Chapter 17 TV Program

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Garrett's POV I sit in the living room with Mr.Miller just trying to concentrate on anything but Lilly and it is a complete utter fail.. I can't stop as the depression hits, I feel myself letting a deep breathe out of my lungs, trying to calm my gyrating heart.. but nothing seems too. I keep opening my phone to view the screen saver which is her picture with me. Everytime I see it and touch the screen lightly, I can't help but want to cry at the wave of overwhelming feelings that hit me hard not knowing if I will ever get her back into my arms or even see her again, no matter how much I want to. I have spent every single day with her, so what the hell am I suppose to do without her..To not hear another one of her corny jokes, or her melodic laugh or see that bright contagious smile again.. I don't know if I can honestly function without her, because I feel absolutely dead inside right now. I hate sitting here trying to relax and she is probably stressing and freaking out. I have never felt so useless in my entire life and I never want to feel like this again, this sucks so much. "It's going to be ok.. she will be ok.. she needs us to stay strong for her now more than ever.. So you need to try to calm your mind. I know that's incredibly hard to do right now, but I know you can try for her at least.. I also know she wouldn't want you stressing yourself out like this, especially over something you can't control, no matter how hard you try." Her father says to me as I groan and nod because I know he is right but that's something that's easier said than done for sure. I just let my mind trail off once more, just staring out the window since now it's starting to get a little darker with the beautiful pink and orange shades covering the once blue sky that still has so many clouds across it. The clouds are illuminating with the bright sunsetting lights behind them making them look like they are a gift sent from the heavens lined in gold. I can hear the channel changing over and over as he is looking for something to watch, until we hear from behind us in a sweet tone. "Ok guys dinner is ready.. earlier than expected because of the extra help, so come get it while it's hot." I watch in my peripherals as Mr.Miller stands but he doesn't leave the room he just stands in front of me. I look up and his hand is extended to me to take. I shake my head as I sit there staring out the window thinking of her of course. I notice he doesn't leave with his hand still extended out to me. "Come on son, you need to eat.. If my Lilly bear found out I was letting you not eat, she would kick my ass. Help a guy out and come get something to eat please." He says to me as I groan knowing he is right about that as well. I reach forward grasping his hand as he pulls me up to my feet and he leads the way out of the living room to the dining room. I follow right behind him as I take a seat at the dining table. My mother grabs my plate filling it for me as she sets the filled plate of steaming hot lasagna in front of me stating, "I know you don't want to eat because you're stressed, but you need to.. and I won't take no for an answer, so just listening to me will make both of our lives way easier." I just decide to not argue because I am hungry from everything that has happened today, so I just quietly eat my food minding my own business. After a little while of just drowning out the voices of the parents who are just talking and joking around with each other. I finally finish my meal and it was very good to say the least. I push my plate forward as we hear Mr.Miller's phone ringing. He grabs it answering right away, "Hello?" as he gets up from the table not trying to be rude to everyone else around. "What channel?!" He asks with panic as she bolts to the living room turning on the TV, he says, "Thank you." And hanging up the phone. "Clarence says Lilly is on the news.. they found her!" He exclaims across the house as we all jump up out of our chairs and running to the front room to see for ourselves. The channel of the TV is on the news, they are showing it from the view of the news helicopter high above.. but before I can process what I'm seeing I hear Mrs.Miller gasping as she grabs her mouth covering it to stifle her cries.. You see Jaxon exit a hotel room with a gun to Lilly's head, keeping the police officers back, as he backs up slowly to the car that hidden under a tree.. He gets in first, then pulling her in behind him. We watch the car take off with only the floating dust left behind.. So the police officers are in tow going down the highway in pursuit. Lillith's POV We are sitting in the hotel room as I hear Jaxon putting on one of my favorite songs and turning it up. This catches my attention as I sit up looking at Jaxon who is rotating his hips and trying to lure me into a fun filled dance with him. I shake my head playfully as he dances closer to me smiling so big. I can help but smile at how contagious his smile is. Jaxon takes my hand into his as he pulls me up off the bed, pressing my body into his with his hand on the small of my back.. So I give in starting to dance with him like I never knew he coukd do. We both sway our hips