Chapter 6 Party Time

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Lillith's POV After a very long shift, feeling as if time is just slowing down at this point... probably because I was just watching the clock the whole shift. We are finally done and closing the restaurant up. Since there are multiple of us, this place gets cleaned pretty quickly. Everyone makes their way out of work and walking down street because Stefanie doesn't live far away from here at all. We just want to get to the party that's already started to try to relax as much as all of us can, after this long night. I think the anticipation of the fun party after work, made work go by way slower. So I almost just want to run to the party at this point. But I'll restrain my inner alcoholic, just wanting to drink all my feelings away, so I can walk with my friends who invited me to this party, like a civilized human being does. I take in the cool night air just enjoying how good the weather feels out here after a full night of working and topping it off with cleaning in a haste. So I'm just trying to enjoy this calming night air as much as I can before we enter the packed party that we can now hear as we get closer. I can see lights flashing through the windows as the muffled bumps of the bass from the music can be heard from houses down. Everyone's pace quickens to the fun that we can now see, just wanting to be apart of it. Stefanie leads the way as we trek over her lawn and to the front door. She opens the door gaining a lot of attention, but since she is one of the hosts of the house party they cheer at her arrival. Stefanie leads the way through the layers on layers of waves of dancing people. There are so many people crammed into this house that you almost hit a wall of heat just from entering and not even dancing. I follow close to Stefanie so I don't get lost in these waves of gyrating bodies that are mostly taller than me. We make our way over to the drink area to grab some much needed alcohol. "Hey beautiful, happy birthday to me! I didn't know you would be attending!" I hear from behind me as I turn around smiling at a big grinned Stevie. "She is going through a break up and needed some alcohol and dancing to get her through the undeserved pain." Stefanie says to her as I watch Stevie's face light up. "Well I can help with that." She says winking at me as I shyly smile. I can feel my face heating up but I don't know if it's because of the heat surrounding us or my blushing.. maybe both. "Happy birthday Stevie.. I'm sorry if I would have known before my shift, I would have got you something." I say shyly to her as she shakes her head leaning in close to my ear as she says, "Just having you here with me is gift enough for me.. unless you really want to give me a birthday gift. Then I have something in mind." "Sure, what did you have in mind.. I don't think anymore stores are open around here.. but I'll pay for whatever." I say to her shrugging my shoulders as she giggles and retorts, "Here have a shot with me first.. maybe two and then I'll tell you." She hands me a shot so we cheers our shot glasses making a loud ping sound as we quickly throw the shots to the back of our throats.. then she hands me a second one.. then a third. "So what did you want for your birthday?? because I definitely can't drive now. I say to her as she hands me another shot and a drink. She giggles again at my comment saying, "You're so adorable.. it's not anything you can buy me baby." This makes my heart race, because I think I know what she means and I'm honestly nervous. She is beautiful and funny but I don't know if I'm that kind of girl.. but I have never tried either and I'm a firm believer, that you never know until you try something, if you like it or not. "Ok.. then what is it?" I ask biting my bottom lip in nervousness as I watch her eyes stare at my lips before saying, "Come on let's go dance first." I nod as she takes my hand and leading me to the middle of the room in between all the waves of people. Stevie has a hold of my hand as she spins me around taking my hips under her tight grip. She pulls my body into hers and we start almost moving as one. I let the music take over my body as my hips have a mind of their own, rotating, rubbing my ass all over her. I can tell she is liking what I'm doing at least.. So I keep the same motions moving to the all too familure beat of the song. She let's me go as I get a little sad at that thought, was I doing something wrong? Maybe I'm not a very good dancer when I'm drinking.. I have never had anyone say either way if I'm a good or bad dancer. But I'm really getting tired of the rejection one way or another. I keep dancing to myself, just trying to have a good night not worrying about anything else. I close my eyes just enjoying the calming feeling the alcohol has brought me, making me feel so loose and relaxed. That is until I feel eyes on me. I open my eyes and see Jaxon across the room smiling, then winking at me as I shake my head looking away but meeting up with Stevie's gaze and wearing a big ear to ear smile. She has two shots in her hands as she hands me one more. I smile taking the shot with her because I thought she left me, so I didn't expect her to come back. She takes hold of my hips and pulling me into her frame. I'm straddling her leg with mine on both sides of hers. Our bodies move as one like a big wave making it's way through the ocean moving together, rubbing on each other. She is great dancer, willingly convincing my body to attach to hers. You would think I had danced like this with another woman before, with how easily I took to the idea, but this is still the first time.. I'm not hating this idea at all. She