Chapter 16 Stressing Out

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Garrett's POV I can't get my mind off of Lilly.. I'm so worried about what has happened with her and where she is even at or of she is even taken care of.. but I can only try to hope for the best just because of the sole fact that Jaxon loves and is obsessed with her and hopefully doesn't want to see her get hurt. But It's been hours now... 7 to be exact and I cant stop counting the minutes as they slowly pass by. My mother keeps trying to help calm my nerves but nothing will and she knows it. But she is so sweet to be trying as hard as she is. My phone starts to ring gaining all my attention as I pull the vibrating and singing block out of my pocket. I pick it up quickly not even looking at the screen, "Hello?" "Is this Garrett?" I hear on the other end as my heart starts racing just knowing the voice on the line is that none other than Officer Smith's. "Yes this is him, have you heard anything?" I ask with so much hope in my voice as my heart beats out of my chest anticipation on what news is to come if he is calling me. "Yes we had an older woman call who is a waitress at some diner hours away from here.. she said this young couple came in but the girl had what looked to be burns on her wrists as if she had been tied up.. but that they guy she was with was pampering her trying to make her feel better.. they were nice and polite to her and tipping her well.. the wrists being hurt was the only weird part about all of it.. she didn't realize it was Lillith until later after they had left already and she saw the missing persons on the TV. But she gave us the same description of his car that we already had, so the officers in the area have headed there to check out the cameras to see if it is her and they will let us know. They should be calling back any minute." He says to me as I let out a little nervous breath. "Ok thank you sir for the update." I say to him hearing a beeping over the call as he states back right away. "This is them calling back just hold on one moment, I will just put you on hold and talk with them seeing what they found out.. you know finding out if it is a dead end or not." He explains as he puts me on hold and I just sit there patiently listening to the mundane music playing on the line. I wait for who knows how long because time seems to slow anytime I think about Lilly or the state that she is in.. But luckily I have just been petting Shadow who has been in my lap since I have been sitting on my bed. This action with his soft furr really helps calm my nerves, pets somehow subconsciously help with problems whether they know they are or not.. I hear the music stop as the line gets picked up again. "Garrett? You still there?" He asks as I answer instantly, "Yes sir." "Ok so more information.. it is confirmed that it is Lillith and Jaxon.. they have them on the cameras from inside the diner and outside. We saw him letting her out of the back seat of the car just assuming he has her locked back there.. He has hold of her the whole time but fed her and he did try to take care of her wounds like the waitress indicated in the first place which is good.. I know we still don't know where they are headed but by the camera view we were able to get the license plate number and they saw the direction in which they left from.. We at least know he is taking care of her as much as he can which is stress relieving.. but I'll let you know if we hear anything else.. we are getting sent there by plane now since this is our investigation, so we will be there within the hour." He explains to me as I let out a deep breathe I didn't even know I was holding in. "Thank you sir. Safe travels and please keep me updated." I say to him as he humms and responds quickly, "Will do as I can." He hangs up the call and I jump up, putting Shadow to my shoulders for him to hold on as I bolt out of the spare room we are using at Lilly's parents place. "Sir I just got a call from Officer Smith!" I yell as I quickly descend the stairs to see the family wide eyed and anxious for my news. "Did they find my baby?!" Lilly's mother exclaims with so much hope in her voice as she hops to her feet in front of me. Now I feel bad I was just excited to hear something I didn't mean to get her hopes up now I feel like a d**k. "They don't have her back yet but she was reported to be seen at a little diner hours from here and they confirmed it was her and Jaxon from the cameras.. they even saw which direction they drove in and got the license plate number from the camera view so it's only a matter of time until they find her." I say to them. "So they were at a diner? Were they eating?" her father asks me nervously. I nod vigorously as he lets put a deep breathe. "Ok good at least we know she is not malnourished at all and kind of ok.. for the situation she is in at least. But I was afraid he would be robbing it or something along those lines just endangering her." He says to me as I nod. "I just wanted you to know I heard something." I said to them a little shyly now. "Thank you Garrett for that information but I have something to