "So you're just not going to tell me about everything now Gary? Ugh.. fine.. Stefanie I would love to go to Stevie's party mostly because she does like me and want me there.. at least someone wants me.. and I just want to feel loved right now." "Lots of people love you and want you Lilly." Garrett responds back so quickly to me as I spat right back. "Well not anyone that I want.. The guys I picked turned me down so why not go to a party where I'm wanted and just have fun seeing where the night leads.. I don't see an issue with that plan." I cross my arms over my chest looking away from Garrett. I hear Stefanie clear her throat and distracting us from our tension once more.. "Ok well I'm happy your going to come Lilly... and Garrett you're more than welcome to join as well tonight if you would like to." "Sure I'll join too.. thanks." He says shocking me now.. he doesn't like to party or drink so I don't know why he would be going. "Ok cool sounds like a fun night.. now let's just get through this shift and we will feel way better once we can get off of work." Stefanie says to us as we nod and I storm off. I can't believe Garrett won't tell me anything about what happened to him.. I hate that he is not telling me stuff.. I don't know what's happening between us, but I'm not liking the secrecy.. we have never had secrets between us that I have known of and I have loved that.. But lately the secrets keep building up with everyone around me and it's making me madder and madder the more secrets I discover. I throw on my apron and put away my purse in the server back room. After clocking in I get a tap on my shoulder. Turning around looking at Stefanie who looks way too empathetic than what she did before. "Um.. Lilly.. you have been requested by a table and they said they don't want anyone but you." Stefanie explains as I shrug and reply quickly. "That's fine I'll take the table.. which one." I say glancing around the room as my eyes meet up with my ex Jaxon and his friends. "You know which one.. I tried sitting them in another girl's section so she would take them and they turned her down and then I tried to take them to help you out.. but they threw a fit and demanded you take them. But if you want me to, I can tell the manager what's going on and I bet he would kick them out for you." Stefanie explains to me as I groan and shake my head. "No it's fine I'll take those j*ckasses.. thanks for trying to help me out Stef." I let out a deep breathe and making my way over to the table that's occupied by the one person I wasn't expecting to see tonight. "Hey Cupcake... I missed your face since this morning.. Come have a seat, you look stressed." Jaxon says patting his lap for me to sit on as his friends chuckle at his statement. I shake my head putting my hands on my hips in disapproval at him.. then groaning as I state as if it's just obvious, "I'm not doing that Jax.. why are you here?" "We were very thirsty and like I said I missed you." He says sweetly to me but I won't be fooled by his fake sweetness. "Oh really? I figured if you were lonely you would just bring one of the other girls you had on the side while dating me.. Who knows how many of those there are." I reply with so much malice in each word so he knows his stupid sweet game isn't working with me. "Well that's over now my love.. I have seen the errors of my ways and I have come to realize I just want you and only you.. and of course a beer." He says smiling his gorgeous smile at me. I shake my head trying to bring myself back to reality.. I'm not going to enjoy his sweet words because I know there is no truth behind it. "I don't believe that for one second.. You're just sad because you got caught.. and I'll go grab you guys some beers." I state walking away abruptly from the table and making my way to the computer to put in some beers for the guys.. I know they are all of age and what they drink since I spent 2 years hanging out with all of them. "Hey you ok?" I hear from besides me at the computer. I glance up and it's Garrett looking so sympathetic at me and I think it's because of Jaxon being here. I look up at him with so much hurt in my eyes as I spat back in response. "No I'm not ok.. not one bit really.. but I don't know why I'm telling you the truth.. maybe I should just pull a page from your book and just not say anything to you.. or better yet I should take a page from that j*ckasses book and just lie.. I hate today and I'm not fine.. not one bit." I say storming away from him to grab grab beers and head back over to their table. I set the drinks down leaning over the table only for a second but Jaxon takes advantage of that second by smacking my ass. I hit away his hand and glaring at him as he puts his hands up in surrender. "So what the f*#k happened to Garrett he looks like shit.." He says almost sarcastically, with his friends smiling mischievously enough. That's weird because he has always hated Gary so I don't know why he cares. "I don't know.. he won't tell me." I say a little sadly as he grins at me and asks curiously. "Are you and your bestie fighting right now?" I roll my eyes at him as I start to walk away not wanting to talk about this. Jaxon grabs my hand and stopping me saying, "Ok ok I'm sorry Cupcake.. How about I make this up to you and we can hang out tonight.. have some fun, relaxing a little." I shake my head and state, "Nope I'm going to a friend's birthday party tonight after work." "Oh Stevie's birthday party? That's where I was going to take you.. So I guess I'll see you there then." He responds quickly as my mouth drops open in shock not knowing what to say. I watch Jaxon grab his wallet out and pull out a bill. He puts the money bill into my hand and saying, "Thanks for the service Cupcake.. I'll see you tonight... keep the change." He kisses my hand that he still has hold of. It's sending chills up my arm at how sweet and gentle he is being.. but I won't let him wiggle his way back into my life. I'm not one of those stupid girls who doesn't get out of that toxic relationship that they need to. I'm not doing that.. So I just try to ignore his charms as best as I can. I nod and quickly respond, "Thanks I'll see you tonight." I take my hand out of his as I turn around and open the bill he put into my hand and it's a 100$ bill. I groan flipping around instantly. I shake my head as I take Jaxon's hand into mine and giving his bill back.. "No Jaxon I can't accept that.. your bill is only like 15$ total." Jaxon's iconic knee melting smile hits his face as he holds my hand, giving me back the bill and softly saying to me. "It's fine Cupcake I want you to have it.. I just wanted to see you smile and try to make your night better for you.. I hope that helps." He kisses my hand once more sending chills up to my spine this time as he willingly let's my hand go before I even have a chance to rip it away. I'm mad at him but I'm not a complete asshole so I softly state, "Thanks Jax." I watch him nod and state, "Anything for you baby." I turn around leaving the table. I cash out their bill keeping the change as requested. I look up because I feel his eyes on me. He winks at me then chugging the rest of his beer. His friends follow suite as they all get up and leave right after they've finished their beers. At least I didn't have to deal with that all night.. That was intoxicating in a different kind of way.. I want to resist him but he is making it harder than I ever thought it would be. He is being the man I fell in love with and not the j*ckass he turned into over time.. I just don't know what to believe anymore.
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