is smiling big at me as she pulls me closer into her so there is close to no space between us. She quickly presses her lips to mine. They are soft and plump and she tastes just like the coconut rum we have been taking shots of. Her tongue instantly pushes in between my lips and into my mouth massaging my tongue with hers. I can't help the moan that comes out of my mouth at this tantalizing touch. I can feel her smiling into my lips at the sound of my moan. She breaks our great kiss as she says into my ear. "Thanks for the amazing birthday present. You taste so good.. maybe I can get a second one if you want?" I shyly nod, not hating that idea of another short kiss.. but nervous, I still don't know if this is the life for me no matter how good of a dancer and kisser she is. She takes my hand into hers as she pulls me through the crowds of people, across the room and to a hallway. I start to feel the nerves hit me like a brick wall. I had fun dancing and kissing with her.. and she is pretty, but I don't think this is for me. Garrett's POV I grab a drink taking a look around the room searching all the faces for the one face I want to see and the only reason why I'm here. My gaze pans across the room and locks onto Lilly's. She is smiling thankfully, but dancing with Stevie. Lilly is swaying a lot and you can tell she is drunk and feeling it. She is a great dancer either way, but you can see how much more loose her movements are than normally. She continues to dance as I watch Stevie leave her side thankfully. I don't know if I can compete with someone like her. Stevie is funny, beautiful, a sweet talker and a great dancer. She would be very convincing for anyone, even a girl who had never experienced anything like that before.. Just like Lilly. Stevie walks up to the bar that's right by me grabbing some shots. I look at her curiously as she lifts the shots to my attention and states, "Helping loosen her up, giving me the best chance to get some on my birthday." "Happy birthday.. but you know she has never been with a woman before right?" I say with some protectiveness in my voice. She scoffs and says, "These shots are going to solve that issue. I'll make sure I'm convincing enough for her and that she has a good time." she winks at me as I inquire back. "But what if she doesn't want to? She hasn't done that before and she just got through a break up.. That might not be what she needs right now." Stevie laughs and says, "She just got out of a break up Garrett, the number one thing that makes you feel better is s****l contact and I'll make sure she has fun.. but I'm getting her liquored up so she won't object to me.. It will make my job so much easier. You're not going to make me feel bad about getting birthday fun.. I have been wanting this with her for a while and I'm not missing the one chance I'm getting.. I'm doing everything and anything to get her into bed with me." She says turning around and walking back through the crowds of people towards Lilly. I watch Lilly sway from side to side looking like she is feeling good and at least relaxing which is what I want for her. I watch her open her eyes and quickly turning around, I look in the direction she was looking and see Jaxon smiling at her. I think he can tell that I'm looking at him because his gaze almost instantly connects with mine as he flips me off. I roll my eyes looking back to Lilly. She is dancing with Stevie once again. They are really grinding into each other's bodies looking sexy for sure.. I can't help but be jealous at the fact that she is not dancing like that with me. There is a part of me that hates Stevie right now, wishing I was her.. But no matter how much I want to be Stevie, this whole situation is a sight for sore eyes for sure. I watch Stevie pull Lilly in and quickly kissing her with so much hunger. It is sexy as hell to watch the both of those beautiful women kissing, that I can feel my insides heating up, getting hard almost instantly at that image before me. I'll save that mental image for later for sure. I watch them break the kiss and Lilly looks shocked but not bothered even remotely.. maybe I was worrying too much, just being jealous.. as much as I don't want her to be with anyone else.. maybe she needs this for herself. Stevie is saying something to her as I watch Lilly nod. Stevie takes her hand and starts to pull her through the crowd. I watch her relaxed features turn to shocked ones.. I don't think she knew what she was getting into. She looks like she is trying to figure out what to do now. Stevie pulls her into a hallway as I watch Lilly's head shake at Stevie, stopping her in the hall. Stevie pins her against the wall kissing her. Lilly puts her hands to her shoulders stopping her, then shaking her head. Stevie grabs a bottle of liquor close by as Lilly shakes her head once more at that offer. Stevie doesn't move she starts to kiss her neck, I think trying to convince her otherwise. I watch Lilly shake her head trying to get her off.. I decide it's probably my time to help save her.. I take a step forward as I see Jaxon at Lilly's side in no time at all. He is talking with the both of them as Stevie smiles and nods. Leaning in and kissing Lilly's cheek then backing away leaving the two of them. Jaxon says something to Lilly as she rolls her eyes and nods. He takes her hand into his and pulling her out the front door. I groan to myself hating the fact that he beat me to helping Lilly out.. how does he keep beating me at everything.. dammit. I need to get out there I have a bad feeling. Lillith's POV Jaxon is holding my hand, leading me through the crowd to outside, after saving me from Stevie's seductive hand.. thankfully. I don't think I