pick your brain about... so... I hear from my husband and your mother that you and my daughter finally are together after so many years.." She says smiling up at me because she is short just like Lilly is. "Um.. Yes ma'am that is correct." I respond pretty quickly as she steps closer to me and her smile instantly turns to a stern threatening look, her pointer finger makes an appearance as it starts to poke into my chest with authority.. "When we get her back, because I know in my heart we will.. you better take good care of her because she has liked you for so long.. that if you break her heart I will break every bone in your body then chewing you up and spitting you out until there is nothing left of you.. No offense to you guys because I love you both and you're great people, just like family to us.. but this is my baby girl and this is your one and only warning Garrett.. if you know anything about me, you should know how serious I am at the moment." She says with so much warning accompanied by threat as I swallow the big lump in my throat before responding. "I promise I love here more than any of you could know and I have been hoping for this day for a while and I won't waste this chance to be with her, just taking good care of her." I say to her probably way too honestly. "Yea I understand but you don't have to worry about him being a player or anything along those lines.. he is still a virgin." I hear coming from my mother as my mouth drops open in complete utter shock not expecting that.. thanks for the help mom.. I look at her glaring. "Mom! The whole world doesn't need to know that especially my new girlfriend's parents!" I exclaim to her as the parents laugh and I feel my face heating up from embaressment. "It's ok Garrett, I think that's sweet." Lilly's mother says to me sympathetically as Lilly's father pats my back. "So don't just give it away instantly.. make her work for it, you're not easy no matter how good she makes you feel." Her mother says to me too playfully as I scoff and cross my arms as I feel my face heating up more with all this extra attention placed on me. I'm sure at this point my face looks like a tomatoe. "Yeah that's what my lovely Mrs. Miller did to me. She took advantage of me." Her father says to me just as humorously, elbowing me in the side as I groan more. "What? All the other guys were doing it." She says jokingly as all the parents laugh even louder now earning another loud groan from myself go as my hand trails through my hair. just trying to distract myself from this very embaressing talk that I'm somehow in the middle of. "Ok ok ok.. I'm sorry Garrett, I'm just playing around. Trying to lighten up the mood even if it's just for a minute.. I will be starting dinner soon and we will eat, That will help take some of the attention off of you and my daughter." Lilly's mother says to me as I nod. "I'll help you cook if you don't mind an extra hand." My mother says to her as she smiles and nods."Ok so you two gentlemen head into the living room and we will get started with putting together dinner, it will be about an hour until it's done so get comfortable. She says to us as we look at each other and nod heading into the other room to try to relax. But I won't relax until I have her back and in my arms.. then and only then will I feel better. Lillith's POV We are driving away from the tiny little hole in the wall diner after filling up on that great food. We are headed to who knows where, but this time he didn't put the tape back on my wrists once we got back to the car, which I am very grateful for. "Thanks for not putting the tape back on I appriciate that." I say softly to him because I'm not a complete asshole.. all the time at least. "You're welcome Cupcake.. I didn't want you to get hurt worse then you already did from the tape.. But I'm trusting you Lilly, so please don't make me regret it.. because I don't want to have to be the bad guy, but that doesn't mean I won't be." He says back to me not taking his eyes off the road. I think he is not wanting to look me in the eye after that warning. "You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, intentionally at least." I say back over the seat to him as I watch his eyes look up at the my reflection in the rearview mirror, staring at me for a moment, before looking back at the road. "I don't know how you are always so sweet.. I hurt you and kidnapped you and here you are still being nice to me.. You're something else Cupcake." He says to me as I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know if any of that is good, because it kind of sounds bad at the same time.. But no matter what you have done to me, that won't change the fact that you have been in my life for years, having a type of influence on me.. You've been apart of my life, changing me into the person that I am today and nothing will change the effect you have had on me.. good or bad will never change the love that I have for you.. because no matter what happens you still have a spot in my heart." I say to him looking out the window. I watch everything pass by so quickly out the window because of our speed. I have