to the beat as he pulls me closer making sure there is no space between us. He backs up, spinning me, then bringing me back into him. We dance together laughing and spinning as one back and forth, just enjoying this wonderful time as just us.. honestly it is the first time all day I have genuinely smiled and laughed. "I knew this song would make you smile." He purrs into my ear as we continue to sway in each others comforting embrace.. I smile bigger before I respond back in a whisper with his close proximity, "It's not the song that made me smile.. it's you who did that and my favorite song was just a plus. I never knew you were a dancer.. a good one at that." I say playfully back to him as he pulls me closer just hugging me into him as we start to slow down our dancing to the beat of the new song. "I always liked dancing, but you can't dance and look like a bad boy at the same time.. come on.. the guys wouldn't have been scared of me watching me do the salsa. I just kept those things to myself, for my image." He says to me as I reply. "Ok so how is keeping your amazing real self hidden, working for you?" "Not what I wanted at all or even made me happy.. I just did it because it was the only thing I was good at." He retorts as I respond pretty quickly. "That you knew of.. because I love these sides of you that I never knew existed. I like this." He looks down at me still holding me tight as he responds, "I wish I would have been brave enough to not care what people thought about me and just do what I wanted.. Long ago." there is so much sadness in his words that it just makes me wish I could turn back time to help him be the person he wants to be and maybe things would have been different for not just us but everything in his life. "I wish that too." I say softly as he looks down at me with his gorgeous dark eyes that have so much more hiding in the depths, that I wish I could have discovered long ago. "I love you Cupcake." He says to me as he leans down and presses his lips to mine then tightens his grip around my body pulling me in. My arms wrap around his head as my fingers run through his hair pulling him in more making our kiss deeper than before. We kiss for the most amazing moment we have ever had.. at least for myself. "Jaxon. We know your in there with Lillith. Now you just need to surrender and let her go and we will just take you to jail no questions asked." We can hear so loudly from outside the hotel. We break our kiss as we stare with so much worry into each others eyes not knowing what to do next. "I need you to trust me Cupcake.. I need you to trust that I won't hurt you, no matter how it looks ok?" He says into my lips as I just instinctively nod at him, somehow still trusting him after everything. He reaches into the back of his pants under his jacket and pulling out a gun. "Jaxon what are you doing with that!" I say with so much panic as he wraps his one arm around me pulling me close before saying. "You need to trust me, I won't hurt you I swear.. You're my everything.. But I won't take the risk of this place getting shot up with you in it, so we need to get out of here. Now I promise once again that I won't hurt you, just follow my lead." He says as he kisses me again then kicking open the hotel door to outside with one swift move of strength. The sun is starting to go down and you can see the pinks and oranges covering the light sky. Once he gets us out of the hotel room I can see at least a half a dozen officers behind their doors of their cars awaiting for us. I feel the cold metal of the barrel press against my temple making me so nervous as we slowly make our way around the hotel building and back towards the car. I can hear the sound of the car door opening behind us as I'm assuming Jaxon gets in because he pulls me into it right after him. "Ok baby good job now get into the back seat please." Jaxon says as he sets the gun down besides him and starts taking off with a haste to get to the highway. I don't argue at all just taking his advice, as I crawl over to the backseat. The cops are trailing right behind us trying to shoot out the tires of our car, so Jaxon does the same, taking his gun and shooting out some of their tires first try. He turn us around as we start heading down the wrong way of the highway with so many cars coming towards us. "Jaxon what are you doing?! You're going to get us killed!" I yell as I watch him weave in and out of traffic avoiding them all like some sort of video game. "I'm just trying to lose the cops baby. I have been through worse don't worry.. I won't let anything happen to you." He says so casually to me as I hold onto the seats with a death grip, holding on for dear life, just trying to not scream too much. We make it through the most packed part of the highway traffic as one of the cops hits our tire with a bullet. We start to weave and sway as if the car will tip over. Jaxon is steering us with a desperation in his tone as he says. "Hold on baby." I do as instructed, holding on as I feel the car flip over throwing us all around, but luckily we are able to tip back over right side up. I watch as all the cop's cars surround the now wrecked car.. They get out once more, using their car doors as sheilds. "This has gone on