could have handled that right now.. That's something I would consider some other time just not right now. I stumble here and there pushing through the people, almost tripping, really starting to feel the kick of all the alcohol I consumed so quickly, in such a short span of time. He opens the door for me as I pass through a little nervously. I don't know if I should be giving him the time of day to talk, but he did just save me, so I guess I can give him five minutes. We get outside as I trip, stumbling then falling forward, I'm caught mid air by the strong arms of Jaxon wrapping around me. He holds me firmly underneath him, staring deep into my eyes giving me so many feelings inside.. no matter how much of an asshole he has been cheating on me, I still miss him.. We were together for 2 years how could I not miss him. He slowly lifts me up until I'm comfortably on my feet. Once I'm to my feet, he just stands there not removing his hands or giving us any extra space between us. "Thanks for lying to Stevie for me." I thank him sincerely because I am happy he helped me.. he didn't have to and I know it, so I am thankful. "Yea I could tell you didn't want to go with her even though that kiss was hot to witness." Jaxon says flashing his iconic gorgeous smile at me, then winking to finish it off. I roll my eyes trying to disapprove of his stunning features, looking away retorting, "So what you're just watching me like some creeper?" I ask with an annoyed tone so he knows he is still not off the hook with me. I can feel his thumb moving up and down on my hip that he is still tightly gripped to. "I know we are not together anymore but that doesn't mean I stopped worrying or caring about you.. So yes I was watching you." He says so sweetly making me miss this so much. "Well just stop watching me." I spat back at him looking away trying to stay stern with him.. he won't win me over like this. I watch him shake his head in my peripherals making me grin only slightly. "I won't stop Cupcake. I will respect your feelings of wanting to not be with me.. I understand, I made a horrible mistake and you didn't deserve that.. but I'm not going to stop being protective of you and longing to have you once again." He says closer to me than before as I step back. "Your mistake.. not mine you can just keep LONGING for me from afar, because I'm not falling for this good guy routine of yours.. It's nice to hear you acting like your old self that I fell in love with, but that's all it is.. an act." I say to him as he steps closer to me. "It's not an act, I do miss you and I know I made a huge mistake, you're the only thing that ever felt right in my life and now that your gone I just feel as if there is a huge hole in my heart... Come on Cupcake, you know I can't keep myself from you.. especially when you look so good." He says stepping closer once more, getting rid of any space between us. "You smell so good too." He purrs into my neck as he kisses me in one of my most sensitive spots on my neck. This action sends chills down my spine instantaneously. He knows my spots of sensitivity and once again trying to use it against me.. Even with my relaxed inhibitions I feel myself almost giving in. He kisses up my neck to my ear lobe as I get back to reality. "No stop Jax, please stop trying to tempt me with your nice words and gentle touch.. I told you we are done and I meant it. You can go find one of.. how many ever girls you have had on the side and take care of your urges with them." I state as my hands go to his chest trying to push him away. I feel his grip tighten on my waist as he leans in going against what I'm saying. "Come on Lilly I can tell your liking what I'm doing.. don't deny it." He purrs into my ear sending more chills all over my body. "I don't care how much you can turn me on, I'm not going to do anything with you because we are done. I'm not going to let you hurt me again." I spat at him as he presses himself into me more. So I push back. "Lillith.. come on this is stupid, you know you can't resist me for long.. you know how well I know your body and what you do and do not like.. come on baby stop resisting." He tries to push into me more again which is making me mad now. "Stop Jax. I said no." I demand from him as I see a blur of a fist hitting Jaxon in the face sending him to the ground. I gasp loudly, instinctively covering my mouth in shock. I look at the culprit helping me and it's Garrett. "Gary?" I ask with confusion on my face. "I thought I told you to stay away from Lilly! I'll rebreak that nose for you if the first time didn't sink the thought in!" Jaxon spats at Garrett as my mouth drops open. "Jaxon did that to you?" I ask in shock and guilt at the realization of that thought. Garrett looks over at me then nodding. Jaxon gets up looking like he wants to punch Garrett. So I quickly lunge myself in between the two of them, with my back against Garrett's chest and my hands on Jaxon's chest. "Please don't do this Jax please.." He doesn't listen just keeps pushing against my hands and I keep pushing back. I get louder saying again. "Jax if you care about me at all you will stop this right now please." I beg him staring up at him. He glances down at me then back up at Garrett, then quickly locking his gaze with mine once more. He clears his throat looking at Garrett before spatting back. "You're lucky once again that I love her and that she is here to save you. But she won't always be here.." He looks down to me, grabbing hold of my cheeks, kissing me so posessively before breaking the kiss and saying, "This talk is not over Cupcake." He turns walking away from us and back into the house.
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