found out in this whole endeavor that no matter how many miles you put between Garrett and I, that I can't help but miss him so much.. feeling so incomplete without him here next to me, holding me.. just being in his presence, has always been calming. I can't stop thinking about him as my mind just seems to run rampant, wondering if he is ok.. hoping he is not too worried or even hating himself at all, because I know he is blaming himself at some point, I just know it.. he always does find some reason to blame himself.. or at least he is always overthinking like he usually does. Even with my parents back home from their trip.. I bet they are freaking out too, what an awful thing to come back home to after such a relaxing trip.. finding out your daughter is missing.. I do hope they are OK too, don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm not worried about them as well.. I just can't ever tear my mind away from Garrett no matter how hard I try. "Are you thinking about him again?" I hear gaining my attention to his present question directed at me.. bringing me back from getting lost in my thoughts once again. I look forward and lock my gaze with his through the rearview mirror once again.. I just nod, not actually wanting to answer him, because I'm afraid it will make him mad or sad and I don't want to add fuel to this burning fire of hate he has for Garrett already. "I was hoping if I put miles between you two that you would only think about me.. I just want you to want me, long for me and crave for me like you do for him." He says so sternly to me as he hits the steering wheel but continues driving.. I groan knowing I have to talk about this right now.. when I was hoping to be able to avoid it for now. "I'm sorry Jaxon.. He has been in my life every single day since I was 6, he is my best friend and I don't know how to be without him.. but just like I said about you. He has a spot in my heart that nothing can replace so you just have to get over it if you want anything with me, because that's not changing.. I'm going to miss him.. I love him.. but I also love and miss my family too and nothing will change that. You had to have known I was going to be sad about leaving everyone, especially so abruptly when I couldn't even say goodbye.. I'm only human and I'm allowed to miss my loved ones." I say to him with longing sadness in my voice as he lets out a deep breathe. "Yes I knew that for sure.. I'm sure you will be seeing them soon anyways.. I heard the missing person on the radio for you and saw it on the TV at the diner but I don't think anyone noticed it but me.. I just wanted you to be happy with me as one last hoorah." He says so sadly to me and I hate seeing him look so sad. "Well if it's any consolation you're the nicest and best looking abductor I have ever had." I say playfully just trying to make him smile, and luckily it worked. I watch a grin appear on his face as he shakes his head at me. "I don't know how you do that." He says under his breathe as I curiously ask. "Do what?" I watch his eyes lock with mine in the rearview mirror again as he says. "You just always make me smile.. I'll never forget that. That's my favorite part about how you make me feel when I'm with you." He says looking back to the road and I can't help but smile at that nice comment. he has never really been so honest and sweet with me and I'm liking this side of him. He starts to pull the car off the highway as I take a look around at the scenery that's slowing down so I can actually see some details of what's around us. "What are we doing over here Jax?" I ask curiously still looking out the window. "So with all the attention you and my car have been getting I think we should stop at a hotel and hide my car.. at least until things cool down in this area and then we can take off again.. but I think the airport is off limits.. Being just out of our range with so many eyes on it and I bet the bus station is the same.. So we will have to get a new car or maybe change the color of mine.. not sure yet." He says to me, so we pull over to this run down hotel as he parks the car behind the building and under the trees trying to hide it as much as he can, in an area he thinks would be a good hiding spot. He opens the door for me and taking me hand into his as he guides me out of the car leading us inside and to the front desk. "Hello one room please on the bottom corner would be nice if possible." He says to the man behind the front desk but pushing me right behind him. I think to hide me to not get more attention than we already have. The guy glances around him and at me slightly as he charges Jaxon for the room and handing him the key. "Thank you." Jaxon says turning around and still pulling me behind him. I can't help but look behind us at the man behind the counter. He just stares at me for a moment.. I can see he is watching the news as he puts his pointer finger flat against his lips gesturing for me to be quiet as he grabs his phone. Then the door shuts behind us, taking me out of the guys view, as Jaxon leads me to the room he paid for.
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