long enough Jaxon, you need to let her go.. She doesn't deserve any of this.. So if you really love her, come out on your own by the count of 10 or we will be forced to come over there and get you." the Officer says into the mega phone as I desperately look at Jaxon who is staring at me so sadly. "One.." is heard as Jaxon crawls over the top of the seat into the back with me. "Two.." is heard as Jaxon grabs my face kissing me with so much hunger and love in that one moment. "Three.." He breaks the kiss as he stares deep into my eyes saying with some straining and breaking in his voice. "Cupcake none of this is your fault and I need you to know this.. It was a losing game for myself, you have done nothing wrong, you're amazing and all I have ever wanted and loved.." "Four.." I take his face into my hands as I kiss him again and press my head to his. "No Jaxon please don't do this.. You can go out there with me and go to prison just for a little while.. It will be ok.. Nothing drastic has to happen." I beg him with such a desperation in my voice. "Five.." He shakes his head as he says with a determination in his voice, "I already told you there is no way I want or will be willing to go to prison to be miserable for the rest of my life.. Especially knowing you're moving on being happy. I want you to be happy, so don't get me wrong, but I don't want to watch it happen without me in it... I know you will move on and that's great for you, but you're all I want and I can't have you, so I would rather not push myself into a miserable life without you in it." He says to me as I feel the tears pouring from my eyes not knowing what to say to him to make this better.. Is there anything I can say that would make this better? "Six.." I shake my head at him as I gasp for air trying to not cry hysterically. He wipes my tears away as he tries to calm me down. "Shhhh baby it's ok everything is as I should be.. You will move on from this as a stronger better person like I know you will.. You're amazing like that and You're the best part of my life that I can think of, hence why I had to fight for you, for what I love.. but not every fight is won and I'm ok with that.. I came to terms with this when I took you with me Cupcake.." "Seven.." All I can do is shake my head at him as he purrs into my ear. "I love you so much Cupcake and you will always be my everything and I couldn't be happier that I was able to have my last moments with you by my side " "Eight.." "No Jaxon please don't do this.. Please. " I beg him one last time as he crashes his lips to mine in the most passionate kiss I have ever endured. He breaks it panting. "I love you baby never forget about me, but please move on and don't look.. please don't look." He says as he kisses me one more time. "Nine.." He opens the car door with the gun in his hand, clicking something on the inside of the door then shutting the door behind him.. I quickly try to open it back up but the child locks are on now. I crawl across the seats to the front, as I open the door and watch Jaxon throw me his iconic wink before he says. "Guns a blazing baby.. I love you Cupcake." He shoots once out at no one in particular, but gets filled with bullets at that one act. Hitting him from the front, back and sides. I can't help the blood curdling scream that pushes it's way out from between my lips. I have to duck behind the car door to make sure I don't get hit by any bullets.. I feel the tears pour like an endless waterfall as I press myself up against the door.. when I don't hear any more guns I get up, looking around the door to see the lump that is his lifeless body on the ground.. Without hesitation I run to his side in no time at all. He is coughing up blood that's just covering him and the ground around him, completely just draining from his body. "No No No No Jaxon No!" I say trying adding pressure to his wounds with what's left of his shirt, to try to stop the bleeding, but we both know there is no stopping this. The tears continue to pour down my cheeks as he croaks out, "It's ok Cupcake, I love you." He says to me as I gasp for air and say back, "I love you too Jaxon." I watch him let out his last breath of air as his head rolls to the side and his body goes limp. I waterworks hit me harder than before as I gasp for air touching his lifeless body as if my gentle touch would bring him back. I feel hands touch my shoulders as I jump then shake them off and yell, "He was really good man! That just made a bad decision! He was a good man!" "Mrs.. please just come with us we can get you back to your family." the officers from behind me say as I just sniffle then nod.. Before slowly standing with the help of the officer directly behind me. They cover me with a blanket which sounds dumb I know, but mildly comforting suprisingly enough. They sit me down in the back of the police car shutting the door behind me, as I'm now left in the quiet, just being blocked from all the sounds around me. The silence consumes me breaking my heart once more, making me feel more alone than I have ever felt in my entire life. I take in the sunset that's now almost gone just like my life turning from bright to dark in such a